Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C749 You Don't Need to Use Any Strength Let Me Do It

C749 You Don't Need to Use Any Strength Let Me Do It

Hee Wanshuang's originally gloomy mood was immediately reduced by more than half due to the other party's comical actions.    


The other party saw that she seemed to have laughed, so he dragged his cumbersome body and made a circle. Then, he made a V gesture to Hee Wanshuang, indicating for her to take a picture of him.    


Hee Wanshuang took out her phone and took a picture of him.    


But he was clearly unwilling to be satisfied. He made a few childish and funny movements and let Hee Wanshuang take pictures one by one.    


Hee Wanshuang looked at the funny picture on the screen and could not help but laugh. Her eyes were filled with happiness.    


Seeing this scene, it was fun. The bear finally stopped its movements and handed over the unsealed milk tea that he had been holding with his left hand.    


Hee Wanshuang saw that the other party was treating her to milk tea and hurriedly waved her hand. "No need, no need! I am not thirsty."    


After saying that, she looked into the distance and wondered why Lieh Yuanchen went to buy water for so long.    


On the other hand, the other party looked sad. It seemed that if she did not accept it, he would be able to sit on the ground and roll around.    


Hee Wanshuang did not know whether to laugh or cry. She reluctantly reached out and took it.    


Who knew that when the big guy saw her reach out, he immediately stretched out his arm and hugged her.    


Hee Wanshuang was shocked but after a moment of hand, a familiar voice came from the top of her head, "Shuang, don't cry anymore?"    


She immediately raised her head and widened her eyes, looking at that plaything in disbelief. It was a huge bear head.    


"What you like, cheese flavored milk tea." Play. The bear said again.    


Hee Wanshuang blinked. She still could not believe it. "Why did you -"    


Lieh Yuanchen directly bent over and rubbed Hee Wanshuang's face. "Wife."    


His body was furry and her face was itchy from the rubbing. She only felt that itch from her face to her heart.    


She was still holding the milk tea in her hand and asked him, "Why did you disguise yourself as a toy? A puppet?"    


Furthermore, that cute act and show-off earlier really made her suspect that it was him.    


"Make my wife happy." Lieh Yuanchen said and picked up Hee Wanshuang's phone. "Wife, let's take a photo together?"    


At this moment, Hee Wanshuang suddenly did not want to refuse, so she nodded.    


Lieh Yuanchen was tall to begin with, and now with the addition of two bear ears, he had grown a few centimeters taller. He looked to be more than 1.9 meters tall.    


He held Hee Wanshuang's waist with one hand. She suddenly looked like a child in his arms.    


The two of them took a photo together, and they almost couldn't share the same frame.    


After taking a few selfies, Lieh Yuanchen let go of Hee Wanshuang. His voice came out of his clothes and sounded a little muffled. "Shuang, wait for me to return the clothes."    


After he said that, he clumsily walked to the square again.    


Hee Wanshuang looked at Lieh Yuanchen's back and tasted the milk tea. She suddenly felt that the milk tea was very sweet and could not help but smile.    


When Lieh Yuanchen came back, his shirt and pants were all wet with sweat, and even his hair was a bit messy.    


He took a bottle of ice water and drank it. Seeing Hee Wanshuang's obedient appearance beside him, his heart softened and he said, "Shuang, there is a small mountain nearby and there is an outdoor hot spring on the mountain. Shall we go play?"    


Hee Wanshuang was a little hesitant, "Isn't the mountain too high?"    


"It's fine. If I can't climb, I will carry you." Lieh Yuanchen obviously wanted to arrange all the time today. It could be considered a rare date for them.    


Hee Wanshuang looked down at the milk tea for a few seconds and felt the sweetness in her taste buds. She bit her lips and said, "Okay."    


This hot spring mountain was indeed not tall. The two of them took a taxi to the foot of the mountain and walked along the mountain road.    


The mountain was covered in trees and trees. Walking inside did not feel hot at all. Because the mountain path was not considered steep, they did not feel tired at all along the way.    


Starting from the hillside, there was a special winding road. At the entrance, there were many bikes.    


Lieh Yuanchen's eyes moved and he said to Hee Wanshuang, "Shuang, let's go and ride the bicycle?"    


Hee Wanshuang shook her head. "I think there is a slope on the mountain road. I am afraid I cannot ride it."    


"There are two of them." Lieh Yuanchen said, "We'll ride that. I'll be in charge of pedaling. You just sit there."    


After saying that, he took her hand and went to rent a car.    


After paying the deposit, Lieh Yuanchen pushed a two-person bicycle over and motioned for Hee Wanshuang to go up first.    


The seats were side by side, and both of them could control the handles. Lieh Yuanchen waited for Hee Wanshuang to go up and also sat on it. He supported it with one foot and said: "Shuang, if you want to kick, then kick twice. If you don't want to, then relax. You don't need to use force with your hands either. Let me do it."    


Hee Wanshuang nodded. This was also her first time riding a bicycle with two people standing side by side. She only felt that it was fresh.    


"Let's go." After Lieh Yuanchen said that, he started pedaling.    


Along the way. On both sides of the road, there was a lake, and on the other side was a mountain scenery.    


On this side, it was spring all year round. The mountain was filled with all kinds of fresh flowers, and the air was fresh and refreshing.    


Hee Wanshuang found that she really did not need to exert any strength. The man beside her seemed to have endless strength, and he brought her up easily.    


There were usually quite a number of horse riding enthusiasts here. Hence, when the two of them rode up the mountain, they met a horse riding team.    


Some of the people in the team were very enthusiastic. When they saw the two of them, they smiled and greeted them.    


Hee Wanshuang looked at everyone's professional attire and then looked at Lieh Yuanchen's elite attire. She could not help but feel that it was funny.    


But after a moment, she remembered that he was dressed for fun. The appearance of his spare clothes completely overturned her understanding of him.    


As if he felt Hee Wanshuang's gaze fall on him, Lieh Yuanchen turned his eyes and grabbed her bag.    


His eyes darkened. "Wife, are you looking at me?"    


Hee Wanshuang opened her eyes. Her cheeks were hot.    


Lieh Yuanchen did not want any moral integrity today. He deliberately leaned closer to her. "Then do you think I am handsome?"    


Hee Wanshuang's cheeks became even hotter. She could not help but point to the front. "Carry on your bike. The steering wheel is in your hands."    


"Then our future steering wheel is also in my hands. Is that okay?" After he said that, he stretched out his left hand and grabbed her right hand.    


The palm was grabbed by the man's big hand and suddenly there was a warmth and strength feeling. Hee Wanshuang wanted to stop but Lieh Yuanchen said, "Shuang, don't move. Otherwise, we will fall."    


Thus, she kept it. It was not like she did not want to. She could only let him hold her hand like a hoodlum.    


At this moment, the sunlight passed through the treetops and mottled each other's bodies. Lieh Yuanchen's gaze landed on the woman beside him, and he felt his heart soften.    


Whether it was moral integrity or face, it was not as important as him holding her hand tightly.    


He had already lost her once. In the future, he would definitely be in charge of the overall situation. He could not let her disappear from his world anymore.    


After riding for about an hour, the two of them finally reached the top of the mountain.    


After returning the bicycle, Lieh Yuanchen pulled Hee Wanshuang's hand and walked towards the hot spring area.    


The weather was hot now, so the hot spring pool here was not in peak season. Lieh Yuanchen paid and asked for two sets of swimsuits and a private room.    


Hee Wanshuang walked in and found that there was only one locker room. Seeing that Lieh Yuanchen had already started to take off his clothes, she could not help but feel annoyed and wanted to turn around and leave.    


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