Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C773 A Single Person's City of Confinement

C773 A Single Person's City of Confinement

Following Chiang Xiaoxi's words, Xuanyuan Lin clearly saw a bright red flowing out of her body. Very quickly, it spread to the ground.    


Xuanyuan Lin frowned very tightly and cursed, "Bad luck!"    


Then, he suddenly broke free of Chiang Xiaoxi's hand and quickly walked out.    


What kind of joke was this? It was so easy for him to capture Chiang Xiaoxi as a hostage. How could he let her die so easily?    


And she had just bled. It looked like she would die if she was not treated. Then, he would find a way to stop the bleeding.    


After all, what was the use of holding a dead person in his hands? There was no value at all!    


However, he definitely could not send Chiang Xiaoxi to the hospital. After all, Beiming Shen's people were definitely still in the dark.    


However, there was already an obstetrician here, so not long after, Xuanyuan Lin brought her in.    


At this moment, the ground was covered with blood. Chiang Xiaoxi had already fainted from the pain...    


Thousands of miles away, Beiming Mo and Xuanyuan Che did not know what had happened at all. The two of them were taking photos at the lamp and Beiming Mo only took pictures of her face. Fortunately, her looks were good. Even though she was a little fat, she was still pretty.    


The two of them walked around for a while more. Beiming Mo was a little tired and returned the way she came.    


When they passed by a crab bun shop, Beiming Mo tugged at Xuanyuan Che's sleeve. "Che, I still want to buy a few more. I will eat them tomorrow morning!"    


Although Xuanyuan Che felt that the food outside was not very hygienic, he still agreed when he saw Beiming Mo's gluttonous look. "Okay, I'll go and buy."    


He walked to the window to buy buns while Beiming Mo played with selfies at the door.    


Just as he was having fun, his phone rang and she immediately answered.    


Beiming Shen's voice seemed to be suppressing some emotions, "Momo?"    


"Mr Shen, are you sick? Why is this voice?" Beiming Mo asked.    


No. " Beiming Shen leaned against the wall. The cold wind penetrated his thin clothes. "I want to ask you something."    


Beiming Mo heard his tone was not right and stopped smiling. She said seriously, "Mr Shen, did something happen?"    


"No." Beiming Shen looked at the crescent moon in the sky. There was a moment of weakness in his eyes. "If a man can't even protect his own child and sacrifice his own child for someone else, what do you think he is?"    


Beiming Mo was stunned. She instinctively wanted to put Beiming Shen on the "man" that he was talking about, but she felt that it did not match his situation.    


She could only think of this question. She thought for a while and said, "Who did he sacrifice his own child for?"    


"For the person he loves?" Beiming Shen asked.    


Beiming Mo frowned slightly and then said, "I don't know what a man's perspective is like, but because I am pregnant, I feel that the child is very important. Maybe it is because of my natural maternal nature. I can't imagine a person sacrificing his own flesh and blood for selfish feelings."    


After she finished speaking, she heard a man's breathing coming from the phone, carrying a sense of forbearance and pain for no reason.    


Beiming Mo's heart sank. "Mr Shen, who was the person you were talking about just now?"    


Beiming Shen did not answer.    


Beiming Mo continued. "But I only stand on my personal point of view. But what actually happened was definitely more complicated than what you described, so that person's choice was not always wrong. Maybe he had his own difficulties, or maybe he had no other choice. "    


Beiming Shen responded. "Yes, I know."    


Beiming Mo was still a little worried, but she knew Beiming Shen's temper. She would not be able to find out what he did not want to say.    


Knowing that he was in a bad mood, she changed the topic. "By the way, Mr Shen, is there any new year activity in Jin City? We are very lively here today. I am taking a stroll around the Lantern Festival. There is an antique street here and I have sold many traditional snacks. I have been eating all the way here. I feel like I am going to get fat! "    


Beiming Shen listened to Beiming Mo's words. His Adam's apple rolled heavily, and he could not help but cry.    


He leaned against the corner of the wall and did not move. He maintained the position where his phone was placed beside his ear.    


Beiming Mo said again, " Unfortunately, I am pregnant. Otherwise, I would have really wanted to go to J Nation to see how they spend the New Year. Oh right, "My dad left the company to the trust agency to manage. Now, he's more relaxed. He spent the New Year in Imperial City this year as well."    


"When I'm done giving birth to the baby and have my milk cut off, I'll bring the company over from the trust agency. I used to be in the Unique perfume brand, and now I've also invested half of my shares. Including my dad's small company, I'm about to become a domineering CEO. Haha! "    


Beiming Mo laughed when she said this.    


Coincidentally, Xuanyuan Che finished buying the crab yellow bag and walked to her side with the bag.    


Seeing that she was making a phone call, he helped her sit down on a chair at the side and waited for her to finish calling before leaving.    


"So when we go back, do you want to invest in our company and participate in the year-end dividends or something?" Beiming Mo was already imagining the future. "But you probably don't like my small company, right?"    


Beiming Shen tried hard to calm his emotions and said, "No."    


"It's a deal then. You can be the third shareholder." Beiming Mo looked at the crab yellow bag in Xuanyuan Che's hand and wanted to eat it again. She could not help but mutter, "It's over, it's over. Mr Shen, let me tell you. You should wait for me to lose weight successfully later. Come and see me again! I can't do it anymore. I'm already fat like a ball. "    


Beiming Shen's eyes were red. He said over there," It doesn't matter if I'm fat. As long as you and the baby are healthy. "    


"Alright. I hope the baby won't be too big when the time comes. It won't be too difficult to give birth." Beiming Mo thought of something and her eyes suddenly lit up. "Oh right, I have not given the baby a name yet. Two boys, if you have any inspiration, help me think. You are the baby's uncle after all."    


Beiming Shen's hands suddenly tightened. He thought of the two children in Chiang Xiaoxi's womb that had no chance of being born. He felt his heart torn apart.    


He took a deep breath and answered. "Okay."    


"Then it's settled. When your two nephew comes out, I'll send you a photo!" Beiming Mo smiled.    


Beiming Shen said, "I will go and see you guys."    


"Really?" Beiming Mo became excited. "But you are not allowed to laugh at my fat!"    


She chattered for a long time before hanging up.    


"Mr Shen called?" Xuanyuan Che asked.    


Beiming Mo nodded. "He doesn't seem to be in a good mood, so I chatted with him for a while."    


Beiming Mo thought that on this new year reunion day, Beiming Shen was alone in J Country. His only brother had passed away, and his father was no longer around. He also did not date.    


So, he was really all alone.    


"Sigh, I also don't know when Mr Shen will find a girlfriend." Beiming Mo said to Xuanyuan Che, "He is quite lonely during the New Year by himself."    


"I talked to him in Jin City a few days ago. He said that he does not have any plans to find a girlfriend at the moment." "Maybe he has his own plans," Xuanyuan Che said.    


"Yes." Beiming Mo nodded and stopped guessing.    


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