Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C729 Don't Cry I Won't Die

C729 Don't Cry I Won't Die

He tried 1013 and the screen was unlocked. Hee Wanshuang was in a trance for a second.    


Then, she quickly searched the phone number of Lieh Yuanchen's family doctor. Then, she dialed the number.    


The person on the other end answered rather quickly and said in a mocking tone, "Have you thought it through? I still have..."    


Hee Wanshuang opened her mouth and said, "I am Hee Wanshuang."    


That person was stunned and then smiled," So it is sister-in-law. "    


Hee Wanshuang did not bother to chat and quickly said, "Lieh Yuanchen is injured. His external injuries may need stitches and he even hit the car. I don't know if there are any internal injuries. Can you come and see him?"    


At the other end of the phone, the man's tone suddenly became serious. "Why is it not 120 when it is so serious?"    


"He's unwilling." Hee Wanshuang said, "He is now at the villa. I will send you the location."    


"No need. I know where it is." The man said, "I will go there immediately."    


Hee Wanshuang heard his promise and immediately felt relieved. "Okay."    


She hung up the phone. When she walked out, she quietly put the phone back into Lieh Yuanchen's pocket.    


"Let's go. I'll send you to the door." Lieh Yuanchen saw her come out. He stood up and was about to send her off.    


At this moment, the doorbell of the villa rang.    


Lieh Yuanchen furrowed his brows. He was also puzzled. Why was there someone here? However, he still got up and opened the door.    


Outside the door, Lieh Cheng'an's face was as calm as water. The moment he saw Lieh Yuanchen, his anger seemed to rise immediately.    


"Why are you here?" Lieh Yuanchen said coldly, "You are not welcome here!"    


Lieh Cheng'an did not know where he got the strength from. He pushed Lieh Yuanchen away and strode in.    


Hee Wanshuang heard the noise and stood at the door. She happened to bump into him who came in.    


Suddenly, their eyes met. Lieh Cheng'an sneered, "You are going to jail, and you still can't forget this woman! Lieh Yuanchen, you are so capable! "    


Lieh Yuanchen was still in a trance, but when he heard Lieh Cheng'an mention Hee Wanshuang, he immediately reacted.    


He strode back and blocked Lieh Cheng'an's path. "Get out of here right now! This is not your home!"    


Lieh Cheng'an was furious. "Not my home?! Lieh Yuanchen, don't forget, you have been eating and using my food for so many years. When you were in Country G, you enjoyed all the benefits. "Isn't it all because you're Lieh Cheng'an's son?!"    


"Yes, you raised me up. That's good too. Today, I will return all that I owe you!" Veins popped out on Lieh Yuanchen's forehead. Immediately, the wound on his brow began to bleed again.    


Hee Wanshuang was frightened by this scene. She reached out and wanted to pull Lieh Yuanchen. "You are injured. Go back to the room."    


"Shuang, quickly go. This old man will do anything when he goes crazy." Lieh Yuanchen said and was about to protect Hee Wanshuang and leave.    


However, after taking two steps, Lieh Cheng'an shouted behind him, "Lieh Yuanchen, do you believe that if you dare to take one step, I will let you go to jail tomorrow!"    


Lieh Yuanchen pressed Hee Wanshuang behind him and looked coldly at Lieh Cheng'an. Then, he took off his sweater and threw it on the ground. "Yes, I owe you. All my money is yours. "I don't want it anymore! Half of my flesh is yours. "I'll return it to you too!"    


After saying that, he still wanted to take off his clothes, as if he really wanted to return Lieh Cheng'an's flesh and blood with a knife.    


Hee Wanshuang saw this and quickly pulled Lieh Yuanchen back, "Don't be like this, it's not worth it!"    


Lieh Yuanchen's eyes were scarlet. "I will return all of it to him today!"    


His strength suddenly increased. Hee Wanshuang was pushed so hard that she staggered two steps and almost hit the cabinet behind her.    


Lieh Yuanchen saw this and quickly reached out to pull her. "Shuang, I'm sorry."    


Hee Wanshuang shook her head and looked at Lieh Yuanchen's face that was dyed red with blood again. A wave of anger rose up.    


These few days, when she saw the news and saw that Lieh Yuanchen's company was slowly on the verge of collapsing, the hand pushing him from behind was actually his biological father, she was already unable to control the emotions in her heart.    


At this moment, seeing Lieh Cheng'an like this, it was even more excessive than what she had imagined. She really could not bear it any longer.    


"Uncle Lie, he is your son!" She looked at the old man with graying hair on both sides of his head. He should have lived a peaceful life as a father and filial son, but he had forcefully turned him into such a state.    


Hee Wanshuang's chest heaved up and down. "You came to look for him and saw that he was injured. You did not care about him at all. Is it that in your heart, you only care about the benefits of living and not bringing death with you?! So what if you obtain the world? Are you happy? You are forcing him... "Can you see his pain?!"    


Lieh Cheng'an had never expected this. Instantly, he picked up the tray on the coffee table and threw it at Hee Wanshuang.    


Lieh Yuanchen's expression changed when he saw this. He hurriedly stretched out his arm and held Hee Wanshuang in his arms.    


The urn hit his arm and made a dull sound. It fell onto the ground and the beautiful carpet was covered with a thick layer of dust.    


Lieh Cheng'an saw that Lieh Yuanchen was still protecting Hee Wanshuang. He became even angrier and continued to throw things at Lieh Yuanchen.    


Lieh Yuanchen had already expected this, so he quickly turned around with Hee Wanshuang.    


Instantly, the cup, remote control, and lighter all smashed onto Lieh Yuanchen's back.    


Hee Wanshuang only felt as if her heart had experienced a catastrophe. She trembled a little, not knowing if it was fear, anger, or heartache.    


Every time the man behind her was smashed, the muscles on his body would tighten a little, but the arm that was hugging her did not loosen at all.    


Lieh Cheng'an seemed to have finally gotten tired of smashing, or perhaps there was nothing left for him to smash. Only then did he angrily stop.    


The room was a mess. The original beauty had long disappeared.    


Lieh Yuanchen only felt a swelling pain on his back and almost lost consciousness. He slowly let go of Hee Wanshuang. His voice was hoarse, but it could not be refuted, "Shuang, leave immediately."    


Hee Wanshuang's face was full of tears. "No, you have to leave too. I will take you to my house or to the hospital."    


Lieh Yuanchen put his arm around her shoulder and pushed her to the door without any explanation.    


She was not as strong as him. She could only go to the door and was pushed out by him.    


"I'm fine, you can go home now." As Lieh Yuanchen spoke, he suddenly thought of something, so he gave the car keys to Hee Wanshuang. "Your phone is in my car. Go and get it later."    


He saw that her face was full of tears. He raised his hand and wiped it away for her. "Don't cry, I won't die"    


After saying that, he returned to his room and unlocked his phone before giving it to Hee Wanshuang. "If you can't get a taxi here, call Shao Feng and ask him to pick you up. Don't take a taxi, it's not safe."    


Hee Wanshuang took the phone and looked at him with teary eyes. She did not move.    


Lieh Yuanchen steeled his heart and closed the door.    


Behind him was a villa worth more than 40 million, but he seemed to be in hell.    


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