Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C726 I'm Not Even Afraid of Going to Jail What's There to be Afraid Of?

C726 I'm Not Even Afraid of Going to Jail What's There to be Afraid Of?

The black muzzle of the gun was aimed at Jack, causing the big guy's expression to change.    


"If you don't want to die, get lost right now!" Lieh Yuanchen loaded the bullet.    


Jack slowly turned around in a defensive posture.    


Lieh Yuanchen directly shot him in the leg.    


Hehe, he had always known that Lieh Cheng'an was a careful person. Usually, people in the villa area were not allowed to carry guns.    


And his current business also did not have any enemies coming over. So the security of the villa area was not a problem at all. Even if he really needed a gun, he just needed to go to the cellar to get it.    


Lieh Yuanchen no longer looked at Jack, who was lying on the ground, and directly drove away.    


He sped all the way to the airport, and Ling Shaofeng had already prepared the boarding pass.    


He was a little surprised to see Lieh Yuanchen so fast. "They didn't catch up?"    


Lieh Yuanchen took the boarding pass. "I'm not even afraid of going to jail, what's there to be afraid of?"    


The two of them quickly passed the security check and entered the waiting hall.    


The moment the plane flew up to the sky, Lieh Yuanchen looked at the ground below and sighed. He might not be coming back.    


It was a pity that he went home in a hurry and did not go to the cemetery to see his mother.    


Ten thousand miles away, the topic of the L Group's failure in the marriage alliance with the Hull family had already reached the top ten.    


And so, very quickly, someone dug it out. The news that Lieh Yuanchen was still working for the L Group.    


And so, more posts appeared one after another. Lieh Yuanchen had a temporary marriage, and his wife's identity was unknown. Later, he had a grand marriage alliance with the Hull family.    


All kinds of gossip about the wealthy families were flying around. In the end, it was fixed on the moving picture of Lieh Yuanchen rejecting the marriage in front of everyone.    


Hee Wanshuang got this news from Luo Tianqi.    


At that time, she had already taken a month's worth of medicine from Helian Qing's side. She packed her luggage and prepared to go to the next city the next day.    


When she saw the news on Weibo, Hee Wanshuang was completely stunned. However, the person in the moving picture was clearly Lieh Yuanchen.    


She had never seen Lieh Yuanchen like that. He walked away with determination, as if he had abandoned all shackles that bound his fate.    


In a trance, she remembered the day in the underground parking lot. The way he looked at her.    


Hee Wanshuang realized that she had never seemed to understand him.    


Out of nowhere, Hee Wanshuang started to look at the comments under the news.    


The netizens seemed to be divided into two factions. One faction said that Lieh Yuanchen was not responsible. Since he did not want to get married, he should make it clear in advance. It was not that he did not know how big of a blow it would be for a girl to reject marriage in public.    


The other faction was the storyteller and analysis faction. Their imagination was so big that they could be a screenwriter. From the media's information, they could imagine a melodramatic romance drama that was recorded at 8: 00 PM.    


There were all kinds of speculations and opinions. Hee Wanshuang did not continue to watch. Instead, she put away her phone and stood at the window in a daze.    


Her mother called her to eat from behind. After calling a few times, Hee Wanshuang finally reacted and the whole family sat at the dining table.    


Her mother always picked up food for her and seemed to always treat her as a child who did not know how to take care of her. She was afraid that she would lose weight from hunger. She reminded her to put on more clothes and eat well when she went out this time. She could not stay up late and did not want her body to collapse.    


Hee Wanshuang nodded in agreement. However, when the food was about to run out, she asked seemingly inadvertently, "Mom, I will take you and Dad out to travel during the New Year, okay?"    


Hee's mother smiled. "Of course you can. Where does Shuang want to go?"    


Hee Wanshuang said, "Go to Country G. I heard there is a city there. One side is winter and the other side is summer. It is called Ice and Fire City."    


Hee's mother did not realize that Country G was where Lieh Yuanchen grew up and said with a smile, "Okay, then we need to get a visa in advance."    


After tidying up the bowls and chopsticks, Hee Wanshuang returned to her room to continue reading.    


However, after reading for a long time, she did not read it.    


That day, she had made it very clear to Lieh Yuanchen. Why did he still regret his marriage?    


Was it because of her that he broke off the marriage in front of everyone? Would it cause any harm to him?    


Hee Wanshuang thought as the paper in her hand gradually wrinkled.    


Lieh Yuanchen arrived at Imperial City at night.    


When he got off the plane, his phone kept ringing.    


He broke the engagement in front of everyone. Lieh Cheng'an was furious. After he hurt Jack today, Lieh Cheng'an had completely locked down his company.    


Other than the L Group, the Hull family had lost face at the wedding. They had also issued an order to snipe Lieh Yuanchen's company.    


Therefore, all the companies that had business dealings with the L Group and the Hull family stopped working with Lieh Yuanchen's company.    


Because there had been a problem with the bank loan a while ago, Lieh Yuanchen's funds were transferred from other projects. Now, there were problems with other projects as well. With the sniping orders from almost the entire industry, his company, which had worked hard for more than half a year, was in a precarious situation.    


The last straw that broke the camel's back was revealed. It turned out that Lieh Yuanchen had run the Unique brand alone. Di belonged to the UI company, while the UI was controlled by Lieh Yuanchen by 80%.    


On the same day, the news of the UI being suppressed by the L Group and the Hull family was exposed. The people who had not been able to put the matter together before finally knew the whole story.    


Instantly, the UI suppliers all cut off their goods, and at the same time, they chased after the previous debt.    


At the same time, some companies that had not terminated the contract with the UI also terminated their contracts one after another.    


For a moment, the UI finally stood on the edge of the cliff.    


Lieh Yuanchen went from one a day to one. He didn't sleep at night. His eyes were red as he looked at the red numbers, preparing for the final battle between the sleeping beasts.    


He was like a beast covered in wounds in the ancient Roman Colosseum, waiting for the final slash to end its life.    


Finally, after seven days, everything came to an end.    


The UI declared bankruptcy, and the brands under the banner of Unique were sold. The funds they received were used to fill the loopholes in other projects. In the end, Lieh Yuanchen still owed nearly 100 million to the outside world.    


The entrance of the UI was full of people who had come to collect debts. Someone had already called the police, and the police had started to investigate these economic disputes.    


Lieh Yuanchen's name frequently appeared on Weibo's trending page. Due to his handsome mixed-blood facial features, and his resolute attitude of wanting the company to go bankrupt, he had always occupied the top three of the hot topics.    


Hee Wanshuang had arrived in the new city five days ago.    


She had heard about Lieh Yuanchen two days ago.    


She looked at the reports on Weibo and the photos at the entrance of the UI. There were even media reporters who took pictures of Lieh Yuanchen when he came out of the UI. She sat in front of the computer for a long time. Finally, she closed the computer and got up to pack her things.    


Actually, she didn't know why she wanted to go back. Even if she went back to Imperial City, what could she do? However, she still packed a bag and went out.    


She didn't drive, but sat on the high-speed rail.    


It was only two hours after they arrived at Imperial City. When Hee Wanshuang got off the high-speed rail, the lights in Imperial City were just on.    


She stood out from the high-speed rail and found that it was already snowing outside.    


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