Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C728 That Man Is Not Suitable for You

C728 That Man Is Not Suitable for You

The taxi traveled through the night. When Hee Wanshuang arrived near the villa in Xijun County, half an hour had already passed.    


After another turn, they could see the entrance of the villa district. In their line of sight, there was a familiar license plate.    


Hee Wanshuang recognized that it was Lieh Yuanchen's.    


There was obviously someone in the car. Because the indicator light was still on, it was parked on the side of the road without moving.    


"Master, stop the car." Hee Wanshuang quickly said.    


The driver was confused and stopped the car. "Did I call the clock?"    


"Yes." Hee Wanshuang quickly paid the bill and got out of the car. She walked step by step to the black car.    


When she got closer, Hee Wanshuang found that the car hit the green belt and the front part of the car sank. It was very dented.    


Her heart instantly jumped to her throat and her heart felt cold. She quickly stuck it to the window.    


The street lights were a little dark. When she got close to the window, she clearly saw that there was a person sitting inside. It was Lieh Yuanchen.    


His eyes were half-closed, and she did not know if anything had happened. Because the light was too dark, she could not see his face clearly.    


Hee Wanshuang quickly reached out her hand and patted the window, "Open the door!"    


Lieh Yuanchen was in a trance at this moment, and vaguely felt that there was someone outside the window beside him. So, he slowly turned his eyes around.    


It was brighter outside than the light in the car, so he saw her. She was the one he thought he would never see.    


Lieh Yuanchen was even more confused, so he did not realize that he should open the car door.    


Hee Wanshuang saw him look over and felt slightly relieved, but in the end, her heart was still hanging. She continued to lightly tap the window and motioned for Lieh Yuanchen to open the door.    


He was really in a trance. When he saw her knock on the window, he only stretched out his hand and lowered the window.    


Thus, the barrier between them was no longer there.    


Hee Wanshuang clearly saw that Lieh Yuanchen's forehead was torn and there were traces of blood seeping out. There was a wound on his brow bone. It was two centimeters long and the blood outside had already formed a scab. However, there were still beads of blood slowly coming out from inside.    


There were still some red marks on his face. It was obvious that he had fought with someone before.    


Even in her underground parking lot, she had never seen him like this.    


"You..." Hee Wanshuang was about to say something when she realized something. She quickly reached in and unlocked the car door.    


She quickly opened the car door and checked Lieh Yuanchen's injuries.    


Luckily, there was no blood on his body. The gas bag of the car had already popped out. He sat in his seat and seemed to be stuck.    


"I'll call 120, hold on for a bit," Wang Yao said. Hee Wanshuang said and went to touch her phone.    


However, just as she took out her phone, it was snatched away by Lieh Yuanchen.    


Even though he was injured, his movements were still so vigorous. He threw his phone under the car seat and took the opportunity to push her into his arms.    


Hee Wanshuang instantly hit Lieh Yuanchen's body. Her arm hit the steering wheel horn and immediately made an ear-piercing horn sound.    


"You are injured. We can talk about other things later!" Hee Wanshuang was a little anxious because the man's breathing from her ear was very heavy. Obviously, he was not relaxed.    


"Shuang." Lieh Yuanchen, however, turned a deaf ear to her words. He sighed softly beside her ear, "I have nothing left."    


At the end of his words, his voice was somewhat shaky. When it landed in Hee Wanshuang's ears, it was as if it had smashed into her heart, bringing along waves of bitterness.    


She raised her head and looked at him, "I know everything."    


"Can you accompany me home?" Lieh Yuanchen's voice was low. "Because after tomorrow, that place will no longer belong to me."    


Hee Wanshuang was shocked. Before she could ask anything, Lieh Yuanchen had already let go of her.    


He directly got out of the car and his movements were a little slow.    


Hee Wanshuang saw that he was about to collapse at any time, so she said, "I will take you to the hospital."    


"No, I want to go home." Lieh Yuanchen pointed to the front. "Our new house."    


Hee Wanshuang did not know what to say. Seeing that Lieh Yuanchen could still walk on his own, she had no choice but to agree with him. "Okay, I will send you to the villa."    


He stumbled forward and his body was heavy. She supported him by the side and felt that she could fall down with him at any time.    


The two of them just walked a few steps and Lieh Yuanchen simply let go. "I'll walk by myself. Don't get tired of me."    


Hee Wanshuang looked at the staggering man beside her and felt that Lieh Yuanchen was really different from the past.    


They went to the villa area together and then came to the door of the villa that Lieh Yuanchen bought.    


He used his fingerprints to unlock the lock and brought her to the entrance. "Shuang, I bought you slippers."    


Hee Wanshuang changed her shoes and went in. She found that the villa was the same as when she had been here before. She remembered what Lieh Yuanchen said just now and was a little uncertain. " Did you sell the villa?    


Lieh Yuanchen nodded. "I made an appointment for tomorrow. Ask the agent to help deal with it as soon as possible."    


"Is it because of the company?" Hee Wanshuang said again, "I saw the news."    


"Yes." Lieh Yuanchen nodded and walked in. He took out the mineral water from his room and wanted to boil it.    


Hee Wanshuang pulled him and said, "Go and rest for a while. I am not thirsty."    


She still had her phone in the car, so there was nothing she could do. She called the family doctor. It seemed that he could only use his phone.    


Hee Wanshuang calculated and her gaze fell on the coat Lieh Yuanchen had placed on the side.    


After thinking for a while, she slowly slipped over and sat beside the coat. At an angle that Lieh Yuanchen could not see, she put her hand into her pocket.    


Luckily, it was really in the coat pocket.    


Hee Wanshuang took out the phone but suddenly felt troubled.    


In his current situation, he did not seem to need to call 120. However, if she called a private doctor, she would not know his password at all.    


At this moment, Lieh Yuanchen opened his mouth beside her, "Shuang."    


Hee Wanshuang was shocked and quickly hid her phone behind her back.    


Lieh Yuanchen's mind was still in a daze and did not notice Hee Wanshuang's movements. He lightly coughed twice and only felt that his mouth was filled with the smell of rust. Lieh Yuanchen said in a low voice, "I have something to tell you."    


Hee Wanshuang turned her eyes.    


Lieh Yuanchen considered his words and said, "That man is not suitable for you."    


Hee Wanshuang was stunned.    


Lieh Yuanchen smiled. "Of course. I didn't mean to say bad things about him. I just happened to see him with a woman today. Shuang, I didn't mean for you to choose me. I just wanted you to be careful of him. Do you understand?"    


Hee Wanshuang's eyes widened. She did not expect that Lieh Yuanchen was still thinking about her at this time.    


She nodded. "Okay, I will keep an eye on it."    


Lieh Yuanchen nodded. "Then you can go back."    


Currently, he no longer had the qualifications to keep her here.    


After waking up, he had no choice but to realize that what he was facing was the crisis of high debt and high prison. When she was with him, there was no future at all.    


Even if he really wanted to keep him, because this was their last night in this family.    


When Hee Wanshuang heard that he actually let her go, her hand that was holding the phone tightened a little and she opened her mouth. "Then I will use your bathroom."    


After saying that, she quickly left.    


Walking into the bathroom, Hee Wanshuang helplessly wanted to call 120, but she suddenly remembered that day in the hospital, Lieh Yuanchen had said that he unlocked the password.    


At that time, she had directly helped him unlock the password and did not think too much about it. Later on, she accidentally saw the phone's memos and found that their wedding anniversary was October 13.    


And his unlocking password was 1013.    


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