Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C652 She Ran away with Someone Else?

C652 She Ran away with Someone Else?

The lighting in the underground parking lot was quite dim. When it hit Aa Mian's bronze-colored facial features, it seemed as if his entire body had been plated with a layer of metal. Instantly, his three-dimensional facial features became even more profound.    


He repeated again. "You come with me."    


He pulled Wei Qianran into a car in front of them.    


At this time, Secon Young Master Fu's car had already driven over and turned around the corner.    


Aa Mian's car started up and the induction light automatically lit up. He made a turn and almost passed by Secon Young Master Fu's car.    


The two cars crossed each other. The car lights were a little glaring. Aa Mian did not see clearly the person in the car, but Wei Qianran knew about the car. Suddenly, her whole body shivered a little.    


However, he did not know what she was feeling just now. At that moment, she was quiet. She even turned her face away and did not say anything.    


Coming out of the underground parking lot, the light suddenly lit up.    


At this moment, Wei Qianran finally realized what she had done.    


The sound of the seatbelt in the car was still ringing. She turned her head and looked at the man beside her with a determined face. Her voice was a little shaky. "Ah Mr Mian, where are you taking me?"    


"Put on the seatbelt first." Aa Mian said.    


Wei Qianran was still nervous, but she still put on her seatbelt obediently.    


Her palms were covered in sweat. When her gaze landed on Aa Mian, she was still as timid as before.    


His appearance today was somewhat different from his usual impression. Although he also spoke little, at this moment his appearance was inexplicably a little... overbearing.    


At this moment, Secon Young Master Fu had already reached the staircase of Wei Qianran's house. He waited for two minutes and did not see anyone. He was a little impatient, so he took his phone and called Wei Qianran's home landline.    


Wei's mother received the call and heard that it was Secon Young Master Fu. She could not help but be stunned, "Qianran went down five minutes ago."    


"She went down?" Secon Young Master Fu frowned. For some reason, he suddenly thought of the car he had just passed by.    


Could it be that she had encountered some kind of danger and was taken away?    


Or did she run away with someone?    


Just as this thought surfaced in his mind, it was slapped back by Secon Young Master Fu.    


Hehe, although Wei Qianran had a lively personality, in reality, once she encountered something, she would easily panic. She was a very weak little girl.    


He dared to say that Wei Qianran would not be able to do something like escaping from the marriage before she got her certificate.    


Therefore, Secon Young Master Fu went to contact the residential area's property management and started to check the surveillance cameras.    


At the same time, Aa Mian had already brought Wei Qianran onto the bridge.    


At ten o'clock in the morning, it had already passed the peak hour of work, so the road was not congested.    


When they drove to the top of the bridge, Aa Mian suddenly opened his mouth and said, "Qianran, did you bring your household register?"    


Wei Qianran originally came out to collect the certificate, so naturally she nodded her head. "Yes."    


Therefore, Aa Mian did not say anything.    


She looked at him uneasily and clenched the bag in her hand.    


When they got off the bridge, Aa Mian looked at Wei Qianran through the rearview mirror in the car.    


In his memory, the girl beside him always smiled.    


She had a pair of carefree big eyes. When she spoke, the bottom of her eyes were shining.    


She often looked up at him, and there was only his reflection in her clear eyes.    


On the stage, she was elegant and her figure was light. It made him, a person who had not read many books, think of a story. He thought of Feiyan Zhao, who also had a lithe figure.    


However, when he came back from K City yesterday, he only glanced at her from afar and she completely changed her appearance.    


It was as if a butterfly's wings had been broken, and her figure was still the same as before. At that time, it was as if she would collapse at any time.    


He boasted that he was not a soft-hearted person. In all these years, he had followed Gong Lingye to war everywhere. He had seen women who were pitiful, weak, and had a miserable life. It was not that there were none.    


But for some reason, when he returned home and closed his eyes, he thought of Wei Qianran's appearance when she came out of the Fu Hotel.    


Aa Mian took a deep breath and told himself in his heart that his decision today was right.    


The car made a few turns on the road and finally stopped in the parking lot opposite the Civil Affairs Bureau.    


When Aa Mian got down, he took a household register from the car and said to Wei Qianran who had yet to react, "Qianran, get out of the car."    


Wei Qianran blinked her eyes and looked at the Civil Affairs Bureau opposite her. Her face was slightly pale.    


Aa Mian saw that she did not move, so he walked to the front passenger seat and opened the car door.    


Seeing that he was going to help her unbutton the seatbelt, Wei Qianran subconsciously covered it with her hands and her eyes were a little damp. "What do we need to do?"    


"Receive the certificate." Aa Mian was concise and concise.    


Wei Qianran's eyes widened instantly. Only then did she see the household register in Aa Mian's hands.    


She felt her heart violently pounding against her chest at this moment, and then again and again. It was indescribable. It shook her entire body until she felt dizzy.    


She heard her voice exceptionally dry, "Who and who will get the certificate?"    


Aa Mian had already pushed her hand away, unbuckled the seatbelt, and pulled her out. "Me and you."    


Wei Qianran's legs went soft, and the moment she got out of the car, she almost stepped on air.    


To be honest, when she sent Aa Mian those messages and said those words to him, she did indeed hope that he would help her.    


However, she actually never thought about how exactly she wanted to help.    


Even if she thought about it, she just felt that Aa Mian might have some way to take her away from Gong Lingye.    


Perhaps, he could give her some spiritual encouragement, or even say something that he could not bear to part with.    


And now, when she thought that he would not appear, he suddenly appeared and even said that he wanted to get his certificate with her!    


Wei Qianran's body went limp, her head buzzed, and her mind went blank.    


Aa Mian saw that she did not stand up, and instinctively reached out to help her up.    


He held her waist. At this moment, the feeling on his palm was very real, causing him to stop breathing.    


He did not expect that her waist was so thin and so soft!    


There was a slight unnatural expression on her face, but Aa Mian's skin was a healthy bronze color. Therefore, there was nothing unusual about it.    


His hand quickly let go of Wei Qianran's waist, then grabbed her wrist and pulled her towards the opposite side.    


Wei Qianran's mind was still in a trance. She only felt that the place where her wrist was held by Aa Mian was very hot, and every step she took was in the clouds. It was deep and shallow, and she could not find the feeling of stepping on solid ground.    


The two of them went straight to the Civil Affairs Hall. There were not many people who came to collect the certificate today. There were only three or four pairs in front of them.    


Aa Mian took the number and pulled Wei Qianran to the side to sit down.    


It was only until this moment that Wei Qianran looked at the red sign in the hall and slightly recovered her senses.    


She turned her head to look at the man beside her and her heart beat like a drum. "Ah Mr Mian, do we get the certificate now?"    


Aa Mian turned his head and met Wei Qianran's eyes.    


She probably did not sleep well last night. There were traces of red in her eyes. However, when she looked at him, there was only his reflection in her eyes.    


His Adam's apple rolled and he nodded. "Yes."    


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