Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C670 On the Island There Was Only Each Other

C670 On the Island There Was Only Each Other

Luo Tianqi did not expect Lieh Xiaoruan to be on the speedboat. At this moment, the two of them were on the boat. Besides the captain, they were the only ones on the boat. Suddenly, it seemed a little unexpected.    


Perhaps it was because Lieh Xiaoruan fell down earlier, Luo Tianqi did not help her up. So, after she came up, she did not speak to him and just leaned on the boat alone. No one knew what she was thinking.    


At this time, the diving guide came over and said something to the captain. The captain nodded and then rushed to the speedboat. The two people said, "Aren't you two going to play in the water for a while?"    


Luo Tianqi and Lieh Xiaoruan shook their heads at the same time.    


"Then I will take you to a place." The captain was very excited. Without explaining where they were going, he directly went to prepare to sail the ship.    


Lieh Xiaoruan could not help but say, "They are still in the water."    


"It's fine. It will only take ten minutes for them to go over. You can catch crabs there. We will put you down and go to pick them up." The captain said and started the speedboat.    


The islands here were scattered across the sea.    


As the captain had said, there was a small island in ten minutes.    


The captain stopped the speedboat and said to the two, "This is an uninhabited island. There's no danger on the island, only sea crabs under the reef. If you don't want to go into the water, you can pick up some sea crabs "    


After saying that, he pointed to the coconut trees on the island and said to Lieh Xiaoruan, "Girls are afraid of the sun, so you can take a cold under the trees. Otherwise, you can dry on the boat like you did just now and lose your skin in a while."    


Lieh Xiaoruan heard him and nodded with a smile, "Thank you!"    


She suddenly got on the boat not because she did not want to go into the water, but because she felt like her menstruation had suddenly come.    


Recently, her menstrual period was not very accurate. Sometimes it was early, and sometimes it was pushed back.    


However, after boarding the boat, she felt it again and felt that it didn't seem to be the case.    


At this moment, after the captain finished giving instructions, he went back to the ship: "You guys rest for a while, I'll go and pick them up"    


Luo Tianqi nodded and waved at the captain.    


At this moment, there seemed to be only the two of them on a small island that was about seven or eight hundred square meters.    


The surroundings were very quiet, only the sound of the waves hitting the beach behind them and the faint chirping of birds in the distance.    


The atmosphere suddenly became warm for some reason. It became ambiguous.    


Lieh Xiaoruan was a little unnatural and was about to find a topic to break the awkwardness when Luo Tianqi, who was beside her, suddenly sprain.    


She quickly stopped and instinctively pulled him. "Mr Tianqi, are you alright?"    


Luo Tianqi felt as if his ankle had lost all feeling. He did not move and slowed down for two seconds. When he regained consciousness, he said, "I just stepped on something and sprained it, but I'm fine."    


"Oh." Lieh Xiaoruan nodded and slowly let go of Luo Tianqi's arm.    


He took a step forward. However, perhaps because the sand on the island was too deep, he was unable to maintain his balance. His legs were balanced.    


However, it seemed that he was a little lame when he walked. He did not think that it was his problem. Instead, he blamed it on the uneven beach.    


Lieh Xiaoruan thought Luo Tianqi's foot hurt because she had sprained it just now, so she deliberately slowed down her pace and said, "Why don't you go over there and take a seat in the shade? And then see if it is swollen or not?"    


"Okay." Luo Tianqi nodded.    


The two of them walked to the shade of the tree and Luo Tianqi sat down. He rubbed his ankle and smiled. "It's fine now."    


Lieh Xiaoruan squatted down and took a closer look. She saw that there was only a small scratch on it and the scab had already fallen off. She heaved a sigh of relief.    


"Mr Tianqi, do you want to eat crabs?" She looked at the reef in the distance.    


"Don't catch them. Be careful of getting hurt." Luo Tianqi said.    


"En." Lieh Xiaoruan nodded and hesitated for a moment before sitting down in the empty space beside Luo Tianqi.    


It was like this on the beach. Although it was hot under the hot sun, it was very cool under the shade of the trees.    


Lieh Xiaoruan was wearing a bikini, but after uploading it, she put on a rapidly drying colored beach towel.    


At this moment, she brushed off the fine sand on the beach towel and seemed to have thought of something. She turned around and asked Luo Tianqi, "Mr Tianqi, when will you return to Imperial City?"    


"Tomorrow morning's flight." Luo Tianqi said.    


In fact, he was supposed to be on the flight this afternoon. However, after seeing her at the wedding today, he secretly asked his assistant to change the signing for the flight tomorrow.    


Although the outcome was already decided, if the process could be a little better, he wouldn't be able to reject it.    


"Mmm, you've been quite busy with work recently, right?" Lieh Xiaoruan asked.    


"Yes. Recently, the company has received a few big orders and is expanding some business, so it is quite busy." Luo Tianqi turned his head. "How are you doing at the Heavenly Palace? " Is everything convenient? "    


"It's quite convenient. Although my colleagues don't know about my relationship with my brother, they still take good care of me." Lieh Xiaoruan smiled, "It feels pretty good."    


"That's very good." Luo Tianqi replied.    


Suddenly, the topic fell silent again.    


Until Lieh Xiaoruan's phone rang. She picked it up and saw that it was Chi Jingyu calling.    


She didn't know why. She instinctively looked at Luo Tianqi again and hesitated for a few seconds before answering, "Great God."    


Chi Jingyu's tone carried a bit of a smile. "The wedding is over, right? How was your fun at the beach?"    


"It was good. It was summer here, and the scenery was good too." Lieh Xiaoruan thought for a while and stood up. She walked to the side to answer the call.    


"Yes, I will be back the day after tomorrow, right?" Chi Jingyu said, "My dad is on a business trip this weekend. Shall we have dinner together?"    


Lieh Xiaoruan was stunned for a moment and then said, "Ah, is your dad here? It's not good for me to go there..."    


After all, even though they were dating, However, Chi Jingyu had never formally confessed to her, so she treated him like a brother. He should be able to feel it.    


But to see her parents, the taste changed.    


Chi Jingyu smiled and said in a teasing tone, "No way. Xiaoxiao, we're only friends because of my father. Besides, my father is a person I usually treat as my brother. Don't tell me you're nervous?"    


"No, I just feel like I'm meeting my parents..." Lieh Xiaoruan said helplessly.    


"Meeting a parent? They are all friends." Chi Jingyu said, "Do you think he wants to see me? He probably wants to eat with you more. Alright. It's settled then. I'll arrange a restaurant and send you a message. "    


"Alright." Lieh Xiaoruan smiled. "Then I treat you as a brother and also as a friend?"    


"No problem." Chi Jingyu said,, "See you then! You have fun over there, but be careful not to turn into charcoal!"    


"Cheh, don't you know that foreigners always treat health as their beauty?" Lieh Xiaoruan said.    


On the other side, Chi Jingyu could not help but laugh.    


Under the shade of the tree, Luo Tianqi looked at Lieh Xiaoruan's back. Her figure was very good. Under the half-meter long beach towel, there was a pair of white and straight long legs.    


She called him with her back facing him. However, the relaxed and pleasant tone in her voice was not like when she was with him.    


Oh, no, actually, she did. It was just that at that time, he didn't see her heart clearly and lost her.    


And just now, even though there was some distance between them, Luo Tianqi still heard Lieh Xiaoruan say something about meeting her parents.    


When she picked up the phone, she also called her 'Great God'.    


So, the person on the other end of the phone should be Chi Jingyu. Had they developed to the point where they were going to meet their parents?    


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