Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C919 Who Wins?

C919 Who Wins?

That night, after Gong Moyi finished eating, Gong Lingye requested her to return to her room to rest.    


Gong Lingye went to Xiyan Cheng's ward.    


On the hospital bed, the young man leaned against the bed and seemed to have nothing to do.    


He still had to have a good rest today, so if there was no need, it was best to close his eyes.    


Of course, after tomorrow, he could return to the dormitory and no longer need to stay in the hospital for observation.    


Hearing the commotion, Xiyan Cheng, who was resting with his eyes closed, opened his eyes and saw Gong Lingye coming in.    


"Uncle Gong." He said.    


Gong Lingye nodded. He looked around and said, "Your father is not here recently. You can come to me if you need anything."    


Xiyan Cheng nodded.    


Gong Lingye immediately asked the question that he did not have the time to ask before. "Why did you go to L Country?"    


Xiyan Cheng sat up straight and his expression became serious. "Save Moyi."    


Gong Lingye was not surprised by this answer, so he asked again, "Why save her?"    


After all, Xiyan Cheng was in Hua Country at that time, and flying to L Country required too many countries, so it was impossible for him to bring guns into the country.    


If he went there alone, the idea behind it was worth investigating.    


Xiyan Cheng was silent for a moment and replied, "Uncle, there is actually no special reason. It's just that I saw the distress signal she sent on the social platform, so I went over. I didn't think about anything at that time. I just wanted to save her. "    


After saying that, the ward went silent for a while. Xi Yan Ye asked," Have you seen her before? "    


"Yes, we were practicing in T city, I saw her" Xiyan Cheng said frankly.    


Gong Lingye looked at Xiyan Cheng for a few seconds and said seriously, "Moyi is my daughter. She is still young. Some of her thoughts may change at any time. It is good for you. It's good for others too. But there is one thing I must emphasize. I will not allow anyone to hurt her. "    


Xiyan Cheng also looked directly into Gong Lingye's eyes and said in a serious tone," Uncle, I understand. "    


There were some things that could not be touched.    


Gong Lingye came out of Xiyan Cheng's ward and went to his daughter's room. He saw that she indeed did not have any psychological obstacles after being injured, so he accompanied Gong Moyi for a few more words before leaving.    


The next day, Gong Mochen arrived at the base in the evening.    


Gong Moyi heard that he had arrived and immediately went to his room.    


When Gong Mochen came this time, not only did he bring medicinal herbs, he also brought medical extraction tools. Gong Moyi took the instrument and began to extract the medicinal herbs.    


These things were already familiar to her. She had no idea how many times she had done them in the past few years.    


So, after the concoction was done, she brought the utensils and silver needles to Xiyan Cheng's room.    


His curtains were closed, and the room was very quiet. When he heard her knock on the door, he only said, "Wait a moment, then put on a clean vest and came to open the door.    


The room was dark and Gong Moyi was able to get used to the light when she walked in. Only then did she see the man in front of her clearly.    


He only wore a tight vest on his upper body. His shoulders and arms were exposed, revealing his tight muscles.    


His lower body was wearing camouflage pants, straight and slightly loose.    


Because the upper body was tight and the lower body was loose, the outline of his upper body was outlined even more clearly.    


Gong Moyi saw that the man's shoulders were flat and tight, his chest muscles were well-developed, and his lower abdomen was flat. Vaguely, the lines of his muscles were outlined by the tight vest, giving people a strong visual impact.    


Gong Moyi could not help pursing her lips and looked up at Xiyan Cheng, "Why are you dressed like this?"    


Xiyan Cheng turned around and walked inside. Following his movements, the lines on his body moved along with him, casual and wild.    


Gong Moyi saw that his back was flat and tight. Perhaps because he stood in the military posture all year round, he did not have a hunchback like some boys. Instead, he was straight and straight.    


And because of his straight back and his slim waist, his buttocks seemed to be quite perky.    


He had a pair of long legs, and he walked with the wind.    


As he walked, he said very naturally: "Before you knocked on the door, I was still naked"    


Gong Moyi,... "" Alright, consider him ruthless.    


She put the things down and said, "Uncle, we should treat our eyes."    


Xiyan Cheng turned around and stood still. He leaned against the edge of the table and sat down. Because the table was a little high, his line of sight was almost parallel to Gong Moyi's. His pair of long legs were casually separated on both sides.    


He locked her eyes. "When did you learn TCM?"    


Gong Moyi's expression was serious. "Uncle, I am a half-novice. After Master's guidance in the middle of the night, I specialize in medical studies and understand a little."    


After saying that, she put it down. The medicine juice took out silver needles, "You are my first patient. I will treat you well."    


She deliberately emphasized the words' first 'and' well.    


Obviously, Xiyan Cheng did not seem to care. He put his arm on her shoulder and gently pinched it. Then, he lifted Gong Moyi up vertically with one arm.    


After a moment, he put it down and said, "Yes, I have become much heavier. I have not eaten in vain for the past ten years."    


He actually knew that Gong Moyi had pretended not to know him earlier. But since the little girl liked to play so much, then he would play with her.    


After Xiyan Cheng said that, he laid down on the bed and closed his eyes. "Come on, little Moyi. Treat uncle properly."    


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