Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C1194 She Was about to Die

C1194 She Was about to Die

The three of them go up again, fast.    


Gunshots were heard from behind them from time to time. It was obvious that they were not the only ones who were being attacked.    


When they reached the top of the mountain, Gong Moyi had almost used up all her energy.    


At this moment, the sky had gradually darkened. In her sight, there was an endless desert and continuous hills.    


The terrain here was special. The top of its mountain was not a mountain, but flat and wide. It was just that the sand dunes that were scattered everywhere were suitable for people to hide. At the same time, it could stop the off-road vehicles from running amok.    


The three of them piled up a symbol at the entrance, using it to determine the direction, and then walked in.    


Behind them, the sounds of bullets firing became more and more concentrated. It was obvious that the other party's car was about to reach the plateau.    


Gong Moyi coughed more and more violently. Looking around, she could only see the dry surface and rough gravel. There was not even a single source of water.    


Xiyan Cheng was worried about her situation. He squatted down and let Gong Moyi lie on his back.    


Gong Moyi did not try to be brave. She directly laid on Xiyan Cheng's back and let him carry her forward.    


There were gunshots continuously behind them. The three of them walked very carefully, because there were many sand dunes here that were actually empty. If they stepped on them, they would very likely fall into them.    


After walking for a while more, the commotion behind them gradually decreased, and the three of them stopped.    


Gong Moyi leaned against the sand dune and looked down at the blood traces that she coughed out. Her face was slightly pale.    


Next to her, Xiyan Cheng grabbed her hand and saw the blood traces on her palm.    


His pupils shrank and his expression changed.    


Gong Moyi shook her head at him and said, "It's nothing. I just choked on something. I can recover by myself. It's just that I need to drink some water. I feel like I'm going to dehydrate. "    


Xiyan Cheng stood on the sand dune and looked up. Wherever he looked, he did not find any rivers or water sources.    


His heart sank and he said, "Moyi, I know there is a river here. I saw it when I was on a flight mission, but I need to find it."    


Gong Moyi really could not hold it any longer. She nodded, "Okay, let's go and find it."    


Finishing, she turned to Jessica and said, "Jessica, thank you this time. We have to go and find water, but we don't know if we can find it. You rest at the mound. We will meet up with you when we find it."    


Jessica was also very tired. At this moment, she was exhausted. She knew that she would not be able to help even if she went, so she nodded.    


Thus, Xiyan Cheng carried Gong Moyi on his back and walked into the deep dusk.    


Today was a clear day. The moon was always very bright when night fell. Xiyan Cheng stepped on the moonlight and walked forward. As time passed, he could clearly feel the breathing of the girl on his back becoming heavier and heavier.    


He took a deep breath and forced himself not to think too much and continued forward.    


The sand dune in front of him was quite high. Xiyan Cheng tried to make sure that there was no problem, so he stepped on it and prepared to look at the terrain in the distance.    


But just as he was about to reach the top of the hill, the sand under his feet suddenly sank like an avalanche!    


He quickly retreated, but it was already too late.    


He felt as if his body had suddenly stepped on air, and then he felt the world spin.    


While rolling, Xiyan Cheng tightly hugged Gong Moyi, and was swept into the raging sandstorm with her.    


He could only feel the sand around him. It was so rough that it hurt. Xiyan Cheng held Gong Moyi tightly in his arms, one hand holding her body and the other hand protecting her head.    


The rolling lasted for about ten minutes before they finally stopped.    


Even with Xiyan Cheng's physical strength and sense of balance, he was still in a trance the moment he stopped.    


He wiped away the sand in front of him and opened his eyes. He found that he and Gong Moyi had been swept into a completely foreign world.    


In the distance, a river meandered through the desert. It was sparkling under the moonlight, like a ribbon with broken diamonds.    


Wu, I'm going to treat Young Master Cheng to some meat. Cough, cough ~    


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