Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C1364 I Saw What You Said about Me

C1364 I Saw What You Said about Me

Gong Moyi opened her eyes wide when she heard him.    


After that, she became silent.    


Xiyan Cheng knew that she was thinking, so he did not interrupt her.    


Gong Moyi began to slowly sort out her thoughts. As she did, she said to Xiyan Cheng, "Regarding his matter, I currently have a few clues."    


She said, "First, a few months ago when I went to the army, I met him. At that time, he was holding a document in his hand. He was knocked over by someone passing by and the document fell to the ground. It was an application for you to marry Nolri."    


"Baby, let me explain this -" Xiyan Cheng said anxiously.    


Gong Moyi raised her hand to signal him not to speak.    


She continued, "Secondly, I went to save you a year ago because I heard the news he told me. He said you were investigated and you went missing on the way. It is unknown whether you are alive or dead. I immediately applied to save you, but he didn't stop me "    


When Xiyan Cheng heard this, although he already knew what had happened at that time, his heart still ached bitterly.    


He looked at the girl in front of him, the color in his eyes becoming deeper and deeper.    


"Third." Gong Moyi said. "A few days ago, I went to the army to cooperate with your evaluation. When the evaluation was over, I met him on the way. He seemed to be very interested in my evaluation of you. After that, I didn't say anything. He started to blame me, thinking that I was too cold to you "    


Baby, I saw it all. " Xiyan Cheng looked at Gong Moyi. He reached out and held her hand. "I saw your evaluation of me. I was very touched."    


Gong Moyi's hand did not twitch.    


She could not help but frown. "Let go."    


"I won't let go." Xiyan Cheng glanced around and saw that there were many people around. He knew that Gong Moyi was a little thin-skinned, so he got up and pulled the stool to Gong Moyi's side.    


He pulled her into his arms and tightened his arms. "Baby, thank you for believing me!"    


Gong Moyi struggled, but how could she be a match for the man in front of her?    


She was afraid that the commotion would be seen by the surrounding people, so she could not help but feel vexed.    


"Baby, do you think that I have always been a hero? Then give me another chance, let me be your hero for life, okay?" Xiyan Cheng asked by her ear.    


Gong Moyi clearly saw that many people around looked over.    


When her memory was in chaos, she carried Mianmian and drove on the trending page. When she later found out, it already made her very upset.    


Because after that day, a few classmates who were familiar with her really called her and asked her where she bought the car.    


Now, Xiyan Cheng was hugging her in front of everyone on the first floor of the library. If someone were to take a picture of her, it would be a disgrace for her to go online!    


She tried her best to lower her voice. "Xiyan Cheng, let go of me! Do you want to be filmed?"    


"I don't care." Xiyan Cheng hugged Gong Moyi. He felt that his empty heart finally had a moment of fulfillment after such a long time.    


He did not care. Even if he had been scolded by the entire world, it did not matter. As long as she could understand him, believe him, and be willing to stay by his side.    


Gong Moyi did not expect Xiyan Cheng to be so helpless. She was anxious. She could not struggle and bit Xiyan Cheng's shoulder.    


He paused and smiled. "Baby," he said. Use more strength. Biting a mark is even better. I can still live for a lifetime."    


Gong Moyi was angry but she reacted after a moment.    


Why was she led away by him?    


The more vexed she was, the more complacent he might be. His previous pity was all an act!    


Furthermore, they had already broken up. What was the point of her being like this with him?    


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