Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C722 We'll Have a Party Tonight Registration and Thread

C722 We'll Have a Party Tonight Registration and Thread

Lieh Xiaoruan looked at the man in front of her. His words seemed to reflect the time she had known him for half a year.    


In the end, there was only sweetness left.    


Her tears could not help but roll down. She wiped them away, crying and laughing. "I am willing."    


As her words fell, the surrounding passersby all puffed up their chests. They clapped. "Marry him!"    


Luo Tianqi took out the ring, lifted Lieh Xiaoruan's hand, and devoutly put the ring on Lieh Xiaoruan's ring finger.    


Lieh Xiaoruan also took out the male ring and put it on Luo Tianqi's ring finger.    


She pulled him up and stood up. He lowered his head and kissed her.    


There were still people coming and going in the Civil Affairs Hall. He hugged her and gave her a deep kiss, as if there was no one else around.    


After a long time, Luo Tianqi let go of Lieh Xiaoruan and pressed his forehead against hers. He smiled. "Softy, let's go get the certificate."    


Lieh Xiaoruan had just heard Luo Tianqi call her Softy, but she had not thought about it for the time being when she was proposed.    


Now, she suddenly felt her whole body go soft from being called by him, and her ears turned red. "Why did you suddenly call me that?"    


"Do you like me to call you Softy or Wife?" Luo Tianqi asked.    


Lieh Xiaoruan bit her lips. "I like them all."    


"Then why did you call me?" Luo Tianqi asked with interest.    


Lieh Xiaoruan seemed to really think about it. "Qi Qi?"    


"Hmm? Luo Tianqi narrowed his eyes. "You want to be punished?"    


Lieh Xiaoruan instantly smiled and curved her eyes. "That is called Tian Tian?"    


"Very good." Luo Tianqi's eyes became deeper. "Looks like it will be at least four times at night!"    


"Are you sure? You can?" Lieh Xiaoruan asked fearlessly.    


"I will remember that." Luo Tianqi's voice was hoarse, and his eyes were filled with danger.    


Lieh Xiaoruan suddenly felt that she might not be afraid of death. Just when she wanted to make amends, Luo Tianqi pulled her to get the number plate, and then went to her ear, "Call me husband."    


As soon as he finished speaking, he lightly bit the tip of her ear. Instantly, it was as if electricity had passed.    


Lieh Xiaoruan's entire body was numb and she slowed down before saying, "I haven't gotten the certificate yet. Wait until I get it first!"    


Luo Tianqi pulled her to sit down. "Yes, or stay on the bed and shout."    


"Hey, when did you become like this?" Lieh Xiaoruan was looking for an adjective, but she found that her words were lacking. Was he bullying a mixed-blood like her?    


But after a moment, she thought of something again. She lowered her head and looked at their hands that were tightly clasped together. There, the diamond ring reflected a dazzling light.    


She felt delighted and could not help but raise the corners of her lips. However, she deliberately put on a stern face: "Why did you think of proposing?"    


She thought that this guy would only propose at the wedding, or buy a ring directly.    


"Because I'm not afraid of being beaten up by you." Luo Tianqi smiled and said, "My wife is a tigress."    


"Wow, you actually called me a tigress! I'm not getting my certificate anymore. "Hmph!" Lieh Xiaoruan pretended to get up.    


However, just as she moved, she heard Luo Tianqi open his mouth again. His tone was serious. "Because I feel that no matter how I make it up to you, it is not enough."    


She was stunned. At this moment, her breathing became light and slow. She looked at him with red eyes.    


"If others have it, I want to give it to you. What they don't have, I want to give it to you too " He kissed her cheek. "I've disappointed you too much in the past, so I'll pay you back for the rest of my life."    


Lieh Xiaoruan's nose twitched and she could not help but cry again.    


It just so happened that they had called their number.    


She quickly wiped her eyes and realized that some of the mascara had fallen off and fell into her hands. She immediately felt vexed. "It's all your fault. Did my eyes cry?"    


If she had known earlier, she would not have put on makeup. She must be very ugly now! When other people were proposed, they would definitely be beautiful. But just now...    


