Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C682 That Girl Is Your Girlfriend?

C682 That Girl Is Your Girlfriend?

Silence for a moment. Luo Tianqi put his hands on the table and relaxed his aura. He looked at her and said, "This matter involves face after all."    


Lieh Xiaoruan did not accept this answer. "You did not mention anything about it a long time ago. That day at the end of our wedding, you were unable to swim. It must have something to do with this, right? Are you afraid that you will implicate me? "    


Luo Tianqi quietly looked at the woman in front of him. Two kinds of feelings were interwoven in his heart. There was joy, because of her concern, and also pain, and also because of her concern.    


He took a deep breath, as if he wanted to tell her everything. "Xiaoruan, we all have our own lives, so there are some secrets that we do not need to talk about."    


After he finished speaking, he continued, "For example, you and Chi Jingyu have developed quite well. And I also have a girlfriend now. So I think we should maintain a certain distance between us."    


When Lieh Xiaoruan heard this, she was in a trance for a moment. Then, she looked at him. "That girl, is she your girlfriend?"    


Luo Tianqi nodded. "We have been together for a month. We have known each other for two months. We met at the hospital before. Coincidentally, her grandmother had gastroenteritis and was on the same floor as me. Then, she went to accompany her in bed."    


After hearing his words, Lieh Xiaoruan stood where she was. She only felt a chill spread from her ear to her entire body in an instant.    


She was somewhat unable to maintain her current figure and pursed her lips before opening her mouth. "Then congratulations."    


"When a person is sick, it is easier to be fragile. " That's why I didn't know why I had a good impression of her, "Luo Tianqi said.    


Lieh Xiaoruan didn't want to hear another word. She was trying her best to suppress her emotions. She wanted to be as calm as possible, or even give him a generous and appropriate smile.    


However, she realized that it was too difficult.    


She turned around and wanted to leave, but Luo Tianqi also said: "Xiaoruan, about what happened earlier... I'm sorry for causing you trouble. " Chi Jingyu and I are friends. He is not bad. You two should get along well. "    


When Lieh Xiaoruan finally turned around, she said to him," Thank you. "    


After that, she quickly left.    


Luo Tianqi looked at Lieh Xiaoruan's back as she left. Suddenly, he felt that all his strength had been taken away.    


Before this, he had never said anything heartless. It was just that he still had fantasies in his heart. He was still thinking of a chance to make his legs recover. Then, they would be able to. ...    


However, during this week, he had also seen Helian Qing. She still said that the problem now was that she did not have those two medicines. Even if she helped him with acupuncture every day, it would still take seven or eight years for him to recover.    


That would be the best time for him in the future, and also the best time for him to recover. How could she be the best? ...    


And today, he told her everything he needed to say at once. After that, no matter what she discovered, she probably wouldn't look back anymore, right?    


The office door rang again. Luo Tianqi's voice was a little hoarse. "Who is it?"    


"It's me." Wen Qiaoqiao's voice came.    


"Come in." Luo Tianqi said.    


Wen Qiaoqiao pushed the door open and came in with a cup of coffee in her hand. "Cousin, I knew you must be frowning right now."    


She put down the coffee and said to him. "Actually, it's good that we girls are with the people we like. We don't care that much. Look, she clearly knew that there was something wrong with your leg, but she still came. This proves that she likes you, and you agreed to it. It's so good to be together!"    


Luo Tianqi shook his head. "Qiaoqiao, you don't understand."    


"Who said I don't understand?" Wen Qiaoqiao pouted. "I am a woman. Of course I know the heart of a woman!"    


Luo Tianqi did not say anything.    


Just when Wen Qiaoqiao thought he would not answer, he opened his mouth. "Qiaoqiao, do you know that she fell in front of me? I could have taken a step forward to help her up, but I could not move at all?"    


Wen Qiaoqiao was stunned.    


"Also, if I cross the road with her and a car suddenly comes from the front, not only would I not be able to protect her, but I would also implicate her."    


"If we are together, she wants to go shopping, but I can't walk for a few steps " Or, if I cripple my heels with her and let her hear the discussions of the people around her, saying that she is a beautiful girl but is looking for a cripple... "    


"If she has a child, we'll go and pick up the baby together. When the other children in the kindergarten see me, will they laugh at me and her baby and say how your father is a cripple?"    




Hearing Luo Tianqi say so much in one breath, Wen Qiaoqiao also became silent.    


After a long time, she finally said: "But your feet will be fine if you take good care of them!"    


"But it will take ten years. In these ten years, I can't walk often, can't carry heavy objects, and can't exercise intensely." Luo Tianqi looked up at her. "Ten years ago, you were still a twelve-year-old girl. Ten years later, you have already gone to work. Ten years is a long time, more than three thousand days and nights. "    


When Wen Qiaoqiao heard this, her eyes could not help but turn red.    


She felt that her chest was blocked by intense emotions, and she could not release it for a moment.    


In her memory, her cousin had always loved to be lively and cool. However, at this moment, although his appearance was still the same as before, he had completely changed into a different person.    


She moved her lips. "But cousin, you're not happy like this. Besides, I think she should be quite sad too. "    


She'll be fine. At least she won't need ten years to heal. " Luo Tianqi patted Wen Qiaoqiao's shoulder. "I am fine. Go and work."    


Wen Qiaoqiao was still a little hesitant, but when she saw that Luo Tianqi had already sat back in front of the computer, she could only nod. "Okay. If you go back on your word, come to me at any time. I will immediately explain to her!"    


Luo Tianqi just smiled and did not say anything.    


Because Lieh Xiaoruan had taken half a day off, there was still a lot of time after Lieh Xiaoruan came out of Luo Tianqi's company.    


She felt so stifled that she felt uncomfortable and embarrassed. There was also grievance and an indescribable taste. Lieh Xiaoruan felt it once with a buzz cut.    


She did not go home. Instead, she went straight to the shopping mall opposite the Luo clan.    


Didn't the Internet say so? If a woman was in a bad mood, she would buy and buy. Once she was satisfied, her mood would improve.    


Hence, Lieh Xiaoruan parked the car in the underground garage and directly went to sweep the goods.    


It was still winter, but her spring attire had already come out. Lieh Xiaoruan had a good figure and she looked good in many clothes. The shop assistant watched from the side and continuously introduced her to her.    


She unknowingly bought a few big bags. When she realized that she might not be able to carry them, she went to the dessert shop upstairs.    


At this moment, it was just time to get off work. There were not many people in the dessert shop. Lieh Xiaoruan picked a corner and sat down. Coincidentally, there was a green plant beside her that blocked most of her.    


Because she was a little hungry while shopping, she ordered a lot of things and prepared to properly reward her stomach.    


Just as she was eating the cheesecake, she heard the voices of a few girls outside. Lieh Xiaoruan subconsciously looked up and saw Wen Qiaoqiao.    


She came in with three girls the same age as her. She did not notice her but went straight to the window seat.    


The girls chattered and ordered desserts. After giving the menu to the waiter, they heard one of the girls ask, "Qiaoqiao, does your cousin feel good at work? Is there a handsome man and a beautiful woman inside? "    


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