Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C1163 At the Scene of Xi Yancheng's Overturned Car

C1163 At the Scene of Xi Yancheng's Overturned Car

Gong Moyi thought Xiyan Cheng was waiting for her in the office and did not expect him to be at the laboratory door.    


So she did not look outside at all. She even looked at Lin Shujuann with a look of anticipation and a bright smile.    


Lin Shujuann's eyes lightly glanced at Xiyan Cheng who was outside. He turned around and said to Gong Moyi, "I am fine tonight. I can do it at any time."    


Gong Moyi was relieved and smiled. "Okay, thank you."    


Before she finished thanking him, she saw Xiyan Cheng at the door.    


Gong Moyi opened her mouth and the curve of her mouth became bigger. From 0 to A, the corner of her mouth became more obvious and her eyes were also sparkling.    


Seeing her current appearance, Xiyan Cheng felt that the uncomfortable feeling that had been stuck in his chest had mostly dissipated.    


He greeted Lin Shujuann, "Dr. Lin."    


Lin Shujuann nodded. As he walked forward, he inadvertently turned his head and asked Gong Moyi behind him, "Moyi, I heard that you are getting married at the age of 20? The wedding venue has been booked in advance?"    


Hearing Lin Shujuann's words, Xiyan Cheng's face immediately darkened. Before he had time to remedy it, Gong Moyi opened her mouth. "Ah? When did this happen?"    


Her line of sight was blocked by Lin Shujuann, so she did not see the look Xiyan Cheng gave her.    


Gong Moyi also added, with some righteous indignation, "Who spread the rumors? It made me hate marrying so much! I think it's not too late for a girl to get married at the age of 25! "    


When Lin Shujuann heard that, his eyes quietly fell on Xiyan Cheng. There was a rare smile on his lips as he said meaningfully," Oh, so I misheard. "    


Gong Moyi nodded and came out from behind him.    


In front of him, Xiyan Cheng felt that his face was a little swollen.    


But Gong Moyi did not know anything. She had already walked in front of him happily and looked him up and down. After making sure that he was not hurt at all, she immediately let out a sigh of relief.    


Everyone had already walked to the elevator. Lin Shujuann said, "Moyi, Cheng should have been waiting for you for a long time. I still have things to take care of. You can go eat with him. Your father, give him my phone number. You can call him anytime."    


Gong Moyi thanked him repeatedly, "Okay, thank you, Dr. Lin!"    


She and Xiyan Cheng went to the first floor, while Lin Shujuann went back to his own office. Everyone went their separate ways.    


The elevator kept going down, and Gong Moyi noticed that there was something wrong with the man beside her.    


However, she was thinking about Gong Moxuan again, so she was distracted.    


When the elevator reached the first floor, Gong Moyi instinctively turned her head and walked towards the canteen.    


Xiyan Cheng looked at her for a few seconds and followed her.    


Their identities had not yet been removed, so they smoothly entered the canteen to get some food.    


Coincidentally, Katna and Zhang Sheng also got some food. When they saw the two of them, they walked over and sat together.    


Katna had always been enthusiastic and lively, and she did not know that Gong Moyi had seen the matter between her and Wang Yunkai. In addition, she had taken care of Gong Moyi for a week, so she was very friendly at the moment.    


Everyone chatted together. Xiyan Cheng was as indifferent as before and did not like to talk. He only responded to a few words when Gong Moyi spoke to him.    


However, as a newcomer, he was also like this. Therefore, no one felt that something was wrong.    


After a meal, everyone returned to the dormitory area.    


On the way, Gong Moyi finally noticed that the man beside her was really angry.    


Although he held her hand tightly, it was not the usual relaxed manner.    


Moreover, his jaw line was taut. The breath that he exhaled seemed to be unhappy.    


Xiyan Cheng was usually a little cold in front of others, but in front of Gong Moyi, it was not like this. Gong Moyi stopped walking and turned her head to ask, "Mr Cheng, what happened?"    


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