Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C521 I Heard You're Getting Engaged?

C521 I Heard You're Getting Engaged?

The explosion only lasted for a moment, and everyone's vision was completely occupied by the flames.    


Then, the heatwave pushed everyone violently and pushed them to the ground.    


In front of them, the three-story building collapsed with a loud bang, turning into ruins within the sea of flames.    


This scene was too fast and too shocking, to the point that everyone was so shocked that they thought it was just a dream, or perhaps... This was just a joke made by someone.    


However, the heatwave that they felt around them could not be any more real, making it impossible for them to deceive themselves.    


Soong Ziheng's expression changed drastically. Almost as soon as he regained his senses, he suddenly stood up. Then he quickly ran into the ruins. "Sister! Sister!"    


His voice was already sobbing and trembling badly.    


He completely ignored the flames in front of him and took a step forward.    


However, before he could rush into the sea of fire, he heard Soong Yiren's voice.    


"Don't come in!" As she spoke, she quickly ran out from the other side of the ruins.    


In the fire, Soong Ziheng saw Soong Yiren and his eyes lit up. He quickly went over and hugged her.    


"Sister, sister, are you hurt?" As he spoke, he carefully inspected her body.    


"No, I'm fine!" Soong Yiren's hair that was flying was burnt, but her body was completely fine.    


When the explosion happened, she was in the kitchen's rice cellar.    


Because she planned to go down and pick some beans to cook the Eight Treasures Porridge the next day.    


The rice cellar was made of bricks and was very solid. Therefore, she only felt her ears buzzing from the shock. She didn't know what was going on. It was only when she went up to the ground that she realized there was an explosion.    


But how was Hee Wanshuang?    


She was shocked and turned her head to look at the attic. "Wanshuang!"    


On the other side, Soong Yiren's "Wanshuang" sound made Lieh Yuanchen shake violently.    


In his line of sight, he still saw the fire that he had just seen.    


The fire was like a hammer that suddenly hit his brain. Instantly, many fragmented images rushed out crazily.    


From the first time they met in front of the elevator to the time when they saw her crying on the side of the road;    


From the time they picked her up in the hotel to the first time they were together;    


From the time he found out that she was pregnant in the hospital to the time he went to the Civil Affairs Bureau to get his certificate with her...    


After that, they lived together, and he started to get used to her, bit by bit, treating her as a member of the family.    


Then, it was that time when she was pregnant and had an abortion. Because he was angry, he made her freeze outside for a day...    


The regret he felt when he found her, the pain he wanted to make up for;    


Also, that time when they were in Gong Lingye's wedding in Nirvana City...    


Everything was like a movie replaying in Lieh Yuanchen's mind. He suddenly covered his head with his hand. The sharp pain made his forehead sweat.    


Finally, the memory fragments that came in waves finally became connected and returned to his mind.    


He remembered!    


He remembered everything!    


Lieh Yuanchen suddenly came back to his senses and realized that everyone had run to the ruins.    


He was still standing in the same place, his eyes filled with deep fear.    


She was upstairs when the explosion happened. She was now...    


His Adam's apple rolled up and down, making no sound.    


The commotion here had attracted the villagers nearby. They came over and lifted the water to put out the fire.    


Soong Yiren and the rest also joined in.    


However, for some reason, no one found Hee Wanshuang.    


Lieh Xiaoruan's voice was hoarse but she still did not hear any cries for help.    


Just now, Hee Wanshuang was clearly the only one upstairs.    


Lieh Yuanchen only felt that the scene in front of him seemed to have turned into a movie again. It was as if he was sitting alone in a movie theater, looking at those tragedies. For the first time, he felt the pain in his bones.    


Just now, he had said those words in front of her. He said that their marriage was an accident, and that he had never loved her.    


If he had not said those words, or if he had stopped her just now, would this tragedy not have happened?    


He still stood there, like a bystander. However, no one knew that he had actually lost all his strength.    


On the other side, under everyone's combined efforts, all the fires were extinguished.    


Everyone began to carry people from the ruins, but the three-story building was only that big. More than twenty people were searching, but they could not find Hee Wanshuang no matter what.    


Someone asked. "Could it be that the young lady has already left in advance?"    


Soong Yiren shook her head, "No. Because she was washing her clothes on the third floor, I came down. There was only one staircase. Although I went to the rice cellar after I came down, if she came down, I should be able to hear her. Besides, no one saw her come down. "    


She also felt that it was very strange. After all, even if something really happened to Hee Wanshuang, Wouldn't they be able to find her?    


But now, it was as if she had suddenly vanished from the face of the earth, completely disappearing without a trace!    


That night, it was a sleepless night.    


Everyone turned the ruins upside down, but they still did not discover anything.    


There were villagers who went to the mountains to look for people. They were holding torchlights and torches, but there was still no news.    


Lieh Yuanchen looked at the empty ruins. He couldn't tell what it felt like.    


She disappeared just like that. When he remembered, she had completely disappeared from his world.    


Everyone left on the third day.    


They sent out a large number of people to look for her, but there was still no news.    


At that time, Soong Ziheng clearly saw an arrow. The arrow carried a flame as it shot into the pavilion.    


Hence, Soong Yiren also estimated that Hee Wanshuang was taken away.    


However, Hee Wanshuang had never made enemies with others. Why would the other party take her away?    


Moreover, she had previously stayed here alone and did not have any bodyguards or anything, but no one had any ideas about her.    


But now, she had gone through so much trouble to bring her away. What exactly was the meaning of this?    


There were too many mysteries to this matter. Everyone could not figure it out. They could only report the case and wait for further investigation.    


As for Lieh Yuanchen, he left on the second day after Hee Wanshuang's accident. Because of this, Lieh Xiaoruan was especially angry and this was the first time she did not understand him.    


However, he did not say anything. He only said that he had urgent matters to attend to when he went back, so he left alone.    


Two days later, on the official Weibo of the L Group, it was announced that the Lieh Family and the Fei Er Family were officially married. As the heir of the Lieh Family, Lieh Yuanchen would be engaged to the eldest daughter of the Fei Er Family next month. After the engagement, Lieh Yuanchen would return to the position of president of the Hua Country of the L Group.    


When the news came, Lieh Xiaoruan looked at the screen of her phone, not knowing what to feel.    


She knew better than anyone how Lieh Yuanchen had been these few months.    


She saw his pain and forbearance. She saw him. He was willing to compromise for a contract that he didn't even care about in the past.    


Her heart ached for his current state, and she also hoped that he could choose a relaxed path.    


However, she did not expect that he would choose an easy path, and it would be like this now!    


Lieh Xiaoruan's chest heaved up and down, and she felt as if she had been deceived. She picked up her phone and called Lieh Yuanchen.    


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