Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C1454 The Welcome Banquet

C1454 The Welcome Banquet

Gong Moyi knew that it was the Xiyan Group's welcoming banquet for Xiyan Cheng.    


At the same time, it was also to announce to the world that Xiyan Cheng would regain his identity as the heir and officially inherit the company.    


Regarding Xiyan Cheng's meritorious service in Country G, in the end, it was not publicized.    


However, Nolri was caught and Lin Zexuan was shot to death. This series of events still had news in the end.    


No one was a fool. They could almost guess the pressure and grievance Xiyan Cheng had suffered at that time.    


Instantly, his reputation in the group also improved a lot.    


After all, in this world, not everyone could withstand being maligned and slandered, but they still raised their heads and puffed out their chests to continue doing what they were doing.    


On Friday, the Xiyan Group's welcome banquet was held in the largest banquet hall of the company.    


Because it was to welcome the heir, the banquet was very grand. Almost all of the guests invited were the upper echelons of the client group who had dealings with the company.    


At the same time, they also invited many good friends from the upper class of the Xi Yan family, as well as Xiyan Cheng's comrades and superiors, so it was especially lively.    


At six o'clock in the afternoon, Xiyan Cheng appeared in front of Gong Moyi's house.    


Today, he was wearing a shirt and a suit, and his hair had been meticulously tidied. He had an extra elite temperament, but it was hard to conceal his iron-blooded and cold attitude.    


Gong Moyi was wearing a light pink formal dress dress today. The color was something that Xiyan Cheng strongly requested for her to wear, so she had to wear it.    


Gong Moyi knew why. She felt a little helpless, but at the same time, she felt a little sweet.    


As the partner of Xiyan Group, Heavenly Palace Group was naturally invited to this banquet.    


Gong Lingye and Gong Moxiu came from the Heavenly Palace Group. They picked up Soong Yiren from Starry Night and then went to the Xiyan Group.    


At the entrance of the Xiyan Group, it was like opening a famous exhibition.    


Because they invited reporters, almost every one of them who came out of the car could not escape from the reporters' cameras.    


When Xiyan Cheng's car reached the entrance, a reporter's eyes lit up and instantly recognized him.    


They had obviously done their homework long ago, so even though Xiyan Cheng's car had never been seen in public, it was still recognized.    


The driver parked the car and quickly walked to the back of the car for Xiyan Cheng to drive.    


He walked down. His tight suit had no creases at all. He looked completely different from the camouflage in the peaceful days.    


The reporters took pictures crazily. Someone held the microphone and was about to go over, but found Xiyan Cheng circling to the other side of the back seat of the car.    


Because the windows of the car were too dark, no one could see who was in the back.    


At this moment, Xiyan Cheng had opened the car door personally to pick up the car. It must be a girl!    


Thinking of this, everyone became excited. Immediately, they made way for Xiyan Cheng.    


Xiyan Cheng stood by the door and opened the car door. Then, he took her handbag from Gong Moyi's hands.    


He leaned over and blocked the door with his hands. He was afraid that she would be hit, so he moved naturally as if he had done it thousands of times.    


All the photographers present were holding their cameras and taking pictures. They were all in a continuous mode, preparing to go back and make a motion picture.    


Just as everyone was holding their breaths, a fair and slender leg stepped out first.    


She was wearing a pair of nude high heels with tiny diamonds on it. Under the setting sun, her skin seemed to have been plated with a layer of sparkling light.    


After that, the girl covered her collar with one hand, leaned slightly, and came out of the car.    


Xiyan Cheng handed his arm over, and Gong Moyi naturally held onto his arm.    


He was tall and strong, and she was agile and elegant.    


When the two of them stood together, the surrounding reporters could not help but be stunned. Then, they surrounded the two of them.    


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