Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C1185 He Caught Her Right

C1185 He Caught Her Right

Gong Moyi was stunned when she heard that. Facing the man's increasingly dangerous eyes, she fell silent and said, "Changing to a proper person means officially becoming your girlfriend, right? When a girlfriend gets married, there must also be a buffer period, right?"    


Xiyan Cheng nodded. "Of course."    


Gong Moyi heaved a sigh of relief and smiled flatteringly at Xiyan Cheng." That Mr Cheng, such an important matter, wait for me to take a shower and change my clothes, then we can talk? "    


Xiyan Cheng had waited for so long, but he did not care about waiting for such a long time. He nodded. "Okay."    


Gong Moyi heaved a sigh of relief. She slipped under Xiyan Cheng's arm and ran away like a wisp of smoke.    


Xiyan Cheng looked at her back as she left and could not help laughing.    


When he came back from outside, he also needed to take a shower. So, he took his clothes and went to the bathroom to take a shower.    


The man washed up quickly. After Xiyan Cheng finished washing, he washed his clothes and hung them in the air. Only then did he hear the sound of knocking at the door.    


He said, "Come in, it's not locked."    


The people outside hesitated for two seconds before they pushed the door open.    


When he saw that it was a local girl, Xiyan Cheng was stunned.    


He knew this girl. He had come here a week before Gong Moyi. He had just arrived. That day, there was a chaotic battle in this town and he saved this girl's entire family.    


The day before yesterday, the girl even wrapped some food in cloth and sent it to the army.    


It was probably because the guards at the entrance recognized her that they let her in.    


"Why are you here?" Xiyan Cheng saw that her hand was empty and he felt a little uneasy, so he couldn't help but ask.    


The girl stood with her back against the light. Her body trembled slightly, but she still took a deep breath and closed the door as if she had made up her mind. She quickly walked in and laid on the only sofa in the room.    


Xiyan Cheng was stunned. Only then did he realize that the girl's eyes were red and there were tears in her eyes.    


He walked over. "Are you hurt?"    


The girl did not know English, so she quickly explained a long sentence in local language.    


Xiyan Cheng was confused. However, he had already sized up the girl and confirmed that she was not injured, so he said, "I have received your gratitude. Don't come again in the future."    


But in the next second - -    


The girl bit her lip and suddenly pulled the tape on her clothes.    


She didn't know what the structure of her clothes was, but with just a pull, they were all pulled open. The naked body inside was completely exposed.    


Xiyan Cheng's expression changed.    


The girl closed her eyes, as if she didn't fear death. Two lines of tears flowed out.    


Before she came today, her mother and father knelt in front of her and begged her, saying that this morning, when her brother was arrested, they had no way to save him. They could only ask her to come over and beg the officer who saved them that day, and ask him to help save them.    


And their family had nothing, the only thing they could take out. Her body.    


Xiyan Cheng had never expected this. His voice had become stern. "Leave immediately!"    


However, the girl did not leave. Instead, she threw her clothes on the ground.    


At this moment, footsteps suddenly came from outside the room.    


After that, Gong Moyi raised her hand and knocked on the door. "Mr Cheng!"    


Xiyan Cheng's heart trembled. At this moment, he did not know how to describe his current absurd mood.    


He wanted to turn his head and ask the local girl to put on her clothes, but she closed her eyes and turned a deaf ear to his words. He took two steps to the side of the bed. He wanted to use the blanket to cover her, but he realized that it was even more difficult to explain.    


Outside, Gong Moyi did not hear any movement inside, so she knocked again.    


After that, she muttered to herself, "Is it not?"    


Although she said that, she still subconsciously turned the door handle.    


Realizing that it could be opened with a turn, Gong Moyi could not help but say, "Why did I forget to close it -"    


But before she could say the word 'door', she was shocked by the scene in the room.    


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