Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C668 Assistance Was Simply too Professional

C668 Assistance Was Simply too Professional

On the other side, Lieh Xiaoruan looked at Gong Lingye, who was about to reach the finish line, and was extremely excited. "Brother, quickly, do your best! We are going to win!"    


On the side, Aa Mian was trying his best to chase after him, but Lieh Xiaoruan and Qi Lihuo were tied in first place, and Soong Yiren was pulled down. Although he had caught up to Pei Jun, it was very difficult to catch up to Gong Lingye.    


"Ah, I'm going to win!" Lieh Xiaoruan was happy and jumped by the pool, "Come on, come on, big brother is the best!"    


On the side, Luo Tianqi looked at the excited expression on Lieh Xiaoruan's face and his mouth revealed a little bitterness.    


That day, she took the initiative to go to the office to look for him. Did it mean that she still had some feelings for him?    


Unfortunately, if it wasn't for his legs...    


He was a little absent-minded until he heard Lieh Xiaoruan cheer, "Wow, brother is so awesome. First place..."    


But before she could finish, her feet slipped. Then, before anyone could pull her, she fell to the ground with a thud.    


Lieh Xiaoruan really fell miserably this time. She lay on the ground and could not move at all.    


She slowed down for two seconds. She looked up and saw that Luo Tianqi was less than two meters away from her.    


However, he did not move. He did not seem to have any intention of pulling her up.    


Beside her, Gong Lingye had already turned over and propped himself up from the water. He quickly walked over. "Xiaoruan, are you hurt?"    


After he finished speaking, he helped Lieh Xiaoruan up.    


Aa Mian and Pei Jun, who had just arrived at the finish line, also came over. "Are you alright?"    


Everyone surrounded her with concern in their eyes. Lieh Xiaoruan met their gazes and smiled. "It's fine, it's fine. My hands were holding on just now, so I'm fine."    


After saying that, she stood up with Gong Lingye's help.    


Two meters away, Luo Tianqi was still standing there, motionless.    


As if she had sensed something, Lieh Xiaoruan's eyes met his, and then he quickly pulled them away.    


Lieh Xiaoruan felt that she had just been thrown into a rage. The place where it was burning suddenly became cold.    


He did not move, nor did he take the initiative to come over and care about her. It was as if she had nothing to do with him anymore. Was he trying to cut off everything?    


It seemed that the twists and turns between them had really exhausted all the feelings between them...    


At this time, Shangguan Yan had also arrived. He was a little distressed. "Aiya, why is it the fourth place? I thought I would be able to enter the top three no matter what..."    


His words drew everyone's attention back. Thus, everyone looked into the pool once again.    


Gong Mochen had already finished swimming his part. Then, he seemed to be very persistent in the team spirit. His gaze landed on Helian Qing and said: "I am beside you. You can walk over like this."    


Helian Qing's gaze was indifferent, as if she did not feel what the team spirit was. She just calmly met Gong Mochen's gaze and said, "I am not going."    


At this moment, Wei Qianran had just struggled to stand in front of Xuanyuan Che. Xuanyuan Che took the baton and started to swim.    


Gong Mochen stood in front of Helian Qing with a mocking smile on his lips.    


Hehe, this girl, didn't she know everything before? Now, her character has collapsed, right?    


He couldn't be bothered to be stubborn with her anymore. He turned around and climbed into the pool, leaving behind a cool back view.    


On the other side, Helian Qing leaned against the pool and forfeited the competition without any pressure.    


There would definitely be rewards and punishments if there was a competition because there was a total of six teams. The first place did not need to drink, the second place needed to drink a cup, and the third place needed to drink two cups, so on and so forth.    


Soong Yiren was pregnant, and as the second place, she needed to drink a cup, so this cup would naturally be taken care of by Gong Lingye.    


However, other people who were not pregnant, according to the rules of the competition, could not do it on behalf of others.    


Gong Mochen and Helian Qing were the last in this competition. Each of them had five glasses of white wine, which added up to about two taels.    


Helian Qing frowned slightly. She usually did not drink high alcohol, but she still followed the rules and drank all of them.    


She felt a little dizzy. But she quickly went to her room and prepared a bowl of sobering soup.    


As the last second, Wei Qianran looked at the four glasses of wine in front of her and looked at Aa Mian pitifully.    


Aa Mian had no choice. He wanted to help, but because of the rules, he could not help.    


Wei Qianran pursed her lips and drank it all in one breath like a warrior holding his wrist.    


Suddenly, she felt the spicy taste rolling from her throat into her stomach. In an instant, her whole body seemed to have turned into a ball of fire.    


"Water, water, water!" She hurriedly said as she took the water from Aa Mian and poured it down. However, the fire in her stomach continued to burn brighter and brighter.    


Along with the flame, the numbing smell of alcohol also rolled straight into her brain. Wei Qianran only felt that her head was already beginning to faint.    


Soong Yiren saw what was happening and raised her eyebrows at Beiming Mo.    


These assistants were simply too professional!    


On the other side, Aa Mian originally wanted to help Wei Qianran back to the room to change her clothes, but the little girl beside him could not walk straight anymore.    


He was a little helpless. He bent over and directly picked up the princess.    


The soft touch of a woman came from the palm of his hand. There was also the familiar sweet taste at the tip of his nose, along with the wine fragrance that made people feel a little parched.    


Aa Mian carried Wei Qianran back to her room and placed her on the sofa. Then, he went to help her get clean clothes.    


Wei Qianran leaned weakly on the sofa. She was wearing a bikini. She felt that it was a little tight, so she reached out and pulled it.    


The top was tied with a belt. She touched her neck, and with a slight pull, the belt opened.    


Finally, she could open her mouth a little and let out a comfortable sigh.    


It was just that it didn't seem to be enough. Thus, she touched the tape at the back and used the same method to pull it.    


Instantly, she removed the obstruction and her breathing became slightly better.    


In front of her eyes, the world was spinning. Wei Qianran instinctively snorted and seemed to be very uncomfortable.    


After Aa Mian took the clothes from the closet and came over, he saw this scene.    


The girl had nothing on her upper body. Her long hair was wet and scattered on the back of the sofa. Her skin was very white, and on the dark sofa, the contrast was even more intense.    


Perhaps it was because she had drunk wine, her body was slightly suffused with a pink lustre. Her delicate skin seemed to have been plated with a layer of pink satin.    


Aa Mian's footsteps suddenly stopped there. He was still holding onto his clothes, and he did not know whether to move forward or avoid it.    


However, the person on the sofa did not notice anything. She raised her hand and rubbed her temple, as if she felt that this could not be alleviated, so she rolled on the sofa.    


The sofa wasn't very big. After she rolled on the sofa, her body suddenly floated in the air and she looked like she was about to fall to the ground.    


Instantly, Aa Mian, who was still holding onto his clothes with a hesitant expression, arrived in front of the sofa in an instant. He stretched out his hand and caught Wei Qianran, who had fallen to the ground.    


"Oh..." She sighed softly and hugged his neck.    


His body suddenly stiffened and his eyes fell on her clean and flawless body. He was somewhat unable to put her down.    


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