Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C1404 Be Good be Safe

C1404 Be Good be Safe

Suddenly, the umbrella bounced off and Gong Moyi fell. The falling speed slowed down.    


She started to dance in the air and when the umbrella opened, she realized that this umbrella was really a single person and the weight was relatively small.    


The wind blew past her face. She was getting closer and closer to the surface of the sea. She could see the constantly rolling waves that remained the same.    


She slowly landed on the surface of the sea. Immediately, the cold seawater surrounded her. It was very cold.    


Gong Moyi could not help but hug her arm and slowed down. She then came out of the parachute and used inflatable mode to climb up.    


There was still nothing in her line of sight. Gong Moyi immediately took out her phone and called Gong Lingye.    


Gong Lingye answered almost instantly with a nervous voice, "Moyi, where are you?"    


Gong Moyi quickly explained the situation here and suddenly her nose twitched, "Dad, Mr Cheng jumped down himself. What if I can't find him?"    


Gong Lingye was stunned. To be honest, he really did not expect Xiyan Cheng to jump down just like that.    


He paused and said, "We are rushing over at full speed. Moyi, don't worry. I will help you find him."    


Although he said so, Gong Lingye could almost guess what Xiyan Cheng would look like when he was' found '.    


"Dad, who did it?" Gong Moyi's eyes turned red. "I want to kill him, I must kill him!"    


This was the first time Gong Lingye had heard his daughter use such a tone. Even when she faced Lin Zexuan back then, she had never been so agitated.    


"It's Jess and Nolri." Gong Lingye said, "They hijacked a few planes from G Country and learned about your location from Xuanyuan Lin, so they came to beat you up."    


Gong Moyi's breathing became tense. "So it was them! I will kill them!"    


"Moyi, you can guarantee your own safety now." Gong Lingye's tone was serious. "Because they are prepared, there may be their speedboats or ships nearby. Although we are rushing over at full speed, it takes time to travel a little further. So, if your parachute is too conspicuous, you'd better put it away. "    


Gong Moyi looked around and said, "Dad, they haven't found me yet. I put away the parachute now, but it is too cold. I'm afraid I can't hold it."    


Gong Lingye's heart ached when he heard that. He said, "Be good. Safety is the priority."    


When Gong Moyi heard him speak in such a tone, she suddenly thought of Xiyan Cheng.    


He had also coaxed her like this before, saying, "Be good, safety is the most important.    


Gong Moyi's eyes could not help but blur again. She said, "Father, what if he really dies?"    


Gong Lingye had looked at her for so many years. How could he not know his daughter's thoughts?    


Gong Moyi was usually very strong. Even in front of him, she seldom cried. Especially after she grew up, other than the incident with Gong Moxuan, she had never cried again.    


He sighed for a moment but did not know how to comfort her. He could only say, "Moyi, I will take revenge for him."    


"Father, I will personally avenge him!" Gong Moyi clenched her fists.    


"Okay." Gong Lingye agreed.    


Gong Moyi was silent for a few seconds before she said, "He made me forget about him, but I can't do it..."    


At this moment, Gong Lingye suddenly felt suffocated.    


He thought of the time when he and Soong Yiren were 32 years old. He did not know if he could still accompany her in the future, especially when he went to the research institute to freeze himself. At that time, Soong Yiren clearly did not know anything, but she still chased after his car.    


His Adam's apple rolled and he said, "Moyi, if you can't forget, just keep it in mind."    


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