Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C715 Hug Him and Sleep

C715 Hug Him and Sleep

Actually, Gong Mochen was just sleeping lightly. After Helian Qing came in, he immediately woke up.    


However, he did not move.    


The surroundings were very quiet, so the sound was especially clear.    


Gong Mochen heard Helian Qing move her body bit by bit. She seemed to have squatted numb, so he sat down and touched his leg.    


Even though the matter of the sachet was his wishful thinking, he still took the initiative to hold her hand and climb into his tent. This must be a real hammer, right?    


He still pretended not to know, but he deliberately relaxed his breathing.    


On the other side, Helian Qing gradually relaxed. She was not so cold anymore. Men's body temperature was indeed different from women's. They were born warm, and this tent was two or three degrees higher than the outside.    


Time slowed down in a stalemate until Gong Mochen suddenly felt his body sink.    


His whole body tensed up, and he looked at the dark and tall shadow in the tent.    


Helian Qing hadn't moved since she fell on him.    


She seemed to have fallen asleep, and her head was still buried in his head. On his legs.    


That place was too fatal, but after a few seconds, he came back to his senses and felt the girl's warm breath. Instantly, his muscles tensed, and blood rushed straight to his brain.    


"Helian Qing." Gong Mochen's voice became colder. "Get up."    


However, as soon as he finished speaking, he seemed to give air.    


He repeated again. "Did you hear that? Get up"    


She still didn't move. The breath she exhaled seemed to be intentionally or unintentionally teasing.    


Gong Mochen no longer had any patience. He suddenly sat up and looked at the person lying on his lap.    


Was she deliberately blackmailing him? How could he not know that under her calm exterior, she actually hid such thoughts?    


Gong Mochen stretched out his hand and pushed Helian Qing's face away from his leg.    


However, even with such a big movement, she still did not have any reaction.    


Gong Mochen's brows trembled. Was that question of hers acting up again?    


Didn't she say before that it would happen once a month? Why was it not even a month, and this was already the second time?    


Gong Mochen picked her up and leaned on his shoulder. He turned on the flashlight and used the light to check Helian Qing's condition.    


Her eyes were tightly shut and she did not move. Her whole body leaned against his body powerlessly, just like the last time she fainted.    


"Helian Qing?" Gong Mochen tried calling again, but there was still no movement.    


He picked up the Ruwa and placed it near Helian Qing's wrist artery. He said, "Ruwa, monitor her heart rate and pulse."    


The Ruwa quickly came to a conclusion. Sure enough, it was about the same as the last time. It was just that her heart rate was slightly lower, but it was still within the normal range.    


Gong Mochen's eyes suddenly became somewhat serious. In her current situation, if she fainted just like that, if she was on the streets or in the mountains, wouldn't it be very dangerous for a single person?    


The person in his arms obviously did not have any consciousness. He just leaned against his body, breathing on his neck. His chest only slightly rose and fell.    


"wealthy donor!" Ruwa suddenly opened his mouth and said, "Scan outside the tent. There is a foreign object. We are not sure if it is a snake."    


Gong Mochen's pupils constricted. He quickly put Helian Qing down and quickly zipped up the tent.    


She fainted. He did not know medicine. It was dark outside. If the snake really bit them, they would all be finished.    


Instantly, the tent became a sealed space. Because it was a single person, even if Helian Qing was small, it would be difficult for her to lie down on both of them.    


Gong Mochen hesitated for a moment and carefully laid down. He leaned sideways, barely having his own space.    


However, after such a struggle, he could not fall asleep no matter what.    


His breathing was filled with the breath of a woman. Because of the narrow space, it was inevitable that they would have physical contact. The warm and soft touch constantly stimulated his nerves.    


After all, he was a normal man. It was impossible for him not to feel anything when lying with a woman like this.    


Gong Mochen thought of the feeling he had when he accidentally touched her chest that day. His breathing became tense, and his blood gradually heated up.    


It was really fatal. His body had reacted, and he could not suppress it no matter what.    


However, the culprit was still sleeping peacefully beside him.    


Gong Mochen was a little vexed. He turned over and used the flashlight to size up Helian Qing's face.    


Maybe it was because the flashlight's warmth was too gentle, but he actually felt that she was more delicate and pretty than usual. She was even a little... obedient.    


Gong Mochen's Adam's apple rolled. He blamed himself for the desire in his heart, but the look in his eyes when he looked at Helian Qing became deeper and deeper.    


She crawled in just like that and fainted just like that. Didn't she know the danger of being in the same room as a man?    


If he...    


He inched closer and closer, his lips... She subconsciously was less than a finger away from Helian Qing, but she suddenly stopped.    


Taking advantage of others when they are in danger was not something a gentleman would do.    


Gong Mochen quickly pulled it out. Coincidentally, the alarm clock rang at that moment. He immediately got up and used the flashlight to illuminate the outside of the tent. After making sure that there were no snakes, he opened the zipper.    


It was very cold outside, so it was suitable for him to calm down.    


The herb leaf had not been fully opened. According to Helian Qing's description, it should not be picked yet.    


Gong Mochen waited until all the thoughts in his body had calmed down before returning to the tent.    


After all, he was worried that there would be snakes. Even though he knew she was by his side, he still laid down again.    


As time passed by, Helian Qing woke up and found herself in Gong Mochen's arms.    


She rested on his shoulder. One of his hands went around her shoulder and hugged her, while the other rested on her waist.    


Her right leg was on his body and she was sleeping on the side. She could see his chin clearly and his sharp Adam's apple through the dim light outside the tent.    


Helian Qing blinked and her memory of last night returned.    


At that time, she was afraid of the cold so she crawled into the tent. But later on, her body became heavier and heavier and finally, she completely lost consciousness...    


When she thought of this, she was shocked.    


This problem was brought up by her mother's womb.    


When she was young, this kind of situation would occur once a year. Her master searched through the medical books but found no clues.    


After that, her master also took her to check Western medicine, but she still did not find the cause.    


Gradually, as she grew up, the situation that originally happened once a year became half a year, three months, and after she became an adult, it was a month.    


The situation within a month stabilized for a few years.    


Master also said that if she continued to maintain it, as long as she paid attention and didn't go to dangerous places, it would be fine.    


But now, within a month, she actually fainted twice for no reason!    


The gap between them was only twenty-two days!    


In other words, her situation was serious.    


If that was the case, would she not wake up from her slumber in the future?    


No one would not care about their own lives. Helian Qing suddenly felt a chill in her heart. She once again shifted her gaze to Gong Mochen.    


Yesterday afternoon, she had considered getting married early and having a child. She carefully taught and passed down her medical skills.    


And now, there was a problem with her body. This kind of thing seemed to be even more urgent.    


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