Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C166 He Threw It on the Bed

C166 He Threw It on the Bed

Gong Lingye brought Soong Yiren onto the cruise ship and went straight to the rest cabin.    


The double rest cabin was actually not much different from a hotel bed room, except that the window was smaller.    


Gong Lingye pursed his lips and wordlessly placed Soong Yiren on the sofa, then turned around and left.    


The cabin suddenly quieted down. Soong Yiren looked at the closed door and her mind was in a mess.    


He should be angry that she did not greet him and came here privately?    


Then she should explain to him and tell him the reason why she came here personally, right?    


However, she originally planned to tell him on his birthday. Now that she said it, it seemed to be less ceremonial?    


Just as Soong Yiren was lost in her thoughts, the cabin door opened again. Gong Lingye held two things in his hands and walked in.    


He handed the box that had already wiped off the dirt and blood to Soong Yiren, then walked to the sofa opposite her and sat down.    


Soong Yiren took the box and thanked him. Then, she said, "Aa Mian is injured. He did not properly treat his wound just now..."    


Gong Lingye ignored Soong Yiren's words. Instead, he lifted her foot and checked the sprain on her ankle.    


The light was bright and the swelling on her ankle was especially obvious.    


The pressure on his body was even lower. He poured out some medicine wine from the bottle in his hand and slightly dissolved it in his palm before covering Soong Yiren's ankle.    


The cabin was very quiet. The light fell on Gong Lingye's head. His brows were also covered by shadows, and his entire person was cold and focused.    


Following the gentle movements of his hands, the medicinal liquid was warmed by his palm and seeped into Soong Yiren's skin bit by bit, causing the pain on her ankle to suddenly reduce by quite a bit.    


Her nose was somewhat sore and she could not help but reach out and pull Gong Lingye's shirt sleeve.    


He should have rushed over from the Hua Country exchange meet, right? Therefore, he was dressed in formal attire, and didn't even have the time to untie his tie.    


Feeling Soong Yiren pulling him, Gong Lingye raised his eyes and lightly said, "En.    


Soong Yiren pursed her lips and called out to him, "Gong Lingye."    


He was still angry and did not respond. It was just that his hands did not stop moving.    


Soong Yiren knew that she was in the wrong. After all, she had promised Gong Lingye before and she would not take the risk. But...    


She blinked her big eyes and asked him, "Are you hungry?"    


Gong Lingye frowned slightly and ignored her. He lowered his head and continued to do what he needed to do.    


Soong Yiren did not coax people too much and did not know how to admit her mistakes. Hence, she pulled Gong Lingye's sleeve again.    


This time, Gong Lingye glanced over from the corner of his eye and saw that Soong Yiren's palm was a little red.    


He caught it and indeed saw the blisters at the edge of her palm.    


His brows tightly knitted. He put down her leg and got up to walk out again.    


This time, Soong Yiren guessed correctly. Sure enough, when Gong Lingye came back, there was already scalding ointment in his hands.    


It seemed that he was only angry, but he still cared about her.    


When he thought of this, it was as if a jar of honey had been knocked over in his heart. It was so sweet that it made his face heat up.    


Soong Yiren allowed Gong Lingye to grab her hand. First, she used a disinfectant wet towel to wipe it clean. Then, she used a cotton wand to apply a burn ointment on her.    


Then, under the light of the cabin, she discovered that there was a black mark on the side profile of his face. He must have accidentally touched it. There were also many black marks on his shirt, which made him look like a cold man from the end of the world.    


Soong Yiren saw that there was also a wet towel. After Gong Lingye let go of her hand, she picked up the wet towel and moved closer to him. She raised her hand to wipe the mark on his face.    


Gong Lingye was stunned. His whole body froze for half a second. He lowered his eyes and saw Soong Yiren looking up at him. Her beautiful and clear eyes were full of his shadow.    


Soong Yiren wiped the thing on Gong Lingye's face and saw that there was something on his neck, so she stretched out her hand again.    


He did not dodge. His palm was still wrapped around her ankle. He only felt a slight cool sensation pass through him. Feeling his Adam's apple, it made the blood in his body seem to boil a little.    


Gong Lingye suppressed the impulse to press Soong Yiren under his body and just let her do whatever she wanted on him.    


Soong Yiren finally wiped away all the dirty parts of Gong Lingye's body, but when she finished, she found that she was already half kneeling on Gong Lingye's lap.    


Her cognition made her look at the corner of his eyes, but she found that he was looking at her with a cold, heavy, and oppressing gaze.    


He seemed to be still angry?    


Soong Yiren's heart was somewhat perturbed as her lips... She moved her lips but in the end, she still admitted her mistake first. "Sorry, I did not mean to lie to you..."    


After saying that, she suddenly realized that she seemed to be lying to him on purpose.    


Thus, she corrected him: "I didn't mean that. ... I just had to come over personally because there was something buried in the grass. I had to dig it out "    


Realizing that she could not explain why she knew that there was something buried in the grass, Soong Yiren realized that she might have to tell Gong Lingye in advance about her identity.    


However, in this occasion...    


She looked at the angry Gong Lingye with some hesitation. She felt that not only was it less of a ritual, but it was also a little aggrieved to say it now.    


Gong Lingye saw that Soong Yiren did not speak, and the expression on his face became a little colder. He reached out and grabbed her waist, as if he wanted to chase her away.    


Soong Yiren panicked and hurriedly reached out her hand that was not burned to grab Gong Lingye's shirt. She said, "Sorry, I will not run away without saying hello in the future."    


She finally said it and her cheeks became hot.    


She had been very obedient since she was young, as if she had never apologized to anyone for her mistakes.    


However, today was really dangerous.    


Aa Mian was injured because of her. If Gong Lingye's car had not arrived in time, perhaps she, Aa Mian, and the driver would have been detained by Chu Mingyao's men. The consequences would have been unimaginable.    


Furthermore, Gong Lingye had also taken a risk by coming here. If his car was a little closer to the car, Then...    


Thinking of this, Soong Yiren took a deep breath and got closer to Gong Lingye. "Gong Lingye, don't be angry, okay? I'm sorry..."    


She looked at his handsome face nervously. When she saw him suddenly open his mouth to scold her, she became anxious. She suddenly reached out her arm to grab Gong Lingye's neck and pulled him forward. Then, she put her lips on his.    


When their lips touched, Gong Lingye's eyes narrowed. However, after the girl in front of him randomly kissed him, she impatiently pried open his teeth.    


His Adam's apple rolled hard, and the hand that was still on her waist unconsciously tightened a little. His entire person was filled with a dangerous and crazy aura.    


However, Soong Yiren did not know that this was the first time she took the initiative to kiss Gong Lingye. She could only follow his method completely.    


He did not respond, so she forced him to entangle with her.    


However, when she was rejected twice and was trying hard for the third time, she suddenly felt light in her body. Then, she felt dizzy and fell into the softness again. She was already picked up by Gong Lingye and thrown onto the bed.    


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