Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C1047 He Pulled Her into the Bedroom

C1047 He Pulled Her into the Bedroom

Therefore, Gong Moyi felt that the scene in front of her was replaced by a normal scene. Xiyan Cheng's face was still close to hers, and his arm almost wrapped around her entire son.    


She wanted to pull away, but he had already moved the telescope to her eyes again.    


"Little Moyi, look. The current scale is 32," Xiyan Cheng explained to Gong Moyi. His voice was low and magnetic. The heat landed on her hair, making her feel itchy.    


"According to the company's calculations, how far is the thing you saw?" Xiyan Cheng said, "If you want to shoot, what kind of standard pistol is the best?"    


Gong Moyi was annoyed that this guy had to teach her things personally, but she was quickly immersed in calculations.    


Very quickly, she gave the answer.    


Xiyan Cheng said, "There's another trick. It's faster to calculate. Basically, you'll know it with one look."    


After saying that, he quickly explained.    


Gong Moyi heard it and thought for a few seconds. She immediately understood and her eyes lit up.    


She slightly took the telescope and turned her head, "Mr Cheng -"    


However, she forgot that they were too close. When she turned her head, her lips... The petal swept across Xiyan Cheng's face. The moment he turned his head, it stopped at his lips. On the petal.    


Gong Moyi wanted to retreat, but Xiyan Cheng brought her into his embrace.    


And so, lips. The touch on the petal was even clearer.    


Gong Moyi felt her heart beat faster. She used one hand to push Xiyan Cheng's chest. The touch was strong and firm, making her stop.    


But he lowered his eyes and lips. The petal still did not leave her. It did not go deep, but gently rubbed.    


They were still in the corridor. There was no obstruction here. So, as long as the people downstairs looked up, they would be able to see what they were doing.    


Gong Moyi felt nervous. Just as she was about to push Xiyan Cheng away, her phone vibrated.    


She took the opportunity to break free from him.    


He also came back to his senses and laughed in a low voice, "I couldn't hold it in anymore."    


Gong Moyi glared at Xiyan Cheng. She took out her phone and looked at it as she walked.    


That was the video that Huo Yiqing sent over. It was the last rehearsal they rehearsed later on.    


Huo Yiqing said, "Did we dance well? I'll teach you later."    


Gong Moyi was about to reply when she saw Xiyan Cheng also walk into the room. His gaze swept across her face and saw that she was smiling, so he asked, "Who are you sending a message to?"    


Gong Moyi raised her eyebrows. "Huo Yiqing."    


Xiyan Cheng heard this name for the second time and remembered what soldier had mentioned. He asked, "Is it the Civil Engineering Group?"    


Gong Moyi narrowed her eyes. "Didn't you say that you don't know him and that you don't know his name? Why do you know that she's from the Cultural Relics Group the moment you hear her name?"    


"My comrade said so." Xiyan Cheng was confused. "Why did you send a message to her?"    


Gong Moyi wanted to tease him and deliberately said, "Didn't she chase you? I have always been enthusiastic, so I helped her chase you! She just sent me a message asking me what you like. I can give her a lesson and ask her to turn back and chase after someone else to treat her illness. Medicine. "    


Xiyan Cheng's brows knitted tighter and tighter and even his tone became serious. "Gong Moyi, are you really going to send it to her to try it out?"    


Gong Moyi rarely saw Xiyan Cheng. With such a serious look, she continued to pour more water on him. "Try it then! I think she's quite pretty. She knows how to dance and sing. Oh right, her side flip and backflip are both good! "It's not a loss for you to be with her - -"    


Before she could finish her sentence, Xiyan Cheng picked her up and strode inside.    


Gong Moyi was shocked. Facing the man's dark face, she could not help but be afraid. "What do you want to do?"    


Xiyan Cheng threw her onto the bed and pressed down himself.    


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