Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C500 A Long Time ago He Did the Same Thing

C500 A Long Time ago He Did the Same Thing

Lieh Yuanchen had used up almost all of his willpower to not walk out of the room.    


Hee Wanshuang, on the other hand, had actually called him for more than ten minutes!    


Finally, he heard her say to the person on the other end of the phone, "It's very nice. Is this your new song?"    


"Wow, you received an invitation to perform in the province? Congratulations, Xiao Cheng. "    


"Alright, if the time is right, I will definitely go and watch it."    


"Alright, goodbye."    


Hee Wanshuang hung up the phone and there was still a smile on her face.    


She forgot to go and pick. As for the flowers, she directly picked up the basket filled with pastries and walked towards the wooden building.    


Lieh Yuanchen slowly came out from the shadows and looked at the bamboo basket with a complicated expression.    


Hee Wanshuang did not come back. At least he stood there for a long time and did not see her.    


In the distance, there seemed to be the smell of food drifting over. Lieh Yuanchen felt a little hungry. So, he lifted his foot and was about to go back.    


At this moment, a faint cry for help came from the distance.    


Lieh Yuanchen frowned slightly and carefully examined it. He discovered that it came from a river more than ten meters away.    


He quickly walked over and saw a woman struggling about four or five meters away from the shore.    


Because the sky was already dark. He could barely see her appearance and what she was wearing. He could only vaguely hear that her voice was somewhat familiar.    


Lieh Yuanchen's heart sank when he guessed something. He quickly ran over and jumped into the water.    


Although it was summer, the water in the evening of the mountain was bone-chilling. It shocked him so much that he could not help but tense up.    


He quickly swam towards the place where the woman fell into the water, until he could accurately hear that it was Hee Wanshuang's voice.    


However, before he could reach her, she seemed to be unable to sustain her physical strength. Her hands waved weakly twice before sinking.    


The sky was very dark, and there was only a circle of ripples around her.    


"Shuang!" He blurted out.    


Lieh Yuanchen felt as if his heart had been gripped tightly by something. The fear in that instant made him dive into the water without thinking.    


The water became darker. He could only see that she had almost become one with the water around her.    


She had become a shadow, floating up and down weakly in the water.    


He quickly took action and hugged her from behind. Then, he pulled her out of the water.    


She was still unconscious, and there was no reaction from her at all.    


Lieh Yuanchen did not even have time to carry Hee Wanshuang ashore before he grabbed her from behind and pressed hard on her.    


Luckily, Hee Wanshuang had just fainted from choking, so in this way, her water was spat out all of a sudden and she recovered her breathing.    


"Cough, cough ~ ~"    


She coughed hard and felt weak all over. She did not know what day it was.    


She could only feel a warm embrace behind her, supporting her as she docked.    


There was no shallow shore on this side of the shore, so Lieh Yuanchen could only use force and send Hee Wanshuang to the side of the fields. After that, he propped himself up and climbed up as well.    


She clearly had not recovered yet. She kept coughing and lying there powerlessly.    


He picked her up again and felt her entire body trembling. In an instant, a memory that seemed to have existed for a long time surged into his mind.    


It was as if he had also hugged her who was trembling like this before.    


However, he tried his best to recall, but he could not remember no matter how hard he tried.    


Lieh Yuanchen carried Hee Wanshuang and quickly ran towards the wooden building.    


As he ran, he called out to her. "Hee Wanshuang, wake up!"    


She slowly opened her eyes. The water on her face still blurred her vision. Vaguely, she saw a man's face.    


Under the extremely dim light, his face was very blurry. She could only vaguely see his three-dimensional outline.    


However, she felt that his chest was thick and solid, and there was a warm feeling coming from his body.    


She instinctively reached out and grabbed the fabric on his shoulder.    


His body tensed up for a moment, and then he carried her into the house.    


The Lady Boss was shocked when she saw this. "What's wrong?"    


"She fell into the water." "Where is her room?" Lieh Yuanchen asked. I'll send her up. Also, do you have any medicine?"    


The Lady Boss hurriedly led the way and said as she walked: "I'll go and brew some ginger soup for her right away. There's some cold medicine here. I'll bring it over later to prepare it for her too."    


They went upstairs together and naturally alerted Lieh Xiaoruan.    


She ran out from the second floor and anxiously asked, "Brother, what's wrong?"    


"She fell into the water." Lieh Yuanchen said and waited for the lady boss to open the door. He quickly put Hee Wanshuang on a rattan chair at the side and turned around, as if he was going to go easy on her.    


However, there was no bathtub in the residential area.    


He walked around and could only go to the bathroom to open the shower first. After adjusting the temperature of the water, he folded it over and carried Hee Wanshuang to the shower.    


Instantly, the warm water washed down, dispelling the coldness on his body.    


Lieh Yuanchen looked at the clothes on Hee Wanshuang's body and hesitated for a moment. He said to Lieh Xiaoruan, "Xiaoruan, come over and help her change her clothes!"    


Hee Wanshuang finally recovered her strength at this time. She lifted her eyes and looked at the man in front of her. She was somewhat unable to tell where he was.    


Her voice was soft, "Why are you here?"    


Lieh Yuanchen's breath froze, and then he said, "I'm here for a vacation."    


She didn't say anything else. She was still leaning against Lieh Yuanchen's chest. She pushed him away and said, "I'll wash myself. I'm fine now."    


Lieh Xiaoruan also came to the door. "Sister-in-law, can I help you?"    


When Hee Wanshuang heard this name, she was slightly stunned and immediately shook her head.    


Lieh Yuanchen saw that she insisted and did not say anything.    


He let go of her and was still a little worried. "Can you do it yourself?"    


She nodded, paused, and then said: "Just now, thank you for saving me"    


Lieh Yuanchen suddenly became angry. "You're a girl, and you don't know how to swim. Why did you run to the river?"    


Hee Wanshuang heard Lieh Yuanchen's somewhat reproachful tone and suddenly remembered that a long time ago, he had also said the same thing to her.    


At that time, what did he blame her for?    


No, at that time, he should have simply said the same thing to her, right? And not like now, even though he was clearly saying that he was talking about her, there was a faint hint of concern in his voice.    


It turned out that sometimes husband and wife relationships were not recent. If he left, would he be able to calm down instead?    


She held onto the wall and steadied herself. Her voice was still somewhat weak: "I was going to pick something, but I accidentally slipped. The water was too cold. I should have been able to swim a little, but..."    


Lieh Yuanchen frowned. "Don't go there anymore."    


Hee Wanshuang nodded. "Yes."    


He left the bathroom and closed the door for her.    


Hee Wanshuang took off her wet clothes and washed herself. Only then did she realize that she did not take the towel!    


The bathroom here was not like a hotel. She had to prepare everything herself. Usually, she would prepare everything. But now...    


At this moment, Lieh Yuanchen was outside. She had nothing to do with him anymore. How could she ask him for help again?    


Just as she was feeling awkward, she heard Lieh Yuanchen say: "Do you want a bath towel and clean clothes?"    


Hee Wanshuang replied, "Yes."    


Lieh Yuanchen went to the closet and found a set of clean pajamas. He took another towel and walked to the door.    


Hee Wanshuang opened the door and stretched out her hand.    


He looked at her hand. It was slender and fair, and her wrist was so small that it seemed like it would break at any moment.    


A bitter taste suddenly surged in his heart.    


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