Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C400 Separated for Two Years They Can be Automatically Divorced

C400 Separated for Two Years They Can be Automatically Divorced

Lieh Yuanchen had come with Lieh Xiaoruan. However, when they reached the parking lot, he said he would walk around. He did not stay with everyone.    


At this moment, he came over to see Hee Wanshuang from afar. He did not expect to see her as soon as he came over.    


She also did not think that he would come. Therefore, the moment she saw him, her gaze paused for a moment, and then immediately shifted away.    


Lieh Yuanchen's breathing slightly stiffened, but he did not avert his gaze.    


In the square, after Gong Lingye finished introducing Lieh Xiaoruan, he also drank a cup to everyone, and then returned to his seat.    


Lieh Xiaoruan went over with him and said to Soong Yiren, "Sister-in-law, let me toast to you!"    


Soong Yiren got up and touched Lieh Xiaoruan, "Xiaoruan, we will be a family from now on!"    


"I am sorry about the past!" Lieh Xiaoruan blinked.    


Soong Yiren shook her head. "It's nothing. I thought it was fun too."    


"You are very good at modifying cars. Teach me when you have time." Lieh Xiaoruan said again.    


"Okay." Soong Yiren nodded, "Let's play with the car later."    


Gong Lingye pinched Soong Yiren's face. "Wife, don't be too crazy. Safety is the priority."    


Soong Yiren raised her eyebrows. "You are still worried about my skills?"    


"Naughtily." Gong Lingye helplessly rubbed Soong Yiren's hair and hugged her to sit down. He said to Lieh Xiaoruan, "Xiaoruan, in the future, let your sister-in-law take you to her base to play. You should be interested!"    


"Okay, then I will follow sister-in-law from now on!" Lieh Xiaoruan said, "To be honest, I admire her very much during the last competition!"    


They chatted very happily on one side. On the other side, Lieh Yuanchen kept looking in Hee Wanshuang's direction and did not come close.    


Beside him, a staff member asked him, "Sir, do you need help?"    


"No need, thank you." After saying that, he walked to the other side.    


Hee Wanshuang took the pickle from Luo Tianqi and ate it. When she looked over there again, she did not see Lieh Yuanchen.    


Her heart relaxed a little.    


At this moment, her phone, which she had put aside, rang. When she saw the caller ID, she answered the call.    


The man said, "Wanshuang, after my friend saw your information, he passed the application you submitted previously and you received the free writing opportunity for this column."    


"Really? Thank you so much, Lawyer Zhang." Hee Wanshuang's eyes lit up. "Then I can start work at any time?"    


"Yes." Zhang Zi Xun thought for a while and said, "You and Mr. Lieh's divorce lawsuit..."    


Hee Wanshuang thought for a moment and said, "Lawyer Zhang, will this lawsuit continue for a long time? If he does not agree to divorce? "    


"Under normal circumstances." Zhang Zichao said: "Because he didn't make any legal mistakes during his marriage, if he wants to divorce, he'll probably need some time to mediate"    


"Then I'll go and collect the information first!" Hee Wanshuang lowered her eyes. "Isn't there a law? If the husband and wife are separated for two years, they can be automatically divorced. Me and him... If he doesn't divorce, then we can talk about it in two years! "    


Hee Wanshuang added in her heart. Furthermore, Lieh Yuanchen was just apologizing to her for a moment. How could she let his marriage drag on for two years?    


"Okay. If you are free this afternoon, I will go to my friend's place. I can take you with me." Zhang Zixun said, "I'll drive."    


Hee Wanshuang was about to refuse when she saw Lieh Xiaoruan chatting with Soong Yiren. It seemed that she had already gotten familiar with Soong Yiren very quickly.    


Gong Lingye had a biological younger sister and perhaps there was no position for her by his side. And she originally also liked to come out with them.    


But now, for some reason, she just wanted to quietly stay by herself.    


Then, she might as well find an excuse to leave...    


Hence, Hee Wanshuang said, "Okay. But I'm in the Cloudsea Manor in the northern suburbs. I'm not in the city."    


"I should be passing by when I drive there. I only need to drive for about ten minutes to pick you up." Zhang Zichao said. "I'll be passing by at about three o'clock. I'll give you a call when the time comes."    


"Alright" Hee Wanshuang hung up the phone.    


On the other side, Lieh Yuanchen looked at her on the phone. He did not miss the light in her eyes.    


Who was she on the phone with? Why was she so happy?    


His breathing paused. He walked to a stream and lit a cigar.    


On the other side, after everyone ate some fruits and desserts, they prepared to climb the mountain.    


Luo Tianqi seemed to be in high spirits. He pulled Xuanyuan Che away and said, "Brother, it's already so late. Why are you still playing underground? Do you think we are blind and don't know what you are doing?"    


Xuanyuan Che smiled and said, "Wait for her."    


"Sigh, they are all people with different surnames and inhumane characters!" Luo Tianqi cursed in his heart. Seeing that Pei Jun was single, he immediately changed his target.    


On the other side, Xuanyuan Che walked to Beiming Mo's side. "Momo, let's go to the top of the mountain to watch the sunset?"    


Beiming Mo looked at him. "There seems to be no cable car?"    


"No." On the side, Gong Lingye said, "We can go up in an hour."    


Soong Yiren looked at the peak of the mountain. Her legs were already weak. "I can't climb, I don't climb."    


Gong Lingye held her hand and moved closer to her. "Hubby's back?"    


She looked at everyone. Everyone had already walked up. If she did not move, It would be too...    


Gritting her teeth, she decided to fight.    


In the April season, climbing the mountains was the most suitable. The sun passed through the forest and fell, but it was not warm.    


The branches on both sides had already sprouted green shoots. A cool breeze blew past, and there were occasional rustling sounds.    


Everyone went up together, and they really unknowingly reached the halfway point of the mountain.    


Everyone rested for a while before continuing.    


After all, Soong Yiren had drawn too much blood previously and her body had not recovered yet. In addition, she had 'exercised' this morning. After that, she looked at the remaining half of the journey and her legs were really trembling.    


In the next second, the man beside her suddenly let go of her hand and walked in front of her to squat down.    


He turned his head and said, "Nuan, come up."    


Soong Yiren wanted to say no, but her body's center of gravity was already on Gong Lingye's body.    


He held her back and steadily stood up.    


She rested her head on his shoulder and softly said, "They will definitely laugh at me."    


"They won't laugh at you" Gong Lingye said meaningfully, "They will only praise me for my endurance."    


"You..." Soong Yiren's face suddenly became hot. She turned her eyes and saw that everyone was looking at her.    


Her face became hotter and she quickly buried her head on Gong Lingye's shoulder.    


"Mr Ye, is this the reason why you are late this morning?" Luo Tianqi winked and said.    


Lieh Xiaoruan, who was at the side, did not understand, "Why is he late?"    


Luo Tianqi waved his hand at her, "Don't interrupt when adults are talking!"    


"I'm not a few years younger than you, am I?" Lieh Xiaoruan was dissatisfied. She turned her head and asked Soong Yiren. "Sister-in-law, do you usually lack exercise?"    


Luo Tianqi said, "She exercise better than anyone else." When he spoke, he deliberately emphasized the word "exercise.    


Seeing that Lieh Xiaoruan still did not understand, he patted her shoulder and said in a senior tone, "Younger sister, in the future, find a husband and look for him according to your brother's physical strength!"    


Everyone laughed loudly. Beiming Mo at the side said to Luo Tianqi, "I think Aa Mian's physical strength is also okay."    


Xuanyuan Che heard her and pulled her to his side. "Momo, I think you are hinting at something."    


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