Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C1288 Treating Beiming and Mo

C1288 Treating Beiming and Mo

Beiming Yumo's mouth twitched. "They are all medicine for me?"    


Gong Moyi nodded. "Yes, let's find a quiet place and I will diagnose you. Some medicine might not be needed, but we will use it according to the situation. I am just in case, so I have prepared all the ingredients. "    


Beiming Yumo felt that he had dug a hole for himself.    


He quietly touched the two movie tickets in his pocket, picked up the box and put it in the trunk, and said, "Okay, let's find a place first."    


The two of them went to a high-end coffee shop and found a quiet corner to sit down.    


Beiming Yumo asked Gong Moyi, "Moyi, what do you want to drink?"    


"Latte." Gong Moyi said, "No sugar."    


Then she said, "You can't drink coffee. Drink milk. Hot milk."    


Beiming Yumo was speechless.    


He had no choice. Under the strange gaze of the shop assistant, he ordered hot milk for himself.    


When they were waiting for the food to be served, Gong Moyi could not wait to diagnose Beiming Yumo.    


Beiming Yumo could only reach out his hand. Seeing the serious look on the girl in front of him, his heart could not help but beat faster.    


Every time she was serious, her face would become serious, but for some reason, when she smiled, she did not have dimples. When she was serious, there was a pair of shallow dimples on her cheeks.    


Thus, it made her appear even cuter.    


His gaze lingered on Gong Moyi's face for a while, as if afraid that she would notice, so he lowered his gaze and looked at his wrist.    


There, her delicate fingers gently landed on it. The temperature of her fingertips was lower than his wrist. It was cool and somewhat soft.    


Beiming Yumo couldn't help but smile.    


Gong Moyi, however, did not notice these small details. She diagnosed for a while and did not see too many abnormalities. She completely did not understand why Beiming Yumo's pulse would feel uncomfortable.    


She had followed Lin Shujuann for quite some time and thought that her medical skills had greatly improved. But today, it really could not be her.    


She raised her eyes and stared at Beiming Yumo. She asked, "When did your symptoms appear once? Give me a detailed description of the severity each time. Also - "    


She quickly turned her head and looked around. She whispered to Beiming Yumo," It's the condition of excretion. Did you have diarrhea or constipation? "How often does it happen once? Have you observed the color? "    


Beiming Yumo heard Gong Moyi's question just as he was getting closer to her. Immediately, he held his breath in his chest, unable to go up or down.    


Gong Moyi, on the other hand, was very academic. She said seriously, "Yumo, you just have a thin reputation. You have to tell me before I can judge! After all, we can't take samples... "    


Beiming Yumo held Gong Moyi's hand and shook his head at her.    


What samples? How could a girl like him do such a job?!    


Coincidentally, the waiter came and served them coffee and milk. He smiled and looked at their hands that were pressed together. "Enjoy your meal."    


Gong Moyi felt a little awkward and quickly pulled back her hand.    


Beiming Yumo felt that his palm was empty and a little disappointed.    


"I don't think I should ask this question at this time!" Gong Moyi still sighed, "Then we will talk after we finish drinking."    


Beiming Yumo had no other choice but to say, "It is normal. It only hurts once every half a month. There are no other symptoms."    


Gong Moyi blinked.    


She took Beiming Yumo's pulse again and said quietly, "I know why."    


"Why not?" Beiming Yumo asked.    


"Because you have a heart disease." Gong Moyi said.    


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