Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C709 Between Me and Her Who Do You Love More?

C709 Between Me and Her Who Do You Love More?

Lieh Xiaoruan's hands could not help but tighten the sheets.    


She recalled their first kiss. At that time, she did not have any feelings for him, but he treated her as his ex-wife.    


She had been moved by his tears, but he didn't remember what had happened that time, so she became his ex-wife. Her secret alone.    


And the first time, he also called his ex-wife's name. She was so happy that she was splashed with cold water, and she left in a panic. She was in a sorry state.    


She had always known that he loved his ex-wife very much. Even though that person had already passed away, it was still like a monument that would never fall in his heart.    


Even if he confessed to her, she knew that there was a grave in his heart that she could not replace.    


However, perhaps people are always greedy. He gave her love and promise, and she hoped that it was all without reservation, just like how she loved him.    


There were always some dark corners in people's hearts that could not be spied on by others. Lieh Xiaoruan discovered that she actually hoped that Luo Tianqi would forget that woman.    


She actually wanted to compete with a dead woman.    


So at this moment, seeing that Luo Tianqi really asked, she could not help turning her eyes away and stiffly changed the topic. "Let's return to Imperial City tomorrow."    


Luo Tianqi obviously noticed her unusual behavior. He held Lieh Xiaoruan's shoulder and locked her eyes. "Xiaoruan, tell me, why did you leave that day?"    


If she did not leave that day, Would they not have experienced so many twists and turns? By now, were they already married and regarded each other as their lives?    


Lieh Xiaoruan's hand that was holding the bed sheet tightened. Facing Luo Tianqi's gaze, she pursed her lips and did not say anything.    


But he seemed to be very patient and persistent, waiting for her answer.    


In the end, she could not avoid it and hesitantly opened her mouth. "I don't want to tell you some things right now that we've just been together, but if you really want to know, then I'll tell you."    


Lieh Xiaoruan took a deep breath. "Actually, you knew it was me at the beginning, but when it ended, you hugged me. But what you called wasn't my name "    


Luo Tianqi was stunned. He didn't expect it to be like this. "Whose name did I call?"    


"It's Miss Li." Lieh Xiaoruan said and did not look at Luo Tianqi.    


There was a moment of silence between the two of them, and then Lieh Xiaoruan said again: "There is one more thing. Actually, before I went to your company to work, that time when we went to the villa, you forced a kiss on me and also treated me as her."    


Luo Tianqi's pupils dilated. He recalled for a moment and then remembered that it was Lee Xiaozi's and his anniversary. And that time, he was drunk alone in the forest and even felt that he saw Lee Xiaozi.    


In an instant, he understood everything.    


At this moment, Lieh Xiaoruan's heart was gradually falling.    


He was silent. So, what she said just now made him feel disgusted? Dissatisfied that she was comparing herself to a person who had passed away?    


Or rather, she shouldn't have started this topic and reminded him... Actually, he had someone he couldn't forget from the beginning to the end?    


When she thought of this, she suddenly felt cold. She stretched out her arm, wanting to get out of Luo Tianqi's arms.    


But just as she lifted her arm, Lieh Xiaoruan felt that she was once again tightly hugged by Luo Tianqi.    


He lowered his head and kissed her forehead. He looked at her and said in a serious tone: "Xiaoruan, actually I went to see Little Zi a while ago."    


Lieh Xiaoruan's breathing suddenly tightened and she felt that the air that entered her lungs seemed to have become painful.    


"Do you know what I said to her?" He looked at her and did not wait for her to reply before he continued. "I said to her, I fell in love with a girl. She's very good, very outstanding, and I want to spend the rest of my life with her."    


Lieh Xiaoruan widened her eyes. Her heart beat violently, almost jumping out of her throat.    


She had some guesses in her mind. It was as if a butterfly that was about to break out of its cocoon was about to fly out at any time. However, it was firmly bound by the uncertainty she had accumulated over the past few days, and could not be free.    


"I told her that the girl's name is Lieh Xiaoruan, a mixed-blood girl." Luo Tianqi continued, "Although I did not spend too much time with her, she is passionate, kind, and brave. I cannot help but be fascinated by her."    


Lieh Xiaoruan wanted to laugh. However, just as the corner of her mouth was about to rise, it was flattened again. She looked like she was about to cry and laugh. Her eyes were hot and her nose was sore.    


Luo Tianqi looked at her. His finger gently slid across her smooth and clean face and he sighed softly. "Xiaoruan, do you know how I feel now?"    


She shook her head with red eyes.    


"My heart is not big. I can only love one person at a time." Luo Tianqi said word by word, "In the past. " I really love Xiaozi, including now. But... In the past, the love for her was love, but now it was family. I treated her as my family, I will never forget, I will always remember... However, it's not like I'm moved when I'm facing you. "    


Lieh Xiaoruan gritted her teeth and did not say anything.    


"The reason why I called her that day was probably because of a habit. After so many years, I have known her for more than seven years. Therefore, some things have already been integrated into her bones and blood. For a moment, it became a habit and it is not easy to quit."    


"But when I woke up that day, I was sure that it was you. " I kissed you, and the person I wanted to be close to was also you. The one who was impulsive was you, and the one who thought about holding the hand of my son was also you. "    


"If time can be reversed, and I hope to return to that day, then I definitely won't drink that wine with a problem. Perhaps we won't have a first time, but I believe that we will also hold hands. Sweet, honey, there won't be any separation."    


"But even if we can't go back, I am still very satisfied, because we are still together now. Although the process is complicated, we can still hold hands tightly."    


Lieh Xiaoruan's tears could not help but fall.    


Luo Tianqi went to help her wipe, but the more he wiped, the more.    


So he kissed her tears and tasted the salty taste. He sighed lightly, rubbed her soft hair, and said in a low voice, "Silly."    


She muttered in a low, muffled voice, "Aren't you also a fool?"    


He followed her and said, "Yes, we are all fools."    


She hid in his arms and did not come out. Her voice was still nasal. "Then you should be smarter in the future."    


"Yes, sir." Luo Tianqi touched Lieh Xiaoruan's cheek. "We will be fine in the future."    


"I will treat your leg with you." "Yes," Lieh Xiaoruan said.    


"Okay," Lieh Xiaoruan said. Luo Tianqi replied.    


"Don't feel ashamed. When you go out, who wants to look at you one more time? I'll gouge his eyes out!" Lieh Xiaoruan said fiercely.    


Luo Tianqi was amused by her words and could not help saying, "So my wife is so powerful? Is she a tigress?"    


Lieh Xiaoruan immediately could not accept it. "What wife? I haven't married you yet! " Furthermore, is there such a beautiful tigress?! "    


Luo Tianqi's hand moved along her curves and his voice was hoarse," En, there is no tigress with such a good figure. Only a wife with such a good figure!"    


"I just said, I haven't married you yet!" Lieh Xiaoruan pouted.    


"Then let's go to New Year's Day to get the certificate, okay?" Luo Tianqi followed her and smiled.    


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