Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C732 Abandoning Billions of Assets to Escape the Marriage

C732 Abandoning Billions of Assets to Escape the Marriage

At 10: 00 in the morning, the agency came as scheduled.    


After taking a simple photo and video of the villa and looking at the property ownership certificate, the agent said, "Mr. Lieh, don't worry. We will try to help you sell the house within a week."    


"Okay, got it." Lieh Yuanchen said lightly.    


He signed the contract and handed the key to the mansion door to the agency. "I'm usually busy. When you bring people to look at the house, just let me know. You can bring them here yourself."    


"Okay, don't worry, leave it to us." The agent nodded.    


After sending the agent off, Lieh Yuanchen looked at the villa again, turned around, and left.    


That day, Lieh Yuanchen updated his personal Weibo and company's official Weibo.    


Lieh Yuanchen: "I officially declare that I will give up the right of succession to the L Group and Lieh Family. In the future, all of Mr. Lieh Cheng'an's property and the affairs of the L Group will have nothing to do with me."    


A Weibo post appeared, and in an instant, it became a hot topic in just an hour.    


"Lieh Yuanchen has given up the inheritance rights, Lieh Yuanchen has given up billions of assets to escape the marriage," and so on. They quickly occupied the top ten of the topic list.    


Because it had been very popular before. So now when the news came out, it was Lieh Yuanchen himself who released it. Instantly, it caused a huge uproar on the Internet.    


In the past, it was Lieh Cheng'an and the Hull family who faced Lieh Yuanchen's suppression alone. Many people felt that Lieh Yuanchen was really awesome, but at the same time, they were guessing how long Lieh Yuanchen could last and when he would compromise.    


However, the moment this Weibo post was posted, it immediately cut off all possible compromises. From then on, it could be said that Lieh Yuanchen and Lieh Cheng'an had cut off all ties with each other.    


When Gong Lingye received this news, the morning assembly had just ended.    


He took the phone from Pei Jun and glanced at the news. His tone had a bit of joy. "It seems that I did not help the wrong person this time."    


Last night, he received a call from Hee Wanshuang, asking him to help Lieh Yuanchen's company.    


At that time, Gong Lingye thought that it was Lieh Yuanchen who asked Hee Wanshuang to come and find him, but he heard from Hee Wanshuang's tone that she wanted Gong Lingye to help in the name of Ling Shaofeng.    


Only then did he understand Lieh Yuanchen's determination this time.    


The damage of the past had been caused. Time could not be reversed. However, if he truly regretted it, he would still be happy to see Hee Wanshuang have a good home.    


As for that sum of money, Hee Wanshuang said it was a loan, and Gong Lingye felt that it was also an investment.    


He directly invested 100 million to Lieh Yuanchen's company, bringing his current core project back to life. His funds could be considered to be lent to him, but it could also be considered as a shareholder. In short, he also believed that Lieh Yuanchen would be able to pay back the money in the future.    


Therefore, at noon, Ling Shaofeng received a call from Gong Lingye, asking him to discuss the details with him.    


Almost immediately, Ling Shaofeng put everything down and went straight to the reception room of Heavenly Palace Group.    


Gong Lingye had already drawn up two contracts. After Ling Shaofeng finished reading, he chose the one that Gong Lingye wanted to invest in and signed it on the spot.    


However, the biggest shareholder of the company was still Lieh Yuanchen. Therefore, he could only be considered the middleman of the agreement between him and Gong Lingye.    


Of course, he would not let Lieh Yuanchen see it before the company came back to life.    


What he needed to do was to transfer the money from the middle. At least, he needed to make up for the previous loopholes.    


Closing the contract, Ling Shaofeng said, "Director Gong, what do you want to do? Actually, there's one more thing I don't know if I should tell you. "    


Gong Lingye nodded. "Go ahead."    


Third Brother bought a villa previously. It was his and sister-in-law's wedding house, but because it was renovated at that time, they did not move in. "Later on, they separated, and Third Brother didn't move in," Ling Xiaofeng said. Now, he was short of money, so he asked the agent to help sell it this morning."    


Gong Lingye's lips curled into a faint smile. "So you're saying that I'll buy it?"    


"I also think this is a little too much. "But that is indeed their wedding house. " Everything inside was personally arranged by Third Brother... "Ling Shaofeng also did not have much confidence.    


After all, Gong Lingye had already taken out 100 million. Asking him to buy a villa that had nothing to do with investment was really too much.    


"Shuang is my sister. I was careless about some things back then, so I caused her some harm." Gong Lingye said lightly, "I will send someone to buy the villa. If she likes it in the future, I will sell it to Lieh Yuanchen."    


"Thank you so much!" Ling Shaofeng heaved a sigh of relief.    


He could never forget the look in Lieh Yuanchen's eyes when he left the villa this morning. Happiness, despair, regret. There were all kinds of emotions, but he did not say anything.    


It was that evening when Lieh Yuanchen found out that Ling Shaofeng had pulled in an investment.    


When Ling Shaofeng showed him the accounts, Lieh Yuanchen was still in disbelief. Then, as if he understood something, he asked, "Shao Feng, tell me honestly, who gave this money to you?"    


"It's Mr. Mons!" Ling Shao Feng said, "Third Brother, you should have heard of Mr. Mons' name, right? He has always liked to invest in companies with potential. "Actually, two weeks ago, I had already sent him our company's market proposal. But because I'm not sure if he will agree, I never told you. "    


When Lieh Yuanchen heard this, he was skeptical.    


Mr. Mons was quite famous in America, but he wanted to come to Hua Country to invest in a company that was on the verge of bankruptcy. He was even suppressed by two large corporations. Even if he filled in the financial loopholes, he didn't know what kind of company his future prospects were. It was truly inconceivable.    


However, looking at the accounts in Ling Shaofeng's hands and the source of the funds, Lieh Yuanchen could not help but believe it.    


He nodded and did not probe further. Because there were still many things waiting for him to do. "Okay, Shao Feng, we will immediately formulate a plan. We will fill in the financial hole first and then stabilize the supplier. You see, which ones can you contact to cooperate with us "    


"Okay, I'll do it right away" Ling Shaofeng.    


In the next few days, Lieh Yuanchen and Ling Shaofeng were so busy that they flew up into the sky.    


Gong Lingye's one hundred million yuan could be considered to have completely resolved the problem of Lieh Yuanchen possibly going to jail. It also allowed him to start two core projects.    


Seeing the UI company suddenly improve, Lieh Cheng'an's expression immediately changed.    


A few days ago, Lieh Yuanchen publicly announced on the Internet that he would give up the inheritance rights. It was simply a slap in his face.    


Now, he, who had nothing, had actually brought the company back to life. This made Lieh Cheng'an even more furious.    


However, something else happened to the Hull family recently. Instantly, the only thing that suppressed the UI was the L Corporation.    


Lieh Cheng'an was still in Hua Country. He had been holding meetings in the L Corporation for the past few days. Because he had completely broken off relations with Lieh Yuanchen, the pressure in the entire company was especially low.    


In the meeting room, the Marketing Director handed over the report. "Chairman, this is the market report for the past month."    


Lieh Cheng'an flipped through the report and suddenly frowned. "What's going on with this?"    


The Marketing Director's expression suddenly became somewhat stiff. Beside him, the Sales Director opened his mouth. "Chairman, over at the Laiyue, there has been a problem with our communication over the past few days."    


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