Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C748 Brother Xiong in front of Him

C748 Brother Xiong in front of Him

That night, Lieh Yuanchen took a long time to sleep. The next morning, he went to Hee Wanshuang's door to wait for her.    


He listened for a while and did not hear anything, so he gently knocked on the door.    


He knew that her biological clock was more regular, and she rarely slept in bed. But today, no one opened the door for a long time, so he could not help but feel somewhat anxious.    


He asked a waiter to open the door card, but the room was empty.    


Hee Wanshuang ate some breakfast at the hotel this morning and then went to the city.    


City S was an internationally famous tourist city. There were theaters in the city, places where one could walk, and mountains and lakes.    


Hee Wanshuang went to the center of the city. She deliberately avoided Lieh Yuanchen because there were still some things that she had not made up her mind about.    


Yesterday, she asked Helian Qing about her condition. It could be seen that her problem was still not completely cured.    


Although Lieh Yuanchen and his father had a falling out, he still hoped that he would have a child in the future.    


The current him, perhaps this kind of feeling was not obvious. But what about a few years later?    


Wouldn't he feel uncomfortable when he saw everyone around him holding the child and the family of three?    


At that time, the company was probably getting bigger and bigger. Naturally, there would be many women who would take the initiative to stick to him. She felt inferior because she did not have a child. Even if he might be able to stick to his heart, would she cause problems in their marriage because of her inferiority?    


Many things were reality. She had long passed the age of longing for fairy tales. She felt that being together was the age of a lifetime, so it was impossible for her to not think about anything.    


Thinking of this, Hee Wanshuang took a deep breath and walked to a bookstore, preparing to go in and read.    


However, there was a young lady at the door who sent out leaflets and smiled at her. "Miss, there is an opera that will be released soon at the theater next door. There are still some extra tickets. Do you want to go and watch it?"    


Hee Wanshuang took the leaflet and looked at the content on it. She was quite interested.    


So she asked, "Where do you buy the tickets?"    


"At the ticket office at the entrance of the theater!" The girl was all smiles.    


Hee Wanshuang nodded and went to the theater.    


The adaptation of this novel was a classic from a hundred years ago. Hee Wanshuang had read the original work and liked it very much at that time.    


She did not expect to meet an opera, so naturally she was very happy.    


When she entered the opera house, she switched her phone to silent mode.    


After sitting down and waiting for about 20 minutes, the audience also arrived one after another. The entire venue was filled, and the curtains on the stage were finally pulled open.    


At this moment, Lieh Yuanchen picked up his phone and was making a call to Hee Wanshuang.    


He called a few times but she did not answer. He was getting more and more worried, so he went to the front desk to ask for the recording.    


Just as he walked out of the elevator, he met Gong Lingye and Soong Yiren.    


Gong Lingye saw his anxious look and asked, "What happened?"    


"Shuang is gone. I just went to look for her. She was not in the room. I did not pick up her phone." Lieh Yuanchen said.    


Gong Lingye heard him and picked up his phone to call Hee Wanshuang.    


This time, Gong Lingye only called once and the call went through. Hee Wanshuang's low voice came, "Mr Ye, I am watching an opera at the opera house in the city center."    


She had just taken out water from her bag to drink when she saw the phone screen light up.    


Gong Lingye said, "Okay, it's fine. Be careful."    


He hung up the phone and raised his eyebrows at Lieh Yuanchen. "She's at the opera house in the city center."    


Seeing that Lieh Yuanchen's expression was hard to describe, Gong Lingye smiled. "Looks like I can't call you brother-in-law!"    


After saying that, without waiting for Lieh Yuanchen's reaction, he directly put his arm around Soong Yiren's shoulder and went to eat breakfast with her.    


Lieh Yuanchen stood where he was, breathing heavily. He held his phone tightly and did not say a word.    


After a moment, he had already adjusted his mood and left the hotel.    


Lieh Yuanchen went all the way to the entrance of the opera house. He wanted to buy tickets to go in, but he was told that all the tickets had been sold out.    


He pinched the space between his eyebrows and found a bench facing the entrance of the theater. He sat down.    


Today's opera was a tragedy. In the end, the male lead participated in the war and made an oath with the female lead before he left. However, he died on the battlefield and never came back.    


The female lead stayed at the place where they agreed to meet and waited from the girl until her hair turned white.    


She had waited for decades and her friends in the past were full of children and grandchildren. However, there was only a white cat playing with a doll by her side.    


She closed her eyes on the rocking chair and played with it in her arms. She was also dozens of years old. The doll had long cracked. When the wind blew, the cotton inside would dance in the wind.    


The scene on the stage froze. Hee Wanshuang felt a chill on her face and touched it. Only then did she realize that her face was already covered in tears.    


When she came out, her eyes were still red. When she looked at the other audience members, they did not seem to be much better than her.    


Before she could adjust her mood, she suddenly felt that half of the sunlight in front of her seemed to be blocked by someone. Hee Wanshuang raised her eyes and looked into Lieh Yuanchen's line of sight.    


Seeing that she was crying, he quickly leaned over and nervously asked, "Shuang, what's wrong?"    


Hee Wanshuang's current mood was still very complicated and did not expect to see him so soon. Hence, she only lightly said. "It's fine. I just watched the TV Series."    


As a man, Lieh Yuanchen obviously could not understand how a woman could cry while watching a story that was fabricated by a woman.    


However, he still comforted her, "Don't cry, it's all fake. Let's go over there and sit on the bench."    


Saying so, he went to hold her hand, but she pulled her hand away.    


Lieh Yuanchen could only withdraw his hand and coax her. "Then let's go and sit for a while?"    


Hee Wanshuang did not object this time. Because she knew that even if she said no, he would probably follow her wherever she went.    


The two of them sat down on the bench. Hee Wanshuang was still immersed in her own thoughts and treated the man beside her as air.    


Lieh Yuanchen's gaze kept on her. After a long time, he saw that she did not even look at him, and he could not help but sigh in his heart.    


He leaned closer to her and said, "Shuang, wait for me. I'll go and buy you some drinks."    


Hee Wanshuang nodded but did not look at Lieh Yuanchen.    


He stood up and quickly went to the square.    


After about ten minutes, Hee Wanshuang did not think about what she should do in the future. She was somewhat vexed. She should not be such an indecisive person, but facing him, she seemed to be unable to make the greatest decision.    


Just as she was troubled, a bear like shadow suddenly appeared in front of her.    


Hee Wanshuang was shocked. She looked up and saw a person standing in front of her who wore clothes to play. A person dressed like a bear.    


The bear had its left hand behind its back and raised its right hand to greet her.    


Hee Wanshuang was polite. She also smiled at him and greeted him.    


However, she did not expect him to be so full of himself.    


He suddenly bowed and made a very funny gesture. Then, he put one hand on his waist and started to dance belly dancing.    


He should have been tall and big, but he played. His clothes were very big and fat, so his waist was as thick as a bucket. When he twisted his waist, he was stupid and funny.    


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