Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C690 Go and Find Her

C690 Go and Find Her

During the day, Ling Shaofeng sent the investigation results to Lieh Xiaoruan.    


Lieh Xiaoruan was busy during the day, and only when she got off work did she have time to open the folder that Ling Shaofeng sent her.    


There were several pages of content inside. The first page contained information about Wen Qiaoqiao.    


Wen Qiaoqiao was 22 years old this year, and she had just graduated from a foreign university. She was the second daughter of Luo Tianqi's second aunt.    


She was a secretary at Luo Tianqi's company and had been in the company for less than two months.    


Although she already had a guess in her heart, when she saw this, Lieh Xiaoruan was still in a trance.    


After that, she continued to flip down.    


Below was the investigation of the accident that happened in her neighborhood that day.    


Previously, Lieh Xiaoruan knew that Luo Tianqi was injured in her neighborhood and had an argument with a person.    


At that time, she had heard that the person wanted to rob Luo Tianqi of his money.    


However, at this moment, the investigation clearly stated that this person came to seek revenge on Luo Tianqi.    


On his family relationship, there was a picture of a brother, and Lieh Xiaoruan recognized it at a glance.    


Her heart sank, and in an instant, she understood everything.    


That drunkard often harassed her at the door of her house. After Luo Tianqi found out, he asked Gong Lingye's men to send that person away, but that person was probably killed after he was sent to another place.    


After that, his brother came out to take revenge and found her home.    


Coincidentally, that day Luo Tianqi went there, that person went to take revenge on Luo Tianqi.    


During the fight, Luo Tianqi's leg was injured.    


The last few pages were the diagnosis of Luo Tianqi who had been injured and sent to the hospital.    


Regarding the specific situation of Luo Tianqi's leg, it should have been handled by him himself, so Ling Shaofeng could not investigate.    


However, after all, a person had died at that time, so the record of Luo Tianqi entering the courtyard couldn't be erased.    


He had been unconscious for several hours at that time.    


Lieh Xiaoruan held onto those papers and felt that it was unprecedentedly heavy.    


If he was not worried that she would be harassed by that drunk man, There was nothing after that. He would not be injured, much less... lame.    


Lieh Xiaoruan held the few pages for a long time and turned off the lights. She sat alone in the room and closed her eyes. In her mind, she kept thinking about that day when Luo Tianqi came out of the restaurant and walked towards the car with a limp.    


She felt that her chest was blocked by something. Every breath she took became extremely difficult.    


No wonder he never contacted her after that injury.    


No wonder he insisted on getting a cousin so that she would give up.    


So it was because he didn't want to implicate her?    


"Bastard!" Lieh Xiaoruan cursed in a low voice.    


What a bastard. Everything was decided by herself. She would never consider what she would do if she found out the truth one day!    


They were not the only ones who could not sleep that night.    


Thousands of miles away.    


The rain from the south came as soon as it came. Sometimes, it was like a hole had been poked in the sky. The rain didn't seem to stop at all.    


Helian Qing went to pick herbs in the morning. When she left, she only said that she would go to the north side of the cliff, so that everyone did not have to wait for her.    


The lunch was cooked by the bodyguards. Fortunately, the ingredients were not bad and were not satisfactory.    


However, before the meal was finished, bean-sized rain drops fell from the sky.    


In the sky, black clouds pressed down, and the air was filled with dull steam.    


When Old Madame Gong saw this scene, her expression immediately changed. "Looking at the weather, this rain probably won't stop for a while. Qing'er went out to pick herbs. What is going on? "    


Gong Mochen heard this and looked at the rain. He said, "Grandma, she has lived here for many years. She should have a way to deal with it."    


Old Madame Gong nodded. Although she was worried, there was nothing she could do.    


Indeed, Helian Qing was the most familiar with the road in this mountain.    


In addition, there was no internet or location, so it was difficult for them to find anyone.    


There was nothing much to do even if it rained. The two bodyguards only went up to the roof and after confirming that it was reinforced, they went back to the house to change into dry clothes. Everyone sat in the middle of the big house.    


There were four of them. If they were not afraid of Old Madame Gong, they would think that the weather was suitable for playing mahjong.    


After all, Old Madame Gong's physical strength was not as good as young people. So at two o'clock in the afternoon, she took an afternoon nap.    


Perhaps it was because it was raining and the air was fresh, but when she woke up, it was already past five o'clock in the afternoon.    


Because of the rain, the sky had already turned dark. Outside the window, there was a crackling sound, like beans falling.    


Old Madame Gong got up and asked Gong Mochen, "Qing'er hasn't returned yet?"    


"No." Gong Mochen furrowed his brows and looked at the sky, feeling puzzled in his heart. Could this girl have gotten lost? Or, could it be that she wanted to take the opportunity to escape?    


"Mochen, we can't wait that long." Old Madame Gong said, "You go out with the bodyguards and look for her."    


Gong Mochen immediately objected, "Grandma, how can I leave you here alone? Furthermore, this mountain is so big and we are not familiar with the road. Where can we find her?"    


Old Madame Gong thought for a moment and said hesitantly, "Then let's wait a little longer."    


After all, Helian Qing said that they were going to a far place and now it was raining again. It might delay their footsteps and they might come back in a while.    


As he thought about it, time quietly crawled away.    


The sky gradually darkened. The bodyguard made dinner and the four of them sat down to eat together.    


Halfway through the meal, Old Madame Gong said: "No, Qing'er might have encountered some danger. The few of you, go out and find her immediately!"    


The two bodyguards were also worried that something would happen, so they said, "Alright, we'll go out and find someone. Young Master is here to accompany you, Old Granny."    


However, before the two of them moved, Gong Mochen had already put down his chopsticks and stood up. "I'll go."    


Everyone was stunned.    


Gong Mochen said faintly, "I might know where she is."    


When he was struck by lightning just now, he suddenly thought of that sachet. He remembered the side with the word 'Mo' embroidered on it. It seemed to be a map.    


When he was eating, he thought of the pattern, and then thought of the terrain near the courtyard. Then he understood.    


This girl had embroidered the terrain of the mountain on top of it, and in the middle of it, the word 'Mo' was embroidered on it. It just so happened to be the courtyard they were in.    


Seeing that Gong Mochen was going to take the initiative to go, Old Madame Gong could not help but be worried, "Mochen, I won't be at ease if you go alone. I will let Ah Hu accompany you."    


Gong Mochen shook his head, "Grandma, you must have two people guarding over here."    


After saying that, he added, " Either I go alone, or the three of us don't go and wait for Miss Helian to come back by herself."    


Old Madame Gong was still a little worried, "I don't know if there are any dangers in the mountains."    


Gong Mochen opened a switch on the Ruwa and said, "Grandma do not worry. If there are large animals approaching, the Ruwa will alert them."    


After saying that, he went back to his room and picked up a metal rod that he had brought with him. He did not even bother to use an umbrella. He put on a raincoat and walked out.    


He walked all the way to the north. In less than ten minutes, Gong Mochen realized that it wasn't as easy to walk on the mountain path in the rainy day.    


Although he was wearing a raincoat, the rain was too heavy. His hair and face were all wet. The rain blurred his vision, and the soil under his feet turned into mud puddles because of the rain. When he walked up, his feet were deep, and his feet were shallow.    


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