Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C717 She Didn't Want to Have a Child Before?

C717 She Didn't Want to Have a Child Before?

Before Helian Qing could reply, her phone vibrated. It was a message from Hee Wanshuang, "Miss Helian, I will be there tomorrow."    


Soong Yiren did not deliberately want to look but when her eyes inadvertently swept over, she saw the content on it.    


She instantly understood, "It is Wanshuang?"    


Helian Qing saw that Soong Yiren knew and did not hide it anymore, "Ruonuan. Because I promised her not to say it previously. After all, this is the patient's privacy. Now that you know, don't tell anyone either."    


Soong Yiren linked the events that happened before and after and her expression changed slightly," Did she want to have a child before and not have it? "    


"She had an abortion before and did not have a good rest. She had an abortion the next day and was frozen outside for a day. After that, she did not specialize in recuperation." Helian Qing felt a little sad for Hee Wanshuang. "Even with my medicine now, it only increased the chances of her recovery by a little. It cannot guarantee that she will recover in the future."    


Soong Yiren only felt that the information she just received was a little too much. However, most of it was because as a woman, she could empathize with some things.    


She really did not think that Hee Wanshuang would have such a problem.    


And she also thought about it. If it was her own problem in this aspect... Then, when she was with Gong Lingye, would she feel inferior? Would she choose to leave because she did not want to make him feel regret?    


As if feeling her state of mind, the baby in her belly suddenly moved.    


Soong Yiren came back to her senses and reached out to touch her stomach. Her face unconsciously revealed a gentle expression.    


Seeing this, Helian Qing walked over and helped Soong Yiren take her pulse. After confirming that there were no problems, she suddenly felt blessed. "Ruonuan, there is actually one more thing..."    


Soong Yiren raised her eyes, "En?"    


"I have always wanted to take in a disciple, so after your baby is born, if you are interested in TCM, can I take one of them as my disciple?" Helian Qing looked at Soong Yiren with anticipation.    


Soong Yiren was stunned when she heard this, but her heart was immediately delighted.    


She was a descendant of the Rong Family. After the inheritance was passed down to her grandfather's generation, because of the war, a lot of things were lost.    


Although her father also practiced medicine, he also learned western medicine.    


Not to mention that she studied artificial intelligence, which had nothing to do with medicine.    


Soong Ziheng was now studying business and management, and he would inherit the Haisheng Group in the future. Therefore, she had always thought that when the child was born, they would be able to conduct research in medicine.    


Before this, she was worried that she wouldn't be able to find a guide. After all, even if she possessed all the ancient books of the Rong Family, without her master's guidance, it would be very difficult for her to master all of them.    


Now that Helian Qing took the initiative to ask, of course she would be happy.    


Therefore, Soong Yiren immediately agreed, "Alright. If after my baby is born, as long as I show a bit of interest in TCM, we will nurture it together."    


Helian Qing only felt that her current mood was like a dried up traveler suddenly seeing a clear spring. Her eyes were full of light, "That would be great."    


She finally did not have to worry about getting married and having children. After all, Gong Mochen's attitude that day was obvious that he was very unwilling. She also did not have the confidence to convince him.    


Helian Qing was in a good mood. It was rare for her to be so happy, so she spoke more than usual.    


From Hee Wanshuang's situation to Luo Tianqi's legs. Helian Qing said, "The best result right now is to shorten it to five years, but if we can find the supplementary herb, it should be able to completely recover in a year. " The medicinal herb I plucked can still be stored for three months, so I need to make a decision within three months. "    


"Lingye and I will think of a way." Soong Yiren said, "In fact, there are many things in the world that are not absolute. Perhaps the other kind of medicine that we thought was extinct would also be found somewhere, waiting for the fated person to discover it."    


The two of them chatted for a while until Gong Lingye got off work and ate at the old residence with Soong Yiren. Then, they picked her up and went home.    


That night, Soong Yiren and Xuanyuan Huo wrote two calligraphy pieces together. When they went back to the room to lie down, she hesitated for a moment and still told them about Hee Wanshuang's situation.    


Gong Lingye's eyes focused. He really didn't know about Hee Wanshuang's pregnancy, but when he thought about it, he instantly understood.    


No wonder Hee Wanshuang was in a hurry to get married. So it was because she had a child?    


But how did the child get lost? What happened the next day when she was frozen for a day?    


He had always regarded Hee Wanshuang as his biological sister. It was fine if he did not know about the matter. Since he knew about it, he must investigate it thoroughly.    


If Lieh Yuanchen let Hee Wanshuang down, then he would seek justice for her!    


Three days later, a stack of documents was sent to Gong Lingye's desk by Pei Jun.    


Gong Lingye opened it and saw the information of Hee Wanshuang's abortion and hospitalization, as well as the time and date of the first delivery.    


When he compared it to the date Hee Wanshuang got her certificate, Gong Lingye finally understood everything.    


Pei Jun said, "CEO, I asked someone to ask Miss He's doctor. She still has some impression of Miss He. It should be because her and Mr. Lieh's appearances are unforgettable. The doctor said that they had an argument in the hospital at that time, and the abortion was caused by external forces."    


When Gong Lingye heard this, his pupils suddenly tightened. "Lieh Yuanchen attacked Shuang?"    


Pei Jun shook his head. "I'm not sure about that, but the doctor said that Miss He had been bleeding for several days after the abortion, so she went to the hospital for a check-up. " At that time, Miss He mentioned that she froze on the street for a day the next day after the surgery. "    


Gong Lingye tried his best to hold back his tone. "Did you say why?"    


"The doctor also mentioned her when he heard about it, but she only explained that she forgot to bring her phone and the key, so she didn't go home." "Mr. Lieh probably knows about it," Pei Jun said.    


Gong Mochen put down the document and nodded. "Okay. I understand. "    


Pei Jun left. Gong Lingye sat on the chair, his eyes cold.    


Lieh Yuanchen! It turned out that he really did not know that this person had treated his sister that way!    


After Luo Tianqi and Lieh Xiaoruan returned to Imperial City, they were delayed by two days because Luo Tianqi's company had an important discussion.    


He came back without stopping and went to Lieh Xiaoruan and Lieh Yuanchen's house first.    


It was evening. Lieh Xiaoruan had just gotten off work and knew that Luo Tianqi had come directly from the airport today, so she bought some ingredients on the way.    


When Lieh Yuanchen returned home, Luo Tianqi had also just arrived.    


Seeing the gifts in the living room, Lieh Yuanchen raised his eyebrows. "This is the betrothal gift?"    


Luo Tianqi smiled. "Brother Lie, this is a specialty that we brought along when we were on a business trip. The betrothal gift will not be so shabby."    


Although Elder Brother was the father, they were all about the same age after all. Therefore, the atmosphere was exceptionally harmonious.    


The three of them sat in front of the hotpot and chatted as they ate. Little Orange could occasionally eat the small fish slices that everyone had fed her.    


At that moment, Lieh Yuanchen's phone rang. He picked it up and saw that it was Gong Lingye calling.    


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