Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C757 Absurd after Drinking

C757 Absurd after Drinking

The wedding was still going on. Below the stage, Soong Yiren was also immersed in indescribable emotions.    


She seemed to have sensed something and turned her head to see that Soong Ziheng had the same expression as her.    


She could not help but reach out and shake his hand.    


He must have thought of his mother and father. It would be great if they could see them now!    


On the other side, Gong Lingye stretched out his hand and held Soong Yiren and Soong Ziheng's hands in his palm. His palm was wide and powerful, and it carried warmth, driving away the sadness in the hearts of the siblings.    


They knew that Gong Lingye was telling them that they still had him.    


On the stage, Luo Tianqi had already taken out the ring and put it on Lieh Xiaoruan's ring finger devoutly. He lifted her veil and kissed her. Under the sunlight, their faces were filled with happiness.    


This was not Helian Qing's first time attending a wedding as a bridesmaid. But in the past, she only followed the procedures of the ceremony. Now, this was the first time she felt envy and longing.    


She looked at the pink bridesmaid dress on her body and thought in her heart. Could it be that one day, she could also wear a white wedding dress and walk into the wedding hall with Gong Mochen?    


As she thought of this, she couldn't help but look towards Gong Mochen.    


Coincidentally, he also turned to look at her.    


Between them was a red carpet. They stood face to face. He was dressed in a handsome suit, and she wore a pink dress with a graceful figure.    


She smiled at him, and he also smiled at her. Although the smile wasn't big, it still made her feel very sweet.    


Qi Lihuo, who was beside Helian Qing, was not so natural.    


Her eyes were originally looking at the front, but when they came into contact with Shangguan Yan's eyes, she could not help but stay away.    


After a moment, she realized something, and as if she was competing with him, she looked over again.    


This time, he didn't look at her. His eyes were wandering around, and it was unknown what he was looking at.    


Qi Lihuo suddenly became angry.    


When everyone left last night, Shangguan Yan and she had an appointment to play mobile games together.    


The two of them were also playing mobile games in Shangguan Yan's room at the beginning, but as they played, they quarreled.    


In fact, every time they saw each other, they would argue. So it was nothing to argue about.    


The problem was that after arguing, the two of them each took a bottle of wine from the fridge and blew at each other.    


At first, they were only drinking, but as they drank, the atmosphere seemed to change.    


She went to pinch his face, he went to pinch the itch on her waist, and the two of them bickered. For some reason, they rolled together.    


Even now, she still felt that what happened afterwards was a fantasy.    


Although she drank a little too much, those memories were still clear.    


She remembered the entire process from the beginning to the end. After the first time, she deliberately laughed at him for a short period of time, and then he got scared and grabbed her to torture her until the middle of the night.    


After that, they all lost their spirits. They just fell asleep like that. They were woken up by the knocking on the door the next day.    


After recognizing what had happened, Qi Lihuo immediately kicked Shangguan Yan off the bed.    


This time, he was not as self-righteous as when he fought with her previously. Instead, he covered the place where the fall hurt with a muffled sound and stared blankly at the hotel carpet.    


She was very angry, but she did not have time to deal with this matter. She could only casually put on her clothes and sneak out of Shangguan Yan's room like a thief.    


However, just as she was about to enter her room, she met Soong Yiren.    


She explained that she went to the dining room to eat. After saying that, she rushed into the room.    


After quickly taking a shower, Qi Lihuo looked at the marks on her body. Thinking about how she was going to be a bridesmaid later, she cursed Shangguan Yan countless times in her heart.    


She used half a bottle of ointment to cover up the marks on her body and hurriedly changed into her bridesmaid uniform, so she was almost late.    


At this moment, Qi Lihuo looked at the man opposite her again. No matter how she looked at it, she was angry. She made up her mind to beat Shangguan Yan up later that night.    


Therefore, when the wedding ceremony ended and everyone was ready to receive the flower balls, Qi Lihuo felt that she finally had a chance to vent her anger.    


She was eager to try and was ready to jump at any time.    


However, just as her fingertips touched the flower ball, a hand suddenly stretched out. Originally, she also wanted to take the flower ball. However, due to the lack of strength, the flower ball was sent flying.    


Hence, Qi Lihuo's hand fell empty. She could only watch helplessly as the flower ball fell into Helian Qing's indifferent hand.    


Helian Qing was very happy. She could not help but turn her head and say to Gong Mochen, "Mochen, I got it!"    


Gong Mochen's ears unconsciously burned a little. He looked at Helian Qing somewhat helplessly and walked over. "En, as long as you get it."    


Everyone laughed. "Mochen, quick, quick, marry Qingqing!"    


Qi Lihuo, on the other hand, was holding her breath and turned her head. She wanted to see who the troublemaker was.    


She did not know if she did not see it, but when she saw it, she became even angrier. "Shangguan Yan!"    


She was filled with killing intent and wanted to beat him up.    


Shangguan Yan quickly hid, and the two of them chased after him at the scene. In the end, Shangguan Yan was still pressed to the ground by Qi Lihuo.    


When he saw that her fist had arrived, he hurriedly closed his eyes and did not open his face. "Wait!"    


Qi Lihuo's eyes were filled with killing intent. "Speak!"    


"Is this your first time last night? I saw it all." Shangguan Yan stuttered and spoke in a low voice. "Actually, me too. You won't lose out."    


"Ah!" The next second, Shangguan Yan's wailing could be heard.    


The guests who came this time were all relatives of Luo Tianqi's family or very good friends. Therefore, no one was very reserved. So at noon, everyone was having a buffet on the lawn.    


Some of the guests were taking care of their children. A few children were playing crazily on the grass patch. When Hee Wanshuang saw this, envy welled up in her eyes.    


"Shuang." Beside her, Lieh Yuanchen held her hand and said, "We can try for two years. If not for two years, we can adopt one."    


Hee Wanshuang turned her eyes.    


Lieh Yuanchen said again, "You have to believe me. Because I have met such a father, I naturally will not be like him. I will take good care of and educate our children, whether they are biological or adopted. "    


At this moment, the sun was shining brightly. The bottom of his amber eyes were filled with a serious light.    


Hee Wanshuang felt a hint of sweetness in her heart, and she nodded, "Yes."    


Lieh Yuanchen instantly smiled and stretched out his arm and pulled her into his embrace. "What do you want to eat? I will go and get it for you."    


"I want to eat crabs." Hee Wanshuang said.    


Lieh Yuanchen thought for a moment. "Crabs are cold. I have seen them recently. They are not suitable for you."    


Hee Wanshuang did not expect Lieh Yuanchen to see the traditional taboo in Hua Country, so she said, "Then can I eat sweet prawns?"    


"Yes." After Lieh Yuanchen said that, he let go of Hee Wanshuang and got up to get it.    


Not long after, he brought a small plate over. He did not give it to her, but put on disposable gloves and started to peel it off for her.    


Hee Wanshuang looked at the three-dimensional mixed-blood facial features of the man and could not help but ask him, "Will you always treat me like this?"    


Lieh Yuanchen raised his eyes and fed a freshly peeled sweet prawn to Hee Wanshuang's mouth before saying, "Shuang, unless I die, I will..."    


She could not help but frown. "Why do you say it's inauspicious?"    


"It's my fault." Lieh Yuanchen smiled and continued peeling. "I will train my body. You see, I am a few years older than you. I must not leave too early. Otherwise, if you find another old man, I will definitely climb out of the ground in anger. "    


Hee Wanshuang,... ""    


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