Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C1268 She Was Drunk

C1268 She Was Drunk

Gong Moyi thought for a while and suddenly felt enlightened.    


She nodded, "Okay, I really don't want to do it this time. I want to leave everything to time."    


The dishes in this small restaurant were very slow, but the taste was unexpectedly good.    


Gong Moyi was tired for the whole day. She was physically and mentally exhausted and used delicious food to reward her stomach. She also felt much more cheerful.    


When she walked out of the restaurant, she said to Lin Shujuann: "Then what should I call you in the future? Brother Curly? Haha, isn't this name a little funny?"    


Lin Shujuann looked at her helplessly.    


Gong Moyi was still trying to find a topic to talk about. "Then let's call him Mr Shu? That sounds good!"    


Lin Shujuann still said the same thing. "The name is fake, you can call it whatever you want."    


Gong Moyi nodded, "Then it's settled, Brother Su!"    


After saying that, she said again, "Look at me. Am I young, beautiful, and capable? So I won't worry about personal gains and losses in the future, right?"    


"Yes." Lin Shujuann nodded and reached out to take Gong Moyi's pulse. "Did you drink too much?"    


Gong Moyi indeed drank some fruit wine brewed by the boss himself. At this moment, her face was flushed under the street light, and her eyes seemed to be shining.    


She shook her head. "No, my alcohol tolerance is good!"    


Lin Shujuann checked his pulse. He said lightly: "I drank too much, but I don't need the hangover soup. I'll go back and sleep early later. I'll take the plane after breakfast tomorrow morning."    


"Okay." Gong Moyi nodded and did not want to let him go. "Mr Shu, you haven't said anything yet. Am I young, beautiful, and capable?"    


Lin Shujuann waved for a taxi and nodded. "Yes, I was sure I passed just now."    


Gong Moyi said, "You were perfunctory to me just now."    


Lin Shujuann could not do anything to her. He did not know that the little girl usually looked independent and capable, but once she got close to a child, she would be angry.    


He looked into her eyes and said seriously, "Yes. Moyi is pretty, smart, and capable. Many people have been chasing her. There is no need to worry."    


Gong Moyi was satisfied and got into the car with Lin Shujuann.    


At this moment, in the private room on the second floor of the big restaurant opposite, Xiyan Cheng was sitting by the window. His eyes inadvertently swept over and saw the two people downstairs.    


This was the first time in his life that he saw Gong Moyi reveal the appearance of a little girl in front of other young men of the opposite sex.    


He had seen Gong Moyi and Beiming Yumo together. Even though they had been classmates since they were young, she was independent in front of him, and not at this moment. She was full of trust and dependence towards Lin Shujuann.    


Xiyan Cheng's hand, which was holding the wine glass, unconsciously exerted force. At this moment, he felt that the thing that he had always believed in was collapsing bit by bit.    


He thought that she liked to be with him since she was young, and that she would grow up with him as well.    


He thought that in her eyes, the only young opposite sex she saw was him.    


He thought that even if they were separated for more than a year, they would still be together.    


But at this moment, when he saw her downstairs with Lin Shujuann, he was suddenly uncertain.    


He didn't know what had happened in these few short months. How could she rely on that person to this extent?    


Even if she misunderstood that he had chosen to save Nolri, she would not be sad because she already had someone else by her side. So there were some things that she did not care about?    


At this moment, a voice came from the side, "Young Master Cheng! Young Master Cheng!"    


Xiyan Cheng suddenly reacted and turned to look at Nessan.    


"Your hand is injured." Nessan said, "What's wrong with this wine glass?"    


Xiyan Cheng lowered his eyes and found that the wine glass in his palm had been crushed by him. The porcelain pieces cut through his skin and blood flowed out, dripping down.    


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