Lieh Xiaoruan still wanted to use her phone to look in the mirror, but Luo Tianqi had already pulled her to the verification window.    


The staff handed over the form. She did not have time to look in the mirror, so she could only calm down and fill in the form.    


As she filled in the form, she felt sweet at the same time.    


It was as if all the emotional twists and turns in her life were left on a thin piece of paper along with this stroke, and in the future, all of them would be happy.    


Before taking pictures, Lieh Xiaoruan finally took a look in the mirror.    


Sure enough, under her eyes was like a panda.    


She was angry and gave Luo Tianqi a punch. "You didn't even tell me that I am so ugly now!"    


"It's my honor." Luo Tianqi looked innocent. "Because I married the national treasure. Other men would not have such a good thing."    


Lieh Xiaoruan heard him tease her and became even angrier. She pretended to scratch Luo Tianqi's itchy flesh.    


The photographer was a good person. She took out a piece of makeup padding from her bag and finally helped Lieh Xiaoruan solve the situation.    


Under the camera, her smile was very sweet. He seemed to have also returned to his past appearance and had a sunny smile on his face.    


After coming out of the Civil Affairs Bureau, Lieh Xiaoruan kept looking at the marriage certificate in her hand. The corners of her fluttering lips had never been put away.    


Beside her, Luo Tianqi saw that she was smiling happily and was also happy. He picked up his phone and could not help but take many photos of her.    


Lieh Xiaoruan noticed that Luo Tianqi was taking pictures, so she went closer to his phone and adjusted the selfie mode.    


So, each of them held a marriage certificate and smiled sweetly at the camera.    


Back in the car, Luo Tianqi first opened WeChat, picked nine photos, and posted a WeChat Moments. "With my deep affection, I turned white with you."    


Lieh Xiaoruan's eyes were filled with peach hearts. She did not have any photos on her phone, so she stole a picture from Luo Tianqi. She also sent a message in a double language version, "You are the only one left for the rest of my life."    


After she sent the message, there was a lot of comments below. Almost all of them were blessings.    


However, there were two particularly eye-catching messages inside.    


Gong Lingye asked, "Is he the only one left for the rest of his life? That means only his husband doesn't want his brother anymore?"    


Soong Yiren said, "Haha! Soong Yiren said, "Haha, there are people who don't want the brother anymore."    


Soon, Luo Tianqi joined the commentary team. "Mr Ye, how does it feel to have your sister stolen?"    


Gong Lingye said, "Why don't we compete in shooting skills? You set the target, and I'll move the target. I'll let you do it. "    


Xuanyuan Che said, "I agree with the opinion of the person above."    


Hee Wanshuang said, "Surround."    


Luo Tianqi said, "You all are amazing, right?"    


Soong Yiren said, "No, no, no. We are not powerful. We only need to disturb the bridal chamber."    


Beiming Mo: "That's right. Tonight, we will form a group to disturb the bridal chamber. There will be an invitation for registration downstairs."    


Xuanyuan Che said, "Wife, I second that. Registration number 2."    


Soong Yiren said, "Momo, registration number 3."    


Gong Lingye said, "Registration number 4."    


Pei Jun said, "Register for 5."    


Wei Qianran said, "Registration number 6."    


Luo Tianqi said, "Mr Ye, manage your special assistant."    


However, as soon as his message came out, a message popped up.    


Aa Mian said, "Registration number 7."    


Chi Jingyu: "Registration number 8."    


Below, Soong Yiren and Beiming Mo started to explode. "Ah, ah, even Aa Mian signed up. Hahaha. Let's go together tonight! Aa Mian, I'll leave the task of opening the door to you!"    


"Aa Mian, have you been slacking off on your training since you got married? How's your muscles?" This one was sent by Beiming Mo.    


Below, Xuanyuan Che said, "Wife, don't think that I can't cure you just because you are pregnant."    


Soong Yiren said, "Wow, my cousin is amazing. How can he cure my Momo? I'm all ears."    


Pei Jun said, "Upstairs, you guys have gone astray. Finally, I wish Eldest Miss a happy marriage!"    


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