Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C532 You Fell Asleep Last Night

C532 You Fell Asleep Last Night

Xuanyuan Che's hand was still in the same position as before.    


He didn't know whether he had hit Xuanyuan Lin or not, but he had mixed feelings right now.    


This was the first time in his life that he had done something like this, and the one who fell to the cliff was his cousin.    


Beside him, a few of his subordinates who had turned against him had already reacted and said with a smile: "He must have died at such a high altitude."    


Only then did Xuanyuan Che realize something and walk towards the cliff.    


At this moment, there was a sound coming from the bottom of the cliff. It seemed to be the sound of an engine.    


The expressions of the subordinates changed. Qi Qi Qi said, "There's a helicopter down there?"    


However, because the cliff was too high, coupled with the morning mist, That was why they couldn't see clearly.    


However, that sound was clearly the engine of the helicopter.    


Xuanyuan Che frowned. He had a feeling of uncertainty in his heart.    


If there was a helicopter prepared by Xuanyuan Lin below, just now he had an accident and sent out a signal, then the helicopter would immediately pick him up.    


It was estimated that there would be people who would catch him and bring him down with them.    


Then, Xuanyuan Lin would most likely not die.    


After all, now that he thought about it carefully, he had originally aimed the gun at Xuanyuan Lin's head.    


However, because the soil at the edge of the cliff had loosened, Xuanyuan Lin leaned backwards, so he probably did not hit him.    


Even if he hit him, at most, it would only hurt his scalp, and there would not be any fatal danger.    


Seeing this situation, the subordinate was a little unsure, so he asked Xuanyuan Che, "Second young master, what do we do now?"    


"Go back immediately." Xuanyuan Che also made a prompt decision.    


After all, if the enemy really had a helicopter, if they flew up, there would be no cover at all. Then, his life would be in danger.    


Therefore, he and his subordinates immediately left, got into the car, and returned to Xuanyuan Family.    


On the way, Xuanyuan Che had been watching Beiming Mo in the video.    


He laid her down quietly and did not show any signs of waking up. He could not help but feel anxious.    


He booked the flight to Imperial City at 10 o'clock in the morning. Therefore, he asked his subordinates to bring him directly to the airport.    


It would take him two hours to drive from the cliff to the airport. Xuanyuan Che entered the security check and arrived at the departure hall.    


At this moment, Xuanyuan Lin's former subordinate had already left Beiming Mo's ward.    


They were all controlled by Gong Lingye's people, so they were all cleaned up.    


At that moment, in the ward, the doctor was drawing blood for Beiming Mo.    


The nurse knew that there were people there who were concerned about Beiming Mo, so after the doctor left, she went over and said, "Sir, don't worry. Sabrina is really fine. She probably recovered from her rash after you went to the hospital. She is also awake."    


"Oh, right. Remember to buy some food for her when the time comes. She will get one a day. If she doesn't eat at night, she'll definitely be hungry. She can't eat anything else, but she can still eat streamlined food!" She reminded him again.    


Xuanyuan Che could not help but feel grateful. "Okay, thank you."    


"It's fine, it's fine. I'm her fan!" The nurse said with a smile.    


When Xuanyuan Che heard that, he could not help but smile.    


He remembered that Wei Qianran and his mother were also Beiming Mo's fans.    


He had been on a business trip since he came back from Ning Country a while ago, so he originally planned to bring Beiming Mo to see her parents and drag it on.    


It seemed that after she recovered this time, he would be able to bring her to see her parents.    


It was said that the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law was difficult. However, he felt that his mother would definitely like her very much.    


His heart was like an arrow, and he sat in the waiting hall, quietly waiting for the time.    


At this moment, Gong Mochen and Helian Qing also came to the hospital.    


Helian Qing's biological clock had always been accurate. No matter how late she slept on the first day, she would still wake up at six o'clock the next morning.    


However, when she woke up, she found that Gong Mochen was still sleeping.    


He was very tall and was sleeping alone on the sofa. Although the sofa could be opened, it still seemed to be uncomfortable.    


She looked at him for a few seconds and resisted the urge to call him to the inner room. She walked to the side and began her morning exercise.    


When she was with her master previously, she also maintained her morning exercise every day.    


At that time, in the mountains, she would lay a mat on the grass and then begin pulling out the tendons.    


At that time, the air was fresh and the birds sang and the flowers were fragrant. Every time she finished practicing, she would play the zither.    


But now, the conditions were not good enough, so she could only practice on the carpet.    


From when she was three years old, she started to learn from her master, and now she was twenty-four years old. For so many years, Helian Qing had never stopped.    


While she was practicing, Gong Mochen, who was on the sofa, turned around.    


The young master, who was used to living a comfortable life, rarely slept on the sofa. Therefore, he did not sleep well.    


Thus, after turning over, he opened his eyes.    


In his line of sight, the coffee table in the middle of the living room was moved away. Helian Qing was practicing on the carpet with the word horse.    


She closed her eyes and the expression on her face was relaxed. She seemed to enjoy this process very much.    


Didn't she learn TCM? Why did she look like a dancer?    


Gong Mochen was puzzled and propped himself up.    


Seemingly noticing his movements, she lifted her eyelids and looked at him indifferently.    


When he thought she was going to greet him, she had already closed her eyes and continued to practice as if there was no one else around.    


This woman was indeed strange. Gong Mochen cursed in his heart. He got up and went to the bathroom.    


When he finished tidying up, Helian Qing also arrived at the last movement.    


She still did not care about his gaze at all and completely treated him as transparent. Only when she finished practicing completely did she get up and move the marble coffee table back to its original position.    


"We can go now." She said, "Let's go and see Miss Darknorth."    


Gong Mochen looked at Helian Qing's green clothes and white pants. "You want to wear this?"    


This body was the same one they wore when they came out yesterday.    


Her clothes were stained with brown medicine and looked dirty. Furthermore, she did not wash her hair when she returned to the hotel late last night.    


This morning... He took a look at Helian Qing's hair.    


Obviously, she had not washed her hair.    


"I don't have any other clothes." Helian Qing looked at Gong Mochen doubtfully. "Where did you get these clothes from?"    


After all, when they came out yesterday, Gong Mochen did not wear these clothes.    


Gong Mochen said, "You fell asleep last night. I asked someone to give them to me."    


"Oh." Helian Qing could not understand why Gong Mochen had to change his clothes until the next day. She looked down at herself and said, "I just changed my clothes yesterday. It was only dipped in medicine. It was not dirty."    


Gong Mochen rubbed between his eyebrows. "Let's go." If he had known earlier, he would have asked someone to give her a set yesterday.    


The two of them came out together. Gong Mochen deliberately maintained a distance of three meters from Helian Qing.    


After all, a girl who dressed like an actress and was dirty stood beside him. It was too...    


How could Helian Qing know what Gong Mochen was thinking?    


When she crossed the road, she calculated in her heart that since she saved Beiming Mo this time, Gong Lingye should be able to give her another prescription of the Rong Family, right?    


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