Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C899 Are You Willing to Marry Me?

C899 Are You Willing to Marry Me?

After that, Gong Moyi got busier and busier.    


Usually, after she finished her homework, she would study airplane models. During the weekend, other than learning medical knowledge, she would go to the mountains or practice piano at home.    


As a daughter of the Gong Family, a lot of things had to go from primary school.    


Although Gong Lingye came to see his daughter once a month, his homework was arranged very well for Gong Moyi.    


Piano, wine tasting, painting, calligraphy. Every subject had a specialized teacher. Other than calligraphy, Xuanyuan Huo personally taught them.    


Therefore, Gong Moyi did not have much time left for herself. Occasionally, she would think of Country F and wondered if there were new breakthroughs in the research and development of the airplane over there.    


Time suddenly came to a realization. In the blink of an eye, more than a year had passed.    


Gong Moyi advanced to the fourth grade while Gong Moyan welcomed graduation from university.    


On the day of graduation, as an outstanding graduate, she came to the stage to give a speech.    


Actually, she had discussed with Xiao Pei before. Before she was together with Xiao Pei, she planned to stay in Ningcheng University until the end of her graduate studies.    


However, she really couldn't stay in a foreign country with him for too long. She also couldn't bear for him to wait for four years.    


Therefore, she had agreed with Old Wu that she would return to Ning Country after graduation. However, she would study the courses and materials of her master's studies while working.    


Old Wu was still her mentor, but as a postgraduate student, she would go to Ning Hai University two weekends.    


On the stage, Gong Moyan faced her classmates and could not help but feel emotional.    


She remembered many years ago when she sat below the stage and looked up at Xiao Pei on the stage. From now on, there was only him in her eyes.    


She had also been confused and denied herself, but in the end, because of him, she became the most outstanding person she could achieve through hard work.    


Below the stage, Xiao Pei was wearing a shirt and pants, looking at her calmly.    


She had once quietly said that she would accompany him on every important day of his life, and it was obvious that he had also done it.    


When he graduated, she and Gong Lingye sat together under the stage, watching him wear the scholar's hat and be plucked by the principal.    


And at this moment, he was also sitting in the same position, witnessing the time when she graduated from university.    


On the same day, Gong Moyan's graduation ceremony ended. After taking a photo with her classmates, she flew to Imperial City with Xiao Pei.    


Because, it was also today. In the evening, Xiao Pei, as an outstanding entrepreneur, was invited to a lecture at Imperial City University.    


The lecture time was 7: 30 PM in the evening. At this moment, the auditorium was already filled with students. Because Xiao Pei was too popular, the entire auditorium was full. Even the last row of seats was empty. There were still many students sitting on the steps of the lecture hall.    


When Gong Moyan entered, there were no more seats. She could only walk to the steps behind and sit down, quietly waiting for Xiao Pei to appear.    


At 7: 30 PM, Xiao Pei appeared in the auditorium on time.    


He wore a shirt and tie. He was dressed in formal attire, but he was as pure and bright as when she first saw him.    


He stood on the stage and smiled at the students below the stage. He introduced himself, "Hello, students. I am your senior, Xiao Pei."    


There was a round of applause from below the stage. Gong Moyan was excited and also clapped hard.    


Today, Xiao Pei was talking about the problems that a university student might encounter after graduation. He also talked about how to grasp opportunities. Because it involved personal interests, everyone listened very seriously.    


In addition, Xiao Pei spoke without holding anything back, and those personal experiences were vivid and convincing. All the students listened attentively. Other than his clear voice, there was nothing else in the huge auditorium.    


Gong Moyan sat below and felt proud in her heart.    


He was the person she had fallen in love with at first glance. Now, he was still standing in the place where she could see him when she looked up.    


She was happy for him.    


Xiao Pei's lecture continued for an hour and a half. Towards the end, it was time for the students to ask questions.    


Unfortunately, everyone had a lot of questions, so the original ten minutes of questions were forcibly extended to half an hour.    


Xiao Pei patiently answered. In the end, he looked at his watch and smiled. "Can everyone give me the last ten minutes?"    


The students all laughed: "Sure, what do you want to do, senior?"    


Xiao Pei lowered his eyes and smiled. Then, he picked up a bunch of fiery red roses from behind the podium.    


"How?" Everyone guessed what he was going to do. They all looked around, trying to find the person he wanted to give the flowers to.    


Gong Moyan sat on the steps. Her position was very inconspicuous, at the end of the steps. Hence, no one paid attention to her side at all.    


She looked at the flower Xiao Pei took out and felt her heart beat rapidly. It hit her chest hard, and even her fingertips felt numb.    


The man on the stage opened his mouth. "I have always been grateful for the way students return to school to communicate. Because of this tradition, my nameless girl got to know me. And because of this tradition, I sat below the stage and also got to know the shining girl. "    


We were separated before. A long time ago, I was a little lost. However, because of her hard work and excellence, I found a new direction. "    


" She waited for me for nine years, and I also waited for her for nine years, from school to work, until this day finally came "    


"We are glad that we have not lost our way, and also glad that she loves me, making me even more outstanding."    


"Even more fortunate is that she has never given up on me."    


When he spoke up to here, he walked down from the platform, holding that bouquet of roses, walking up the stairs step by step.    


Gong Moyan sat there and watched as the man walked towards her step by step. Behind him was the podium and the projector background. Beside him was the desk and many students.    


He walked quietly and approached her. It was as if the red carpet was spreading under his feet.    


Until Xiao Pei stood in front of Gong Moyan.    


Gong Moyan covered her face, and her tears could not help but roll down her face. She tried hard to laugh, but her tears still flowed through the gaps between her fingers.    


She stood up and looked at him who suddenly knelt down on one knee towards her.    


"We met on campus, starting from here. From being moved to the wedding dress, it also started from here." He raised his head and looked into her eyes. "Will you marry me? " I've grown up, Miss Nameless. "    


Gong Moyan's chest heaved up and down, and her tears fell uncontrollably. She looked at the man in front of her through the curtain of tears. She remembered that when she met him, she was 11 years old, and he was 21 years old.    


Now, she was 22 years old. He was 32 years old.    


Eleven years of time, she had witnessed him from a young boy to a mature man, and he had also witnessed her appearance from a child to now.    


They had all changed their appearances, but the only thing that remained unchanged was their pious and pure hearts.    


Gong Moyan nodded and sobbed, "Mr Xiao Pei, I am willing."    


Xiao Pei handed the flower to Gong Moyan and opened the jewelry box in his palm. He took out a diamond ring and lifted Gong Moyan's hand. He slowly put it on her finger.    


Gong Moyan smiled as she shed tears. She took the male ring and put it on seriously for Xiao Pei.    


She held his hand and stood up. Only then did the audience burst into applause and cheers.    


Gong Moyan reacted and felt her face heat up.    


Xiao Pei suddenly lifted her up and said to everyone, "We will leave first."    


The students smiled excitedly as they watched the two of them leave.    


Xiao Pei carried Gong Moyan and his footsteps became lighter and lighter. He and her had finally fulfilled their goal.    


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