Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C1221 Something Happened

C1221 Something Happened

Because the Weibo trending has been removed, Therefore, in the next few days, the number of people discussing this matter in the school gradually decreased. Coupled with the deterrence of the Beiming Family, even in the school's forum, no one mentioned anything else.    


But Beiming Yubai knew that some things were just temporarily buried.    


Therefore, in these few days, Beiming Shen had already arranged for the school to be ready for her. Even the houses over there were bought in advance, and the children's houses were arranged. He also bought a lot of daily necessities.    


At the same time, Xiyan Cheng had already gone to cooperate with the investigation for a week.    


Gong Moyi knew that during the process of coordinating with the investigation, it was not allowed to contact the outside world.    


But there was no news of him, so she could not help but worry.    


The camp was gradually getting ready to wrap things up. The rebel army and the local government were already going through the final discussion and process, so Gong Moyi had nothing else to do other than training in the camp every day.    


She used this time to get familiar with Fu Yan and the others and learned many practical skills.    


On this day, she was racing with a mercenary under Fu Yan. When she just came back, she saw Lin Zexuan rushing towards the camp with a serious expression on his face.    


This was the first time Gong Moyi saw Lin Zexuan like this. She could not help but jump out of the car. She quickly walked over and said, "Instructor Lin!"    


Lin Zexuan turned his eyes and saw Gong Moyi. He seemed to hesitate for a moment and forced a smile. "Racing again?"    


Gong Moyi spread her hands and said, "Did something happen?"    


"It's nothing." Lin Zexuan shook his head.    


"Something must have happened." Gong Moyi said.    


Lin Zexuan turned around and was about to leave when Gong Moyi pulled on his sleeve. "Is there any news from Mr Cheng? They won't wrongly accuse him, right?"    


Gong Moyi knew that although Lin Zexuan was a non-staff member, being able to come here proved that he was also involved in a lot of military matters. Perhaps there really was some news about Xiyan Cheng.    


Of course, if she asked Gong Lingye to help investigate, she should know some things. But how could she dare now? Her father already wanted to pack her up and bring her home.    


Lin Zexuan saw Gong Moyi's serious expression and frowned. He sighed and said, "Moyi, there is indeed something. I said, don't get too excited."    


Gong Moyi's heart skipped a beat.    


Lin Zexuan said, "I just received news that Young Master Cheng is being investigated in the capital city and needs to cooperate with him to do something, but he was attacked during his trip today. The helicopter fell into the valley and is now searching."    


Gong Moyi's eyes suddenly widened and she said in disbelief, "How could it be like this? Is the news confirmed?"    


"It is confirmed that Young Master Cheng took the plane." Lin Zexuan said, "But don't worry, the helicopter is equipped with parachutes. He was born in the airborne brigade, so he will be fine."    


Why would Gong Moyi listen to words like 'nothing will happen'? She said directly, "Instructor Lin, do you know the exact address? I'm going to find him!"    


"Moyi, it's more chaotic over there. Furthermore, there's already a rescue team there. Don't go there alone." Lin Zexuan said, "And you blame yourself for being in this camp. If you leave without permission, you will be punished."    


"Tell me the address." Gong Moyi said.    


Lin Zexuan saw that she insisted and had no choice but to give the address to Gong Moyi.    


Gong Moyi received the address and told Jessica. She also sent a message to Pei Shangyu and left immediately.    


On the way, she looked at the location of Xiyan Cheng's bracelet on her phone and found that it was the location that Lin Zexuan had mentioned. Furthermore, it had never changed.    


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