Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C703 The Home of the Heart

C703 The Home of the Heart

After that, Lieh Xiaoruan received several phone calls and messages, but none of them were from Luo Tianqi.    


After putting down her phone, Lieh Xiaoruan wanted to watch the television. Suddenly, the light flashed, and then her line of sight turned dark.    


The power was out.    


There was a whistling wind outside and it was so strong that she did not know what it was. She could not see anything in her line of sight and Lieh Xiaoruan started to be really afraid.    


She used her phone to light up the room. She checked the windows and windows again. After making sure that they were all tightly shut, she looked out through the glass window.    


It was already raining heavily outside, and her vision was in chaos. The short saplings were badly beaten by the wind and rain. The taller trees seemed to be about to be uprooted at any time.    


She returned to her bed, wrapped in a blanket. She did not dare to sleep, nor did she dare to consume the battery of her phone.    


At this moment, a car was speeding on the highway.    


Luo Tianqi saw the news of the typhoon landing in L City after the family doctor gave him a second injection.    


His fever was almost gone. Now it was only 37. 5 degrees. It was considered a low fever. When he saw the news, he immediately got up from his bed, took his jacket, and was about to leave.    


The special assistant was shocked and quickly said, "Director Luo, where are you going?"    


Luo Tianqi was going to drive, but after taking two steps, he realized something and immediately said, "Take me to the high-speed railway station."    


The assistant thought it was something urgent, so she gave Luo Tianqi some medicine. Then, she hurriedly drove him to the high-speed rail station.    


The high-speed rail to L City had been canceled. However, there was still a high-speed rail ticket to another city that was more than 100 kilometers away from L City.    


Luo Tianqi bought two tickets and boarded the train with his assistant.    


Along the way, he would post the news from time to time, especially the news near the resort. When he saw that one-third of the resort had been flooded, he frowned.    


Fortunately, the high-speed rail was quite fast. Therefore, after four hours, Luo Tianqi finally arrived at the station.    


The special assistant had already contacted the car on the way, so once the two of them left the station, they directly got into the car and drove towards L City.    


It was already past five o'clock in the morning. Because of the typhoon, the sky was dark and heavy. The closer they got to L City, the more congested it became.    


Finally, the off-road vehicle drove into City L. Luo Tianqi picked up his phone and called Lieh Xiaoruan.    


However, there was a notification that the call could not be connected.    


When he was on the road, he heard that there was water in the room. The suburbs were especially serious. The further south he went, the more he realized that he could not continue forward.    


The water in front of him had already exceeded a meter, and according to the news, the most serious part was that the resort had reached a depth of three meters!    


On the way, Luo Tianqi did not care about anything else. He called Gong Lingye, but Gong Lingye answered quickly. "Tianqi."    


"Mr Ye, I am in L City. How is Xiaoruan? "I can't contact her." Luo Tianqi said.    


"My men have arrived at the resort. They just informed me that the resort was flooded last night, so they left overnight. My men are now rushing to the safe zone." Gong Lingye said, "Tianqi, where are you now?"    


Luo Tianqi quickly sent Gong Lingye the location.    


Very quickly, Gong Lingye sent him an address. "Tianqi, you are close to that place. Go over and take a look at Xiaoruan. Make sure she is safe. She is alone."    


Luo Tianqi did not forget Gong Lingye's last sentence. He was stunned. "Why is she alone? "Where is Chi Jingyu?"    


"You will know when you arrive." Gong Lingye hung up the phone after saying that.    


Luo Tianqi did not have time to think about it. He quickly got out of the car that had been turned off and rushed to Lieh Xiaoruan's place with a meter of water flowing down.    


The water level in L City was still rising. When Luo Tianqi was on the way, he finally contacted the assault boat. Thus, he boarded the assault boat with his assistant and his speed finally increased by quite a bit.    


The wind and rain were still the same. At this moment, he did not seem to feel the bone chilling cold at all. Although his clothes were already drenched, his body still had a low fever.    


When Luo Tianqi arrived at the other side, the sky finally lit up.    


There was a platform with a very high terrain over there. Therefore, almost all of the victims were there.    


At this moment, there was a sudden commotion in the crowd.    


Luo Tianqi followed the sound and saw the dam in the distance suddenly collapse. Then, he could hear the roaring of the water from dozens of meters away.    


He was shocked, and more people on the platform also reacted. They all realized that the place they were at was no longer safe, so they hurriedly retreated.    


At this moment, something on the side of the platform suddenly collapsed. Then, there was an exclamation.    


For no reason, Luo Tianqi's heart tightened, and he ran over there.    


The assistant chased after him and said, "Director Luo, this place will soon be unsafe. If our assault boat doesn't leave soon, there might be no more!"    


"Go back immediately. Stabilize the assault boat. I'll be there soon!" Luo Tianqi said and ran forward without looking back.    


However, his fever was low to begin with, so he had to go through a lot of trouble. At night, he had just walked in the water for a long time, and now it was a double. It was as if his legs were filled with lead.    


His line of sight was still filled with wind and rain. He kept moving forward, going against the direction of the pedestrians. As he ran, he called Lieh Xiaoruan's name.    


Several times, he was almost knocked down by someone, but he still continued to move forward, until he finally reached the place where the scream had come from.    


From afar, he saw someone lying on the ground, as if he had been knocked out by a tree in the corner of the platform.    


Because his eyes were blurred by the rain, he could not see the person's face clearly, but he felt that the person was familiar for no reason.    


His heart was raised to his throat. Luo Tianqi quickly went over and finally saw it clearly.    


It was Lieh Xiaoruan.    


He was almost instantly drained of all his strength. He squatted down to touch her face. "Xiaoruan!"    


She fainted. The rain hit her face and made her face even paler. Her hair was completely wet and it stuck to her face, making her look haggard and miserable.    


A young man beside her hurriedly explained, "Just now, in order to save me, she was pushed away by a tree trunk when she was pushed away."    


Luo Tianqi's hand had already touched Lieh Xiaoruan's carotid artery. After making sure that it was still beating, he finally felt his stiff and cold body become a little warmer.    


He nodded at that person and directly picked Lieh Xiaoruan up.    


"I can't do it anymore. There's a broken dam over there!" That person said. Seeing that it was inconvenient for Luo Tianqi to hug Lieh Xiaoruan like this, he helped put Lieh Xiaoruan on Luo Tianqi's back and then quickly ran away.    


Luo Tianqi carried the unconscious person on his back. In addition, his legs were originally inconvenient. Therefore, he was quickly left behind.    


His feet became heavier and heavier. He felt that every step he took seemed to be extremely bumpy. He heard the whistling of the wind and rain, and the sound of water rushing in the distance.    


However, for some reason, at this moment, he felt that his heart had never been at peace for a long time with her on his back.    


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