Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C508 I'll Give You the Money How Much Do You Want?

C508 I'll Give You the Money How Much Do You Want?

Luo Tianqi felt his throat dry. He nodded, then got up and went to the bathroom.    


The water kept rushing down. He didn't have any other feelings besides blaming himself.    


The red color hurt his conscience deeply.    


After all, this was an innocent girl, and he touched her, so he shouldn't let it go just like that.    


Give her money?    


Indeed, this was a good idea. After all, coming here to be an ordinary waiter, the family's financial situation should not be good.    


Luo Tianqi washed his body and put on his bathrobe. Just as he was blowing his hair, he heard the faint sound of a door opening.    


She wanted to leave?    


He quickly ran out and caught up to the door. He grabbed the girl's wrist.    


"Wait a minute." He opened his mouth and said calmly, "What kind of compensation do you want?"    


However, the girl seemed to be afraid of his touch. She pulled herself back and lowered her head. "I don't want it, I don't know."    


"I'll give you the money." Luo Tianqi asked, "How much do you want?"    


The girl trembled because of his words, and then she looked up.    


Her eyes were filled with tears, and her eyes were red. Her calm face seemed a little ugly because she had cried before.    


However, her eyes were especially bright. "What do you think I am? My family is poor, but I am not here to sell! How can you rich people be like this? How can you bully me like this! "How can you humiliate me with money!"    


Luo Tianqi was stunned. He looked at the girl's chest, which was rising and falling due to her anger. For some reason, he suddenly thought of Lee Xiaozi.    


In the past, when she was wronged, she also criticized others in this way.    


However, when he thought of Lee Xiaozi, another face appeared again.    


He remembered that Lieh Xiaoruan's entire body was covered in mud that day, but she smiled and passed the marker to him.    


He was a little worried, but her eyes were bright. She said that the bidding was more important and did not care about her.    


The girl in front of him, the stubbornness in her eyes just now, seemed to be somewhat similar to her.    


His lips. They moved. "Then I will be responsible for you."    


That day, his father said that his health was not very good. His mother held her tears and said that Xiaozi had already been gone for so long, so he asked her to find someone to settle down.    


However, Luo Tianqi had never thought that she would be so caught off guard and 'stabilize'.    


The girl clearly did not expect him to say that. She was a little surprised but after a moment, she stuck close to the door as if she was afraid of him. "How are you going to take responsibility?"    


When Luo Tianqi heard this, he was not interested at all, but he still said, "If you are single, you can consider being with me."    


Girl's lips. Her lips trembled a little. After a moment, she lowered her head. "I don't know."    


"Then you should think about it." Luo Tianqi took out a business card from his business card wallet and handed it to her. "This is my contact number. You can look for me at any time."    


The girl took it and wanted to say something but stopped herself. Then, she opened the door and ran away.    


Luo Tianqi watched her disappear and then entered the house. He leaned against the door and the disappointment and sadness in the depths of his heart swallowed him little by little.    


There was still a contract to sign today. Obviously, it would not give everyone a chance to organize their thoughts.    


Lieh Xiaoruan slept too late. The alarm rang for the third time before waking her up.    


She lifted her eyelids and went to the bathroom. She used the cold water to freeze her slightly swollen eyes. She also put on a delicate makeup before leaving the room.    


In the restaurant on the first floor, several colleagues had arrived. Only Luo Tianqi was not seen.    


Lieh Xiaoruan pretended as if nothing had happened and sat down to get breakfast.    


However, when she came over with breakfast, she saw him.    


Luo Tianqi seemed to be in a bad mood as well. So, after seeing her, he didn't even raise his head.    


Lieh Xiaoruan's heart, which had sunk to the bottom of the valley, cracked again because of such a small detail.    


So, he had completely forgotten about it, right? Or perhaps, he had thought of something, but chose to pretend that nothing had happened.    


He chose to forget, and chose to return to the starting point between them.    


