Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C702 I Wish You a Happy Wedding ahead of Time!

C702 I Wish You a Happy Wedding ahead of Time!

Obviously Gong Lingye was a little surprised and could not help asking, "Xiaoruan, why did you suddenly change your plan?"    


Lieh Xiaoruan said, "I met him today. He said he would not go to L City."    


On the other end of the phone, Gong Lingye paused for a few seconds. "Xiaoruan, until the last moment, no one knows his decision."    


"Brother, I don't want to gamble anymore." Lieh Xiaoruan interrupted Gong Lingye, "Let's do it this way. You don't have to go back and forth and just stay at home to accompany sister-in-law. I'll go by myself at the resort. I'll just treat it as a holiday and go there for the weekend. "    


Gong Lingye had no choice but to respond. "Alright, since you've decided, we won't be going. You should go and take care of your own safety."    


"Alright." Lieh Xiaoruan hung up the phone and continued to walk forward.    


Luo Tianqi continued to lean against the wall until Lieh Xiaoruan walked in front of him.    


She smiled at him. "What a coincidence."    


He also nodded. "Yes, what a coincidence."    


"I'm going to the bathroom." Lieh Xiaoruan pointed to the front.    


Luo Tianqi nodded.    


He looked at her back as she left and felt that he could not control the emotions in his heart. Just as her figure disappeared around the corner, Luo Tianqi suddenly spoke.    




Lieh Xiaoruan stopped walking and turned her head to look at him with a smile as if waiting for his answer.    


Luo Tianqi's lips. He felt that there was a distance of less than five meters between them, but there seemed to be thousands of mountains and rivers between them.    


In the end, he only said: "I can't go that day, so I wish you a happy wedding ahead of time!"    


Lieh Xiaoruan stared straight into his eyes.    


He did not know that although he looked calm at the moment, the sadness in his eyes seemed to be full. If he was not careful, it could spill out.    


She had never seen him like this before. Instantly, she felt as if there was something in her heart that was difficult to describe. Her breathing became rough.    


But even so, did he still want to push her away?    


Lieh Xiaoruan smiled and tried her best to maintain her calm. "Yes, thank you, Mr Tianqi."    


After she finished speaking, she turned around and left.    


Behind her, Luo Tianqi put down the cigarette and put it on his lips. He sucked Nicholas's smell into his lungs. He seemed to feel the spiciness and finally found the strength to calm his heart.    


That night, Luo Tianqi was drunk. His body was out of control but his brain was exceptionally clear.    


The driver sent him to the apartment. He limped out of the car and stumbled back home.    


On Monday, the Luo clan shareholder meeting discovered that Luo Tianqi did not appear. Hence, the special assistant picked up his phone and called him.    


The phone rang many times before someone finally answered. The voice on the other end was very hoarse. "Hello."    


The special assistant could not help but feel a chill in his heart. "Director Luo, are you sick?"    


"Yes." Luo Tianqi coughed.    


"Director Luo, are you home?" Director Luo asked. I will be right there." The assistant told the shareholders about the situation and rushed to Luo Tianqi's house.    


When he entered the house and used the temperature at home to measure, he discovered that Luo Tianqi's fever had reached 39 degrees.    


One per day. Luo Tianqi had not eaten much at night, so he did not even have the strength to walk.    


Fortunately, the special assistant had already informed the family doctor. Not long after he arrived, the family doctor also arrived.    


"Fortunately, it's just a cold and fever, not a virus infection." The family doctor said and gave Luo Tianqi an injection. Then, he gave Luo Tianqi some medicine.    


The special assistant bought porridge and some other light dishes. When Luo Tianqi ate them, he waited by the side.    


Luo Tianqi was in a half-asleep and half-awake room. It was not until evening that he picked up his phone and looked at the calendar.    


Today was the 23rd. She should have arrived at the L City Resort, right?    


Tomorrow would be her wedding.    


From now on, there would really be nothing between them.    


Luo Tianqi closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He said to the special assistant, "Help me book a plane ticket to L City, tonight."    


The special assistant thought he had misheard him. "Director Luo, you have a fever now, and we don't have any projects in City L."    


"Order immediately." Luo Tianqi said firmly.    


"Okay." The special assistant nodded. He picked up his phone and searched the flight information. Then, he said with some doubt, "There are no more flights in Fei L City... Strange, could it be that there is a big meeting over there?"    


When Luo Tianqi heard this, something in his heart suddenly fell, leaving only emptiness.    


As expected, this was heaven's will, right?    


At this moment, Lieh Xiaoruan had already arrived at the resort in the outskirts of L City.    


This place was close to the south, and it was also close to the port. The weather that was more than ten degrees Celsius was much warmer compared to the midwinter in Imperial City.    


She wore a windbreaker and had dinner in the restaurant of the resort. When she came out, she was shocked by the sudden wind.    


It was still seventeen or eighteen degrees when she arrived at noon. However, when the wind blew at this moment, she immediately felt as if winter had arrived in an instant. Her entire body was frozen to the point that it chilled her heart.    


In the sky, he kept feeling that something was pressing down on him like this. It gave him a sense of heaviness, as though a storm was about to arrive.    


Lieh Xiaoruan hurriedly walked back to her own courtyard, and there just happened to be a waiter at the door. Seeing her, he said to her, "Miss. She had just received a warning from the weather department that the typhoon that should have landed in S City had changed direction. It will probably land on our side within five hours. Please don't leave the room. "For emergencies, we'll send food to each room later."    


Lieh Xiaoruan could not help but be surprised, "Typhoon? Are you sure?"    


She had once encountered a typhoon when she was young. At that time, she and Mia were hiding at home. When the typhoon passed through the border, she saw that everything was in ruins and left a deep impression.    


"Yes, Miss. It has been confirmed. You must remember not to go out. We will distribute food and mineral water in an hour." The waiter said: "I don't know if there will be a power outage or not. Just close the doors and windows and don't come out," the waiter said.    


"Okay" Lieh Xiaoruan also realized the seriousness of the matter.    


She returned to her room and first charged her phone. Then, she posted on her WeChat Moments and marked her location. Then, she started to read the news.    


As expected, there was news about the typhoon landing on the internet, as well as updates and videos posted by pedestrians.    


As time passed, the commotion outside became bigger and bigger. At first, it was only the sound of the wind blowing, but later on, the air seemed to be torn apart, producing a sharp sound.    


Lieh Xiaoruan wrapped herself in the blanket and sat on the bed. Her heart was already somewhat tense.    


At this time, her phone rang. It was Gong Lingye calling. "Xiaoruan, I just saw the news..."    


"Brother, I'm fine. The resort already has preventive measures and has sent out food. I don't need to go out. Don't worry." Lieh Xiaoruan said.    


"The flight to Imperial City's Flying L City has been canceled. I just asked someone to drive there." Gong Lingye said. "Don't come out of the hotel. I think my people need to drive one car. It will only be night time. Keep your phone on power and keep in touch at any time. "    


After hanging up the phone, Lieh Xiaoruan received a call from Lieh Yuanchen. He was overseas and heard that Gong Lingye had sent someone over, so he only gave a few words of advice and temporarily relaxed his heart.    


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