Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C688 The Pk Between the Ex-husband and the Suitors

C688 The Pk Between the Ex-husband and the Suitors

Hee Wanshuang slowly finished the coffee in front of her and was about to leave when suddenly, the man in front of her grabbed her hand.    


She seemed to be frightened and hurriedly pulled back.    


But he used a bit of force, making her hand hurt a little.    


His eyes were somewhat red as he looked at her and said word by word: "So you mean to cut me in half?"    


Hee Wanshuang continued to pull her hands back. The two of them were in a stalemate for two minutes before Xiao Cheng let her go.    


He laughed at himself. "I thought we had the same idea."    


Hee Wanshuang looked up at him and said seriously, "Xiao Cheng, you don't know my past."    


Xiao Cheng suddenly felt a little angry. "I, he... His mother didn't care about what was going on!    


The voice was a little loud, and it attracted the attention of the people sitting nearby. However, he was already in the corner, plus he was wearing a hat, so no one could see his face clearly.    


Hee Wanshuang, however, calmly looked at him, "I was married."    


Xiao Cheng was stunned.    


He immediately said, "Isn't it the meaning of divorce if you are married? So what? "    


Hee Wanshuang did not know what to say and paused for a moment before saying, But I still like my ex-husband. "    


When Xiao Cheng heard this, the expression on his face froze.    


Hee Wanshuang continued, "I'm sorry. I didn't say anything about the divorce before because I felt inferior. But because of this, it caused you trouble. It was my fault."    


Xiao Cheng smiled coldly. There was a hurt look in his eyes. He didn't say anything.    


The atmosphere froze again until Hee Wanshuang's phone screen lit up.    


She saw that it was a call from her neighbor. And it seemed like there was an missed call.    


It was probably because her phone had turned silent, so she didn't pay attention to it just now.    


After answering the call, Hee Wanshuang did not say anything when the neighbor said, "Little He, a man came to look for you just now. He also has a bouquet of roses in his hand. He has not left yet and is still at your door."    


Hee Wanshuang's neighbor's elder sister was very enthusiastic. She knew that she was alone, so she often wrapped dumplings and asked her to eat with her. The two of them had a very good relationship.    


Hee Wanshuang heard the neighbor's elder sister's words, so she asked, "Are they mixed-blood?"    


The neighbor's sister said, "Yes, yes, yes. They are mixed-blood. They look pretty good, tall and handsome. Hey, Xiao He, it's good that you know them. I'm just afraid that they are some messy people..."    


"Thank you, elder sister. I got it. I'll go back in a while." Hee Wanshuang suddenly added, "If he looks for you in a while, can you tell him that I went out with my boyfriend?"    


The neighbor's elder sister was an experienced person, so she understood immediately.    


Thus, she agreed and hung up the phone.    


When Hee Wanshuang put away the phone, she could not help but look at Xiao Cheng opposite her.    


Perhaps Xiao Cheng had already digested seventy to eighty percent of his emotions just now. Therefore, he seemed to have calmed down a lot.    


He met Hee Wanshuang's gaze and hesitated for a moment before asking, "Someone is chasing you?"    


Hee Wanshuang did not deny it but said, "Xiao Cheng, are we still friends?"    


Xiao Cheng was a little angry but still said, "Okay, whatever you say."    


What she meant was that he accepted her rejection and also accepted her identity as a friend.    


"Can you do me a favor?" Hee Wanshuang said carefully. "I want you to go with me to reject a person."    


"Who is he?" Xiao Cheng asked directly.    


"My ex-husband." Hee Wanshuang said.    


"Okay, you rejected me first and then your ex-husband," Hee Wanshuang said. Xiao Cheng still had some difficulties calming down. "Hee Wanshuang, are you going to heaven?"    


Hee Wanshuang knew Xiao Cheng's temper. After all, he was young and was different from Lieh Yuanchen, who was a shrewd man.    


She could not help but laugh. "Yes, I am going to heaven. Xiao Cheng, I'm not doing this to give you any hope. I'm just really treating you as a friend."    


"Repeat it again. Do you believe that I won't help you?" Xiao Cheng threatened, but he didn't seem to be serious about it.    


The two paid the bill and went to Hee Wanshuang's house.    


As expected, just as they went upstairs, they saw a man carrying flowers in the corridor.    


He wore a suit and seemed to have just come out of the meeting room. He put one hand in his pocket and held the bouquet of bright roses in his other hand.    


The afternoon sunlight fell on his handsome face. Perhaps it was because of the roses, it made the man seem more charming.    


Hee Wanshuang's breathing could not help but pause. She did not know why but her mind suddenly remembered the scene at Beiming Mo's wedding that day.    


Her face could not help but heat up. She took a deep breath and forced herself to calm down.    


Beside her, Xiao Cheng had already entered the role. He held Hee Wanshuang's hand naturally, as if he did not see Lieh Yuanchen. He turned around and smiled at her.    


Hee Wanshuang tried her best to ignore everything and spoke to Xiao Cheng.    


However, she still felt very uncomfortable, especially when her hand was being held by someone. It was especially stiff.    


Lieh Yuanchen, on the other hand, heard the movement and slowly turned his gaze over.    


His gaze fell on the hand Hee Wanshuang and Xiao Cheng were holding. The light in his eyes faded in an instant, and a storm gradually gathered in his eyes.    


He stood still on the spot, and his gaze fell straight on Xiao Cheng.    


One second, two seconds, three seconds...    


Hee Wanshuang finally walked two meters in front of Lieh Yuanchen. She stood still under his seemingly solid gaze.    


She turned her eyes and seemed to have just discovered him, her eyes revealing surprise.    


On the side, Xiao Cheng asked very naturally, "Frost, what's wrong? You know him?"    


Frost? The moment Lieh Yuanchen heard this word, his eyes were filled with killing intent.    


He had no doubt that if Hee Wanshuang wasn't there, he would have attacked Xiao Cheng because of his image.    


"I..." Hee Wanshuang looked at Lieh Yuanchen and then at Xiao Cheng. She shook her head. "I don't know him."    


Just as she finished speaking, a man's sneer came from the opposite side. "You don't know him?"    


Hee Wanshuang was shocked and subconsciously wanted to step back.    


Lieh Yuanchen did not give her the chance to retreat at all. He took a step forward and his eyes locked onto her. "Why don't you try saying you don't know me?"    


Hee Wanshuang's palms were full of sweat. At this moment, she did not know how to deal with it.    


Actually, after confirming that she could not bear the child, she had decided to cut off all ties with Lieh Yuanchen.    


However, that day at the wedding, he came to her room and they listened to music together. After that incident, she was a little hesitant.    


After that, she came to this city.    


Coincidentally, her magazine editor had a friend here, so after she came, she had a meal with him.    


That person had also mentioned that there was a Godly Doctor over here who was very good at checking the pulse.    


Hee Wanshuang's heart was moved at that time, and she got this friend to help introduce her to the clinic.    


However, the more she hoped, the more disappointed she would be.    


The conclusion given by the other party was exactly the same as what she had received previously.    


She had not taken care of her abortion before, and then she was frozen. Her palace was seriously damaged, as if the already destroyed land was not enough for her to carry a child.    


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