His attitude explained everything. He had never liked her from the beginning to the end.    


No matter how crazy he had been last night, it had only been an accident after drinking.    


Lieh Xiaoruan lowered her head and quietly ate breakfast. It tasted like wax.    


Beside her, her colleague was clearly still a little excited and kept talking about something.    


Although Luo Tianqi was the boss, he usually did not put on airs, so everyone was not afraid of him.    


At this moment, the two colleagues saw that they were chatting and laughing and Luo Tianqi and Lieh Xiaoruan did not answer. They could not help being puzzled. "Director Luo, did something happen?"    


Only then did Luo Tianqi raise his eyes and look at Lieh Xiaoruan. He replied, "It's nothing."    


Lieh Xiaoruan's hand that was holding the fork tightened slightly.    


After that, she participated in the discussion of her colleagues. She was beaming with joy and seemed to be very interested.    


When Luo Tianqi heard her laugh, for no reason, the knot in his heart became even stronger.    


It seemed like it really wasn't her last night.    


He picked up the milk and swallowed the bitter taste in his mouth.    


In the next two days, they were almost all busy with touring and meetings.    


Only on the last day did they finally have some free time.    


Luo Tianqi had never received a call from that girl, and he had not been alone with Lieh Xiaoruan for the past few days either.    


She was either playing with her colleagues. Or just sit in the seat and play games.    


He even went to see what game she was playing, but he saw a name. [I am your Galaxy] He sent her a message: "Go to the beach and don't swim. The weather is not hot enough in this season, so it's easy to catch a cold."    


Luo Tianqi frowned slightly and asked, "Your friend?"    


Lieh Xiaoruan did not even raise her head. "Netizens, we are just playing games together."    


Luo Tianqi did not say anything, but when he saw that she seemed to be smiling and talking to the other party again, he said, "Netizens have never met before, so don't be fooled."    


Only then did she raise her eyes. There was a thorn in her eyes. "Who said that the people online are all liars? There are also many sincere people! "    


Lieh Xiaoruan really had not spoken to him like this before, and Luo Tianqi was not used to it.    


Immediately, he thought that she must have really been interested in that person. She was in an online relationship? So, she didn't see anyone say anything bad about that person.    


At that moment, his phone rang. It was an unknown number.    


Luo Tianqi hesitated for a moment and answered, "Hello."    


"Hello, I am..."    


The female voice on the phone made Luo Tianqi immediately recognize that it was the girl.    


The one with him. Crazy Night, he didn't even ask for her name.    


"Yeah, I know." Luo Tianqi said, "Where are you?"    


Lieh Xiaoruan, who was playing games, heard Luo Tianqi answer the phone and left. She smiled self-deprecatingly and continued to chat with the netizens.    


At this moment, Gong Lingye called her. "Xiaoruan, when are you coming back from a business trip? Shall we have a meal together? "    


"Brother, I will go back tomorrow." Lieh Xiaoruan said.    


"Okay, it will be the weekend." Gong Lingye said, "Your sister-in-law and I plan to go to the residential area in Ear City. Let's meet up before we leave."    


"Brother, let's go to the residential area together." Lieh Xiaoruan said, "I want to stay there for a few days."    


Gong Lingye knew Hee Wanshuang was there and could not help but hesitate.    


But after a moment, he immediately reacted, "Xiaoruan, do you know that residential area?"    


Because the way she spoke was clearly clear.    


"Yes, actually, I will go with my brother." Lieh Xiaoruan said, "Sorry, I flipped your rubbish bin."    


Gong Lingye was a little helpless. "Alright, then let's go together."    


After all, he could see that Hee Wanshuang had gradually walked out.    


Moreover, to undo the bell, one needed to be the one to do it. To completely get Hee Wanshuang out of all the shadows, running away was not the best solution.    


The best way was to face it directly.    


In addition, she and Lieh Yuanchen had already divorced. Therefore, it did not seem to be a particularly painful thing to see each other again.    


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