Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C866 The History of His Wife's Blood and Tears

C866 The History of His Wife's Blood and Tears

Looking at himself being pulled up by the cable car, Xiao Pei felt as if there were bugs gnawing on his body, and he instinctively felt fear.    


The scenery behind him slowly retreated. Snow pine, the skiers on the mountain...    


The mountaintop was getting closer and closer.    


When Xiao Pei got off the cable car, he fell.    


There was a blonde young man in the front row. Seeing that he could not stand up at all, he kindly helped him up and helped him put on the skateboard. He also explained, "The slope here is very steep. If you are a beginner, you should go to the slope in the east that is slightly slower."    


Xiao Pei nodded and thanked him. He looked down at the two. His legs were trembling. "My friend is missing. She's in the Premium Road. I have to look for her here. "    


The blonde young man smiled. "A girl?"    


Xiao Pei nodded.    


The other party gave him a thumbs up. "Wow, good luck!"    


Xiao Pei nodded and watched the man slide down elegantly.    


Behind him, more and more people continued to descend. He stood where he was and felt his throat being choked by fear.    


He once again took out his phone and called Gong Moyan.    


This time, no one answered.    


Xiao Pei took a deep breath. He recalled his skiing skills and took the first step.    


Very quickly, the skateboard moved forward together and headed straight down the mountain.    


Only at this moment did Xiao Pei realize that for a skiing rookie like him, any technique did not exist.    


He felt that the soles of his feet were getting faster and faster. The fear turned into wind and snow particles, constantly blowing on his face.    


He wanted to stop, but he realized that he could not stop at all. Only at this moment did he realize that in his current state, how could he find her?    


A person suddenly appeared in front of him. That person must have accidentally fallen and was about to get up.    


Xiao Pei realized that the more he wanted to hide, the more he charged in that person's direction.    


Seeing that he could not turn around, he could only shout at that person. Fortunately, that person reacted quickly. He hugged the skateboard and dodged to the side.    


Xiao Pei, on the other hand, was so nervous that his body was completely out of balance. He fell down just like that, confused and confused.    


When he realized what had happened, he found that his face was buried in the snow. His body was tilted up and down. The skis had long disappeared. Even the skateboard on his left foot was a few meters away from him.    


His leg did not hurt, but his waist seemed to have twisted. When he sat up, he felt that it was a little uncomfortable to pull it.    


In addition, he didn't know if his brow bone was pressed by the goggles or not. Although it wasn't torn, it hurt as soon as he touched it.    


Xiao Pei got up with difficulty. He picked up the ski shoes that were a few meters away and found the ski wand even further away.    


He tried to carry the ski shoes down, but he found that he had walked for a long time. Because the snow was soft, he could not walk very far.    


And in his line of sight, Gong Moyan was still not there.    


Since he did not have a good start, Xiao Pei could only put on the ski shoes again and try to control the speed of the slide at the beginning.    


It was indeed alright at the beginning. However, there would always be people passing by. There would always be people falling in front of him. Therefore, Xiao Pei's journey from the top of the mountain to the bottom was a history of blood and tears rolling down the mountain.    


Finally, he reached the foot of the mountain. He rented all the tools and looked in the mirror. His face immediately turned ugly.    


His originally handsome face had turned purple and the corner of his lips had cracked. His face was still a little red. He didn't know if it was because he had just fallen into the snow and froze.    


In short, if it was used for dating, then this face could really be directly rejected.    


After struggling for a long time, he was also hungry. He had no choice but to go to the hotel to eat something.    


At this moment, Gong Moyan and her friends were beside a small wooden house at the foot of the mountain.    


Their friend, Mo Xingcheng, who participated in the project together with them, was going to propose to his girlfriend, Xia Ruyan, today. Gong Moyan and Mu Ziji helped to set up the scene.    


As the subject of the proposal, Xia Ruyan naturally could not come, so Gong Moyan was in charge of all the aesthetic details.    


There was a small castle on the ground that they had been busy with the snow for the entire morning. Beside the small castle, there was a carriage and two snowmen.    


At this moment, the big project was almost completed, and the rest were all decorated with details.    


Gong Moyan found a small stick and started to engrave patterns on the palace.    


On the other side, Mo Xingcheng was embedding the facial features of the two snowmen.    


Another hour passed and everything was perfect.    


Mu Ziji said, "I'll go and call Sugar over."    


Mo Xingcheng nodded. As the main character who was going to propose to his girlfriend today, his ski suit and tie were meticulously done.    


He looked at Gong Moyan and said somewhat nervously: "Moyan, do you think my hairstyle is messy?"    


Gong Moyan smiled and shook her head. "Very good, very perfect!"    


"Later, when you see Sweet coming over, help me take the clothes away." He reminded: "Oh, right. And remember the angle we found just now, recording the whole process"    


"Alright, I got it!" Gong Moyan smiled. "Look at how nervous you are! You and Sister Sugar are childhood sweethearts! Could it be that she will not agree to you? "    


"I'm just afraid that she doesn't think that it's perfect enough. After all, this is the only time in her life." Mo Xingcheng smiled.    


When Gong Moyan heard this, a complicated feeling suddenly flashed across her heart.    


That's right, once in a lifetime.    


She had tried twice for the sake of someone. But...    


It had been more than two years, and it had been a long time since she had seen him. There were some things that she should put down completely.    


Thinking of this, she said, "Oh right, Brother Xingcheng, introduce me to a boyfriend later!"    


Mo Xingcheng said, "How's Zi Ji? I'll matchmake you guys later."    


When Gong Moyan heard this, the corners of her mouth twitched. "You're not going to let others benefit from your own benefits!"    


"I think he likes you." After he said that, he looked down at his shoes and found that there was some dirty snow on them, so he squatted down to brush them away.    


At this moment, Xiao Pei was looking into the distance from a balcony in the hotel. He had just found out that this place had the best view.    


It was a coincidence that he met the golden-haired young man when he was eating. That man saw him. He was the only one who asked him if he had not found him yet.    


When he said yes, the young man told him that he could come here and look around. Although the wind was stronger, at least his field of vision was open.    


Xiao Pei stood there for a long time and did not see anyone. Just as he was about to make another call, a figure entered his field of vision.    


Gong Moyan was wearing a thick ski suit and was currently wearing it. She was standing next to a young man.    


Due to the distance, Xiao Pei could not see the facial features of the man clearly. However, from his figure and temperament, he could tell that it was one in a million.    


His heart suddenly tightened. Just as he wanted to see what they were doing, he saw the man suddenly kneel down on one knee towards Gong Moyan.    


At this moment, Xiao Pei's pupils suddenly tightened. It was as if someone had punched his brain hard.    


Only then did he see clearly that Gong Moyan and the man were standing in front of a beautiful white snow palace. It was obviously a hand-built small palace, the entrance of the palace. There were also two figures snuggling against each other.    


There was the sound of the wind by his ears. Xiao Pei stood at his original spot and looked for two seconds. After memorizing the location, he quickly ran out of the balcony.    


Someone was proposing to her!    


How could she accept someone else's proposal!    


He had to stop it!    


Back then, she and Soong Ziheng had grown up together, and they were about the same age. He had rejected her, which was why she had chosen Soong Ziheng. But now, how could he let a man who came out of nowhere beat him to it?!    


He was going to officially snatch his wife! If you all want to read books, you can take a look at my little friend, Drunken Glazed Moon, the 'Dragon Phoenix Twin Treasures': Daddy, don't panic. Mommy has medicine. Ha, the baby is very cute and cute ~    


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