Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C1406 Xi Yancheng Was also There!

C1406 Xi Yancheng Was also There!

Wang Chu remained motionless until Gong Moyi saw his hands on the ground move. Only then could she confirm that he was still alive.    


"Now, only Gong Moyi is left." Nolri said in English, "Just now someone saw a parachute. Is she already dead?"    


"Probably not." Jess frowned and said, " Unless there's a shark that suddenly comes out of the water, but we've confirmed that there's no shark around here. "    


Xiyan Cheng is in our hands. She will take the bait. " "Yes," Nolri said.    


Gong Moyi's breathing suddenly tightened when she heard this.    


Xiyan Cheng was in their hands? Then how was he?    


In the next second, Jess said, "Will the dead Xiyan Cheng still be useful?"    


Nolri smiled. "Even if there is only one bone left, there will still be. Brother, you do not understand women..."    


Jess sneered. "Xiyan Cheng destroyed our manor and let us live like dogs for the past few months. All of this is because of him!"    


He hated Gray's manor, but when all the things that held him back and looked down on him were destroyed, he realized that it was a hole that penetrated deep into his soul.    


He couldn't find a way to vent his anger, find a way to hate him, and even more so, he couldn't find a father who looked down on him and ignored him. He couldn't prove it to that old man!    


In these few short months, he was sick of it. Similarly, Nolri was also sick of it.    


They had all gone crazy. They felt that living was more painful than dying. They even hoped that they would die. In the midst of that collapse.    


Unfortunately, they did not have the courage to end their lives. They could not let go of the hatred in their hearts.    


This time, although they knew that their final outcome might be death, they felt very excited and yearned for it!    


"So, since Xiyan Cheng is so useful, I'll hang him on the mast!" Jess smiled, as if there was a poisonous snake hidden in his eyes.    


"Good idea." Nolri smiled. "Why don't we hang them all on the mast? The Sino Nation people like to be neat, so they have to be neat even if they die!"    


When Gong Moyi heard this, the veins on her forehead could not help but pop up.    


These two people, she wanted to slice off their flesh piece by piece!    


And obviously, Wang Chu who was on the ground also heard it. He struggled to get up and threw himself at Nolri who was sitting in the wheelchair!    


It was also in this instant that Gong Moyi made use of the movement to quickly come out of the washroom and jumped onto the neck of a guard in the corridor. Then, the dagger slipped and directly cut his throat.    


That person did not even make a sound and directly fell to the ground.    


Gong Moyi used almost all her strength to drag the man to the side and hid him. Then, she took out the signal transmitter from the man's body.    


At this time, the injured Wang Chu had already been subdued. After that, a few guards came over and lifted him up to hang him on the mast.    


Gong Moyi tried her best to ignore their current situation. She quickly dived to the stern of the ship, the furthest away from both the mast and the hall. Then, she activated the signal.    


After activating the signal, she used the fastest speed to escape from where she was and headed straight to the hall!    


She had calculated that Nolri was in a wheelchair and there was no landslide specially designed for disabled people on the ship, so it was very inconvenient.    


Therefore, Jess might go out, but Nolri might still be in the hall.    


When Gong Moyi went to the corridor outside the hall and looked through the window, she also confirmed her guess.    


In the hall, there was only Nolri and a guard. The others, some went to the bow of the ship to hang people, and some went to the stern of the ship.    


Gong Moyi's eyes narrowed. When the guard went to pour Nolri water, she directly jumped in and the dagger was stuck in Nolri's throat!    


Did everyone see that? This crisis had two effects. 1. Father Ye wouldn't oppose it. 2. Solve Nolri and Jess completely.    


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