Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C751 Don't Give up on Me

C751 Don't Give up on Me

"My mother is gone. My mother's relatives are all interest-related. " Father is like this again... "Lieh Yuanchen pressed the tip of his nose against Hee Wanshuang's and his breathing became entangled." Xiaoruan is also going to get married. I don't have any other relatives. So Shuang, don't leave me. "    


They were too close, so close that she could easily see the light flashing under his eyes and her reflection in the light.    


At this point, how could she say anything to refuse?    


However, the fear in her heart was still subtle but difficult to ignore.    


"But I'm afraid." This was also the first time she had said something to him: "If I really can't have a child, will you have any regrets in the future? Adoption is always different from biological adoption. Now you feel that it doesn't matter, but what about in the future... "    


She lowered her head: "Actually, I feel a little inferior."    


Speaking up to this point, Hee Wanshuang's throat choked and she could not make any more sound.    


She was a woman. If a woman could not even give birth to a child, not to mention what the reason was, she would always feel incomplete.    


Previously, because of the information given to him by Gong Lingye, he had already tasted regret and pain. However, at this moment, he felt that when he was truly facing her sadness, the feelings he had in the past were nothing!    


Looking at the crystal that was leaking out of the corner of her eyes, Lieh Yuanchen felt as if sharp knives had stabbed into the most vulnerable part of his heart. The pain made him unable to make any sound. Even his bone and blood seemed to be peeled off bit by bit, clearing the way for the pain at this moment.    


His eyes were red and his throat rolled up and down. He hugged Hee Wanshuang and kept repeating. "I'm sorry, Shuang. I'm sorry. It's all my fault..."    


She was so kind. Even if it was his fault, she still had to embrace him. She would rather be tortured herself than to say anything.    


"Don't be sad, and don't feel inferior. Otherwise, I will be in more pain than you." He held her face up and looked at her. "You are a few years younger than me. You are so young and beautiful. You also have a lot of loyal fans in the public account. You can play the guitar, you can learn it right away, and your singing is also very nice "    


You're so outstanding, don't feel inferior. " When he said this, he didn't know how to continue comforting her.    


Thus, he continued: "When we return to Imperial City, I will first transfer all of my assets to you, and then we will remarry. Then all of this property will be your pre-wedding property, and I will be your son-in-law. As long as you don't like me and kick me, I will have nothing left. "    


Hee Wanshuang heard this and felt that her heart was still sore. But she could not help but want to laugh. Suddenly, she did not know whether to laugh or cry." My family will not hire any son-in-law! "    


Lieh Yuanchen saw that she was willing to speak and his heart relaxed a little. But he said seriously, "I just want to give you a sense of security."    


"I really don't know how to handle the relationship between husband and wife. I have been learning well. So, Shuang, give me a chance, okay?" He raised his head and looked at her nervously.    


Hee Wanshuang met Lieh Yuanchen's eyes and only nodded after a long time.    


Joy immediately surged in his eyes. He stretched out his arm and hugged her tightly, and could not help but laugh happily. "I, Shuang, am really kind. I knew you would not bear to see me die alone!"    


Hee Wanshuang saw that the man in front of her could change his mood so quickly and could not help but say, "So what you said earlier was all on purpose to coax me?"    


When Lieh Yuanchen heard that, he immediately explained, "Shuang, I will definitely coax you to be happy. But even if I coax you, I will still coax you from the bottom of my heart."    


Hearing him suddenly speak so well, Immediately after, she tried her best to retract her smile.    


However, Lieh Yuanchen was obviously very happy. He hugged her and laughed again. "Shuang, it has been a long time since I was this happy."    


When he smiled, his chest trembled and resonated with her. His mood seemed to become more relaxed because of this.    


Hee Wanshuang only reacted when Lieh Yuanchen unconsciously splashed water on her. "Then put me down."    


When he heard that, the color in his eyes suddenly became deeper. "You don't like this posture?"    


After he finished speaking, he directly put him down from his leg and placed him beside the hot spring pool. Then, he placed his hands on Hee Wanshuang's side.    


"How about this posture?" Lieh Yuanchen's voice suddenly became hoarse. "I know that my Shuang does not like to move and is tired, so I need to use my physical strength to work for my husband."    


Their foreheads matched each other and their breaths were filled with each other's breath. Hee Wanshuang was burned by the fire in Lieh Yuanchen's eyes and she quickly leaned back, but her back was grabbed by the man's arm.    


She was a little anxious. "You just said that you will not do anything to me."    


Lieh Yuanchen's smile deepened. "Wife, I promise that I will not lie about anything other than this."    


He moved closer to her ear. "Don't you know? Men always say they will let you go, but in reality, they won't let you go. It's just like how you women say they won't let you go, but they actually want you."    


Hee Wanshuang,... "" How could she not know that this guy was so shameless!    


However, just as she was about to turn around and climb out, her ankle was grabbed by the man's big hand. Then, his hot kiss fell.    


She was wearing a bikini, and every part of her body was not safe, and there was no one else here. She couldn't escape even if she wanted to...    


"Shuang, do you like escaping games?" Lieh Yuanchen had already recovered the nature of a certain bird. He smiled softly and looked at the little prey in front of him.    


The little prey realized that as expected, a man's words could not be trusted, especially when it came to that kind of thing.    


Her ears were filled with the sound of water splashing. In the midst of the bumpy ride, there was nowhere to place her...    


By the time it ended, it was already unknown how long had passed.    


Hee Wanshuang's face was flushed red and she looked to be in good health. However, only she knew that soaking in a hot spring was easy to get tired. Furthermore, this man seemed to have starved for several lifetimes. She did not even want to move a finger now.    


She was so annoyed that she went soft in his arms and let him comb her hair.    


Lieh Yuanchen swept away his dispirited mood for the past few months. He looked energetic and energetic, as if he had not put in any effort just now.    


He combed Hee Wanshuang's hair as he lowered his head and kissed her from time to time. The corners of his eyes and brows were filled with joy.    


Hee Wanshuang really felt that the two of them being like this was too much, but what could she do if she did not have strength?    


She leaned in his embrace and listened to his heartbeat. It hit her eardrums and gradually, this heartbeat seemed to become a lullaby that made Hee Wanshuang fall asleep unconsciously.    


Lieh Yuanchen looked at the sleeping girl in his arms and felt that his heart had been filled to the brim. He could no longer tolerate anything else.    


He continued to gently stroke her hair, as if he was talking to her, but also seemed to be whispering. "Shuang, actually, you never knew that this was the first time you were drunk. The person in the hotel was also me, not Gong Lingye."    


"I thought of taking advantage of you, but when I saw you cry because of Gong Lingye, I changed my mind."    


"Actually, at that time, I might have had feelings for you. " Because that was the first time I saw someone reveal their true feelings. That was something I had never seen even when I was thirty years old. "    


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