Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C719 I Just Fell Asleep?

C719 I Just Fell Asleep?

After hanging up the phone, Lieh Yuanchen turned his eyes to Luo Tianqi. "I will return to G Country the day after tomorrow. Take good care of Xiaoruan on my behalf."    


Luo Tianqi nodded. "Okay, I will. Brother Lie, is there something going on at the company?"    


Lieh Yuanchen shook his head. "It's nothing. Just take good care of Xiaoruan."    


That night, Lieh Yuanchen's phone almost exploded.    


There was no follow-up funds for the project. Everything was cut off. The person in charge was in a terrible state, waiting for Lieh Yuanchen to take charge of the overall situation.    


Lieh Yuanchen immediately suspended a few of the relatively long investment projects. It was almost the first night of the same night. He did not sleep at night. Finally, he temporarily transferred some funds to make up for the loophole for the time being.    


However, this was only enough for him to last for a week at most. If there were no follow-up funds and the profits from before had not been transferred over, the consequences would be unimaginable.    


Lieh Yuanchen did not sleep that night. The next morning, he went to the city where Hee Wanshuang was.    


This was the last day of the old year and also the last day Hee Wanshuang was in this city.    


She still had one last stop. She would be able to complete the task of accepting the magazine's invitation before the New Year and plan to end it before the New Year.    


So, she planned to go home on New Year's Day, stay with her parents for two days, and then go to the next city.    


In the morning, Hee Wanshuang was packing her luggage at home when suddenly, there was a knock on the door.    


She was a little puzzled and walked to the door and asked, "Who is it?"    


A familiar but unexpected male voice came from outside, "Shuang, it is me."    


Hee Wanshuang stood where she was and hesitated for a moment before opening the door.    


Outside, Lieh Yuanchen was wearing a dark grey coat. The long coat made his figure look taller and taller. He held a bag in his hand and looked at her. "Shuang, I came to see you."    


Hee Wanshuang was still standing by the door and looking at Lieh Yuanchen. Her eyes were a little dark, and there were some green spots on her chin. She opened her mouth. "I think we have made it very clear last time."    


"Shuang, even if we make it clear, we can still be friends. " Right? " Lieh Yuanchen said and took a step forward.    


Hee Wanshuang heard movement next door and did not want anyone to see a joke, so she turned sideways and let Lieh Yuanchen in.    


He walked in and saw her suitcase on the floor, so he asked, "Shuang, you want to leave?"    


"Yes, I have finished here. I want to go home." Hee Wanshuang said.    


"Do you want to drive?" Lieh Yuanchen asked again.    


Hee Wanshuang nodded.    


"Then I'll drive." Lieh Yuanchen put down the food in his hand. It was the snack from Imperial City. It was exactly what Hee Wanshuang loved to eat in the past.    


He opened the lunchbox and asked her, "Shuang, have you had breakfast?"    


"Yes, I have." Hee Wanshuang did not know why Lieh Yuanchen came. She thought that with his pride, he would not appear again after what she said last time.    


"Then we will have lunch later." Lieh Yuanchen glanced at the room. "Do you need my help?"    


Hee Wanshuang shook her head. "I'm almost done packing too."    


Lieh Yuanchen sat down and quietly watched Hee Wanshuang busy herself.    


This was rare for him to have free time. Perhaps, it was also the last free time he could control.    


Lieh Yuanchen emptied his mind. He leaned back in the chair and stared at her in the room without blinking.    


Hee Wanshuang felt the man's gaze and deliberately ignored it. She ignored it and only put the things in her luggage one by one.    


He did not say anything and the expression on his face gradually relaxed. Later, Hee Wanshuang actually heard the man's steady and long breathing.    


She was a little surprised. When she walked closer, she found that Lieh Yuanchen really fell asleep.    


Why did he sleep like this? She suddenly came to her house and suddenly fell asleep. She did not know why.    


However, when she got closer, Hee Wanshuang found that Lieh Yuanchen seemed to have lost some weight. His already deep and three-dimensional facial features seemed to be more profound and sharp. The green color under his eyes seemed to be even thicker, as if he had not rested for a long time.    


What was wrong with him? She was in a trance, but when she felt a chill in her heart, she still walked to the suitcase and took out a blanket from inside. She gently covered Lieh Yuanchen's body with it.    


There were not many things that came out. Hee Wanshuang quickly packed up, but it was only eleven o'clock.    


The man on the chair was already sleeping very soundly. He did not move from beginning to end, but his sunken eyes gradually relaxed in his sleep, even the sharp lines on his face also became much gentler.    


Hee Wanshuang did not know if it was her misconception or not, but she kept feeling that there was a man's aura in the room all of a sudden. It entered her sense of smell from all directions, making it impossible for her to ignore it.    


There was only one chair in her room. There was no sofa, and it was occupied by Lieh Yuanchen. She could only sit by the bed and wait.    


He must be very tired. She waited until 12 o'clock and no one woke up. Helpless, Hee Wanshuang could only take her phone and order takeout.    


In the lunchbox on the writing desk, there was still the snack Lieh Yuanchen brought for her lying down. Hee Wanshuang discovered that there was a layer of fog inside. It was very obvious that it was bought this morning.    


So after he bought breakfast, he immediately flew over?    


She had an indescribable feeling in her heart. She could only deliberately ignore it and not touch it.    


Time passed in a trance again. Half an hour later, there was a knock on the door.    


Hee Wanshuang quickly got up and opened the door. She made a booing sound at the delivery man and took the bag from him.    


However, when she walked back, Lieh Yuanchen still woke up.    


There was still some confusion in the bottom of his pale eyes. Because he had just woken up, his voice also carried a bit of dullness. "Shuang? Did I just fall asleep?"    


Hee Wanshuang nodded and put the things down. "I bought some lunch."    


Lieh Yuanchen moved his aching body and gradually recovered his strength. He looked at his watch and could not help but be shocked. "I actually slept for two hours?"    


"Have you not slept much recently?" Hee Wanshuang asked.    


Lieh Yuanchen nodded and was about to get up when he noticed the blanket on his body.    


It was she who covered him.    


An indescribable feeling of regret suddenly flashed through Lieh Yuanchen's heart. He had hurt her so much back then, but she still cared about him even though she was covered in wounds.    


Hee Wanshuang saw Lieh Yuanchen staring at the blanket and felt slightly embarrassed, so she walked over and said: "I saw that you seemed to be sleeping for a long time just now."    


However, a smile appeared on Lieh Yuanchen's face. "Shuang, thank you."    


Hee Wanshuang took the blanket from him and put it away. She took out her chopsticks and said, "Let's eat lunch. I ordered some."    


"Yes." Lieh Yuanchen nodded. On the way here, he had a lot of things he wanted to say to her. He wanted to apologize and say that he wanted to make it up to her, but he did not know how to say it.    


He couldn't even protect himself right now. What would happen after he went to Country G? If he fell out with Lieh Cheng'an, what he would face would be obvious.    


He discovered to his dismay that from beginning to end, he couldn't give her anything.    


Oh, Brother Lie is about to go to G Nation to fight ~    


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