Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C502 He Left

C502 He Left

Lieh Yuanchen's fingers were much rougher than Hee Wanshuang's skin.    


In her dream, she trembled slightly. However, her head was dizzy and she still did not wake up.    


She felt a big hand sliding on her skin. The uncomfortable feeling on her body disappeared, and then her surroundings became much fresher.    


However, this refreshing feeling did not last long before she was held in someone's arms.    


That hand was like a brand. It was imprinted on her skin, burning her soul.    


Lieh Yuanchen only felt this way. The night was especially torturous for him.    


The woman in his arms was lying quietly on his chest. He wanted to touch her, but he couldn't. After all, she was ill and he didn't take advantage of her.    


However, the desire in his blood wouldn't be reduced by even half because of his rationality.    


He did not even know how he survived the night.    


Even when the sky turned slightly pale, he still could not fall asleep.    


His palm once again covered her forehead. He discovered that her fever should have completely subsided.    


He slowly let go of her, helped her cover up the blanket, tidied up the traces left behind by him in the room, and took a final look at her before leaving the room.    


Not long after Lieh Yuanchen left, Hee Wanshuang woke up.    


She had developed a biological clock here. She would wake up at six o'clock every day, even if the cold had not fully recovered.    


She lifted her eyelids and was about to stretch out her arm. Only then did she realize that she was not wearing anything!    


Hee Wanshuang was shocked and did not feel sleepy at all.    


She sat up and looked to the side.    


There was no one in the room, and because of her movement just now, Little Orange, who was under the blanket, suddenly stuck his head out and meowed at her.    


She was a little puzzled. Thinking of the warm embrace from last night, she asked uncertainly, "Little Orange, have you been sleeping with me?"    


But how could Little Ju understand? It only shouted at Hee Wanshuang again. Seeing that she was about to get up, it jumped off the bed and went back to sleep in its basket.    


Hee Wanshuang could not remember whether she had taken off her clothes in the end. However, it seemed that no one had come to the room. She had clearly not been violated. So, she did not pursue the matter further, and got up to put on her clothes.    


She had been here for so long. She had developed a habit that after waking up early, she would first make a pot of tea and then sit down to practice yoga for a while.    


Although she still had a cold, she still insisted on doing so.    


After an hour, she came out of the room. She was a little hesitant about whether she would see Lieh Yuanchen and his sister.    


He had saved her yesterday, so she should thank him again. However, they were divorced after all. He was her ex-husband, and this title alone was very awkward.    


Just as she was thinking, Hee Wanshuang had already arrived downstairs. When the Lady Boss saw her, she quickly asked, "Wanshuang, did you feel unwell yesterday?"    


Hee Wanshuang shook her head, "I caught a cold last night when I was sleeping but I am already much better."    


"That's good." The Lady Boss said, "I just steamed some dates and made ginger porridge. You should eat some. It's good for catching a cold."    


Hee Wanshuang nodded and her eyes turned slightly. She looked at the other tourists who were eating in the lobby downstairs.    


The boss's wife seemed to have guessed what she was looking at and said, "Oh right, the brother and sister who saved you last night left this morning."    


Hee Wanshuang was shocked and said subconsciously, "Left?"    


"Yes, I heard that the man's company had an urgent matter. When it was just dawn today, he asked me to help contact the boatman and then left with his sister."    


Hee Wanshuang nodded, "Yes." Her eyes unconsciously looked out the window.    


The Lady Boss did not notice her daze and said, "They all say that the pastries you make are delicious. So, when they left today, I gave them all the pastries you made yesterday. "    


Hee Wanshuang did not say anything and continued to look out the window.    


The Lady Boss smiled. "Hey, to be honest, that man is not bad. Recently, the water level has been rising upstream. Our water level is also more than two meters. It was so dark at that time, so it was actually quite dangerous for him to jump down and save people. It's a pity that we didn't properly thank him, so he went back in a hurry... "    


Hee Wanshuang nodded. "Yes, I will thank him."    


"You have not fully recovered from your cold. Quickly wash your hands and prepare to eat!" The Lady Boss said and pulled Hee Wanshuang to sit at the table.    


"They said they will come back later." The Lady Boss continued, "The next time they come, I will let them taste my cooking."    


Hee Wanshuang smiled. "Sure."    


She picked up her phone and opened her contact list. After a moment of hesitation, she clicked search: Lieh Yuanchen.    


However, the contact list did not show this person.    


She blinked and suddenly realized that not long after the divorce, she had deleted him.    


All the contact details had been deleted.    




Lieh Yuanchen really had a lot of work to do, especially this one today. The other party had only mentioned that he was free this evening.    


Therefore, he didn't have any time to say goodbye to Hee Wanshuang, so he directly took a boat to the city. After that, he took another two transfers, took another afternoon flight, and returned to Imperial City.    


Lieh Xiaoruan was a little depressed but thinking about it, her brother had finally met someone this time and had even saved sister-in-law's life. Who knows when he would be able to chase her back.    


She was in a good mood. When she reached Imperial City, Lieh Yuanchen went to the company to get busy, while she stayed at home to continue her previous market proposal.    


Ever since they talked about it with Luo Tianqi that day, they had been maintaining a normal relationship between superiors and subordinates.    


However, he would still joke with her from time to time and still call her 'Xiaoruan'. However, she did not dare to let herself think too much.    


She was not a fool. She even clearly realized that he had seduced her. Seduction.    


She could deceive herself, but in the end, she couldn't deceive her own heart.    


Especially when he said that day, she must not like him.    


She was somewhat unable to resist. So, she might as well try her best to divert her attention to something else.    


These few days, Lieh Xiaoruan had been working harder than usual, so much so that Luo Tianqi had praised her in front of everyone, saying that everyone had to have the same attitude as her, so there was nothing for him to worry about.    


It was already two hours after he revised the proposal.    


Lieh Xiaoruan rubbed her sore neck, went to the kitchen to cook a side dish for herself, and then took out the pastries made by Hee Wanshuang to eat.    


She accidentally ate too much again. She paced around the house with a sense of guilt.    


Recently, she had also downloaded the game from Starry Night and was used to playing games after meals.    


Today, when she went online, she found that there was a message popping up in the group.    


When she clicked it, she saw that familiar profile picture.    


[I am your Galaxy] "Xiaoxiao, service area 203 will be waiting for you."    


Lieh Xiaoruan's username was Xiaoxiao. When she saw the message, she immediately went to number 203.    


She didn't know who he was, but she knew that this person should be in her friend list. It was just that not long after she registered the game, he brought her to play games.    


These past few days, she would play with him at night, as if she had temporarily forgotten all her previous disappointment.    


However, everything did not seem to want her to calm down because Lieh Xiaoruan received a phone call.    


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