Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C680 Is That Girl His Girlfriend?

C680 Is That Girl His Girlfriend?

Lieh Xiaoruan tried her best to calm herself down. She waited until she got off work before rushing to the restaurant.    


The appointed time was seven o'clock in the evening. Lieh Xiaoruan arrived ten minutes earlier.    


She ordered something to drink first. After that, she sat by the bed and waited for Luo Tianqi.    


However, she did not know if he was busy or not, but Lieh Xiaoruan waited until 7: 30 and Luo Tianqi did not appear.    


She could only pick up her phone and call Luo Tianqi.    


The other side rang three times and answered, "Xiaoruan?"    


"Mr Tianqi, are you almost there? I'm sitting by the window. Why don't I order first? Do you have anything you want to eat?" Lieh Xiaoruan asked.    


"I have more than ten minutes. I was just sending a colleague home." Luo Tianqi said, "Just order whatever you want. I can do it."    


Lieh Xiaoruan was about to respond when she heard a female voice.    


The female voice was very lovable and seemed to be smiling as she said, "I also want to eat - -"    


Lieh Xiaoruan was stunned and turned her head to look around.    


However, that rapid laughter just now was clearly coming from the phone.    


Immediately after, she heard Luo Tianqi say in a low voice, "Stop messing around.    


Lieh Xiaoruan's breathing stopped. At this moment, she was sure that there was a woman in Luo Tianqi's car.    


He should have used the car to pick up the phone with Bluetooth. So, that woman probably heard what she said.    


At the other end of the phone, there was the sound of parking. Then, someone opened the car door.    


Lieh Xiaoruan said to Luo Tianqi, "Mr Tianqi, I'll wait for you in the restaurant."    


However, before she could finish, she heard a very clear kiss.    


Lieh Xiaoruan's hand that was holding the phone suddenly stiffened.    


Following which, a woman's very soft voice came over with a coquettish tone, "You also have to kiss me, or else I will be jealous."    


"She's just my friend's younger sister" Luo Tianqi quickly lowered his voice and said. Then, as if he had just found out that he was using a car stereo, he quickly hung up the phone.    


Hearing the beeping sound from the receiver, Lieh Xiaoruan still maintained the manner of making a phone call.    


Her body was somewhat numb. She looked at everything outside the window and suddenly felt that... Was she a joke?    


Actually, in the past month or so, his indifference towards her could already tell something. But she didn't believe it. She kept feeling that he still had feelings for her.    


When she heard Gong Lingye say that Luo Tianqi had been a hostage for her for two months, she had even fermented the self-righteous feelings in her heart to the peak.    


She felt that there was only a thin layer of window paper between them.    


Therefore, it was the same no matter who poked a hole through it.    


Then, she would do it. Anyway, it had always been her who liked him first.    


But at this moment...    


That girl, was she his girlfriend?    


Was it because that girl took care of him during his sick days, so they were together?    


No wonder they accidentally touched each other on the island that day, and he quickly avoided them.    


So, it was actually because of this...    


Lieh Xiaoruan suddenly felt an indescribable depression in her heart that made her wish to leave just like that.    


However, she could not leave.    


She also paid attention to dignity. If she left, he would definitely understand why she left. Would he laugh at her thinking too highly of herself?    


Thinking of this, Lieh Xiaoruan took out a mirror and added some makeup to herself, trying to make her complexion look better. Only then did she put away the mirror, found a waiter and began to order dishes.    


Not long after, Luo Tianqi appeared in the restaurant.    


His shirt collar was open and his clothes were slightly messy. When he came over, there seemed to be a suspicious red mark on his face.    


He pulled open the seat and sat down and smiled at Lieh Xiaoruan. "Sorry, I just sent my friend home and the road was a little blocked, so I came late."    


Lieh Xiaoruan did not say anything. She did not even ask any of her friends. She just smiled. "It's nothing. I have already ordered the dishes. It will probably be served very soon. This is the menu. Do you have anything else to add?"    


Luo Tianqi took it and ordered another set of side dishes. He then said, "Xiaoruan, why did you want to treat me to a meal? What do you want to ask me?"    


Seeing him ask her so directly, and with the tone of an ordinary friend, what did Lieh Xiaoruan not understand?    


She flipped through the menu and said: "I just wanted to ask about the company. Do you know that my Brother Yuanchen is busy with a project? It seems to be related to the Luo clan..."    


She casually asked a question that she had thought of at the last minute. He did not seem to notice as he answered her seriously.    


The atmosphere was very calm, as if their relationship had long since returned to its initial indifference.    


The dishes were quickly served. Luo Tianqi raised his cup and touched Lieh Xiaoruan's. He said, "I heard Mr Ye say that you were promoted from a full-time employee to an assistant manager. Congratulations."    


Lieh Xiaoruan touched his cup. "Thank you."    


At that moment, Luo Tianqi's phone rang.    


Lieh Xiaoruan instinctively looked at the voice and then saw the words' Qiaoqiao 'on the screen.    


At first glance, it was a girl's name. It was the one in Luo Tianqi's car today, right?    


However, Lieh Xiaoruan clearly remembered that in Luo Tianqi's company previously, there should not be any 'Qiaoqiao'.    


At this moment, Luo Tianqi had already picked up his phone and unlocked the screen.    


It was a message from Qiaoqiao. "Cousin, I'm not bad, right? How was my acting today?"    


Luo Tianqi replied, "Not bad, not bad. Thank you."    


Hello, cousin. I don't want you to thank me without expressing your gratitude. " Qiaoqiao replied.    


"Then what do you want?" Luo Tianqi asked again.    


"Your company's new phone is the one that will go public next month. I want the limited edition shell." Qiaoqiao said, "I want it on the day it is listed."    


Luo Tianqi replied, "Okay, I will send it over to you when the time comes."    


"Thank you, cousin!" Qiaoqiao sent another message. "But to be honest, don't you regret what you did?"    


Luo Tianqi saw this and did not reply. He put away his phone.    


However, Lieh Xiaoruan, who was opposite him, saw his expression clearly.    


So it turned out that he was so happy when he sent messages to the girl he liked?    


The corners of his eyes and eyebrows carried a rare gentleness.    


So, he really met the person he liked.    


Since that was the case, she might as well give him her blessings...    


After the meal, it was already nine o'clock in the evening.    


Luo Tianqi did not drive, but asked the driver to come and pick him up.    


Lieh Xiaoruan came out with him. Originally, she also wanted to wait for the driver with him. However, when she stood next to him, the girl's voice kept ringing in his ears.    


She didn't want to continue, so she bid farewell to him and went straight to the parking area.    


After Lieh Xiaoruan drove out, she was just about to go home when she suddenly thought of Lieh Yuanchen asking her to help buy medicine.    


Just now, next to the restaurant, there was a pharmacy.    


Hence, Lieh Xiaoruan turned around and prepared to go to the pharmacy to buy medicine before going home.    


However, just as she was about to approach the pharmacy, she saw Luo Tianqi walking towards the car that his driver parked at the intersection.    


His footsteps were obviously a little lame.    


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