Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C785 It's Not like I Haven't Called My Father Before

C785 It's Not like I Haven't Called My Father Before

Soong Yiren also smiled when she heard the question. "I think so."    


Gong Lingye raised his eyebrows. "Will he still be conquered by me?"    


Soong Yiren shook her head. "Because I think that even if I don't agree, you probably have ways to make me agree, don't you?"    


On the side, Soong Ziheng smiled. "Brother-in-law, are you so overbearing?"    


"See, your brother-in-law is like this." Soong Yiren winked at Soong Ziheng. "When you meet a girl you like in the future, you can learn a few moves from him."    


But just as she finished speaking, she reacted as if something had happened. "Right, You seemed to be in trouble during the summer. How are you doing now?"    


Soong Ziheng's face looked a little unnatural. He shook his head and said, "Nothing has happened since a long time ago. I have more important things to do now. I won't be in a relationship for the next few years. "    


"Oh, so advanced?" Soong Yiren smiled.    


"Yes, I realized it when the shareholders meeting was held yesterday." Soong Ziheng's expression became serious. "Sister, I will not let Mom down."    


Soong Yiren also instantly understood Soong Ziheng's mood. She nodded. "Yes, if mom and dad can see it, they will definitely be proud of us."    


There was another room on the second floor, which was Soong Yiren's storage room. She brought Gong Lingye in to take a look. "Lingye, look, this side is filled with bags that Momo gave me!"    


There were many bags in the cabinet. Some were carried on their backs and some were hung on their shoulders. They were all designed by Beiming Mo.    


She smiled. "Look, and these dresses. My mother specifically asked the designer to customize them for me."    


It was also thanks to Chu Mingyao maintaining the persona of a 'loving fiancé'. Therefore, Soong Yiren's things were all left in the room.    


Of course, there were also her jewelry, the awards from childhood, and so on.    


Finally, Gong Lingye took out a photo album from the bookshelf.    


Soong Yiren also sat beside him and read the photo album with him.    


On the other side, Soong Ziheng pointed at one of the photos. "Brother-in-law, look, sister was already five years old. And she even wet her pants. This is the evidence!"    


Soong Yiren reached out to touch the photo, but Gong Lingye caught her hand first.    


In the photo, Soong Yiren was riding on a small wooden horse. The small wooden horse was very obvious. There were two marks on its body. Clearly, it was a water mark.    


Soong Yiren stretched out her hand to hit Soong Ziheng. "You brat, you were not even born at that time. How can you speak nonsense?"    


"Haha, I heard this photo from Sister Momo!" Soong Ziheng was pleased with himself. "Sister Momo was there when we took the photo. She said that you were in a hurry to ride a wooden horse, but you held back your urination. When you got on the wooden horse, you finally could not hold back and urinated!"    


Soong Yiren was flustered and exasperated as she beat people up, but Gong Lingye looked at the pictures one by one.    


He did not participate in her life. It was as if because of these pictures that recorded the years, they gradually linked up and became clear and vivid.    


After looking at the pictures for a while, Gong Lingye put away the album and turned to ask Soong Yiren. "Wife, are you hungry?"    


Soong Yiren did not feel it at first, but now that Gong Lingye asked, she really felt empty in her stomach.    


So she nodded, "Then let's go out and eat?"    


"I will get someone to send it over." Gong Lingye said. "By the way, get a few more people to clean the room. Tonight, let's stay at home! "    


Soong Yiren was a little surprised, but then there was joy in her eyes. "Okay!"    


After all, although the Song residence had already been claimed, Soong Ziheng had to go to school, and she also had to go to work. Usually, she spent most of her time in Imperial City, so she did not have much time to come back.    


Therefore, some things were especially precious because they were too hard to come by.    


At noon, Gong Lingye's men brought cleaning tools over.    


They first cleaned up the restaurant, then went to the other rooms.    


In the restaurant, everyone sat at the dining table and ate.    


Soong Ziheng was used to pulling open his usual seat, and Soong Yiren also sat opposite of him. It was also the same position she was used to.    


When Gong Lingye sat next to Soong Yiren, Soong Ziheng smiled and teased, "Brother-in-law, the seat you are sitting in seems to be my father's favorite seat!"    


Soong Ziheng's feelings towards Gong Lingye were actually a little complicated.    


Back then, he had been speechless because of the mental catastrophe. It was he who took him out of the swamp and used an extreme method to force him to face the shadows and regain his life.    


Gong Lingye was more than ten years older than him, more than ten years older. In ancient times, it was almost the age of a generation. Therefore, he actually had a kind of admiration for his father.    


After that, Gong Lingye taught him a lot of management knowledge in the company. When he was a little confused, he would even use his experience as a life mentor.    


And he happened to be his sister's husband.    


There was intimacy, worship, and something similar to a sense of security because he was close to Soong Ziheng, making Soong Ziheng's heart heat up.    


When Gong Lingye heard his words, he could not help but smile. He patted Soong Yiren's shoulder and said to Soong Ziheng meaningfully, "Actually, it's not that your sister has never called me father."    


Soong Yiren's face immediately turned red when she heard him. She looked at Gong Lingye with some regret and said, "Don't teach Ziheng badly."    


"Don't think that he is still underage. He knows everything." Gong Lingye smiled and asked Soong Ziheng, "Ziheng, tell your sister, what else do you not know?"    


Soong Ziheng was in a dilemma. He did not know who he should turn to at this moment.    


However, due to the previous battle between Soong Yiren and him, every time Soong Yiren rushed at Gong Lingye, he would lose. Soong Ziheng immediately waved his hand. "Sister, I do not know anything! Brother-in-law must have made a mistake. The one who knows everything is definitely not me!"    


Soong Yiren curled her lips. "A small marten from the same tribe!"    


She was hungry and could not be bothered to bicker with them. She started to attack the food fiercely.    


After eating happily, Soong Yiren felt as if she had returned to many years ago.    


However, the punches and kicks of the babies in her stomach changed back to her understanding of her new life.    


"The babies are restless again." She lowered her head and touched her belly. "There are still more than three months before the baby can be born. It feels so unbearable."    


Gong Lingye served her the soup. "Wife, it's been hard on you. When the baby is born, it might be more tiring. You should eat more."    


Soong Ziheng smiled as he watched the interaction between the two of them. His eyes revealed a gratified look.    


With her happiness, everything would be perfect in the future.    


As for him, he would continue to inherit everything from the Soong Family, even though he didn't have the talent to learn medicine. However, he would manage the Haisheng well, so that it wouldn't fall!    


That night, Gong Lingye and Soong Yiren went to Soong Yiren's boudoir.    


The bedding was newly changed, but the furnishings in the room were exactly the same as before.    


Soong Yiren had just laid down when the blanket beside her was removed. Then, Gong Lingye also laid down.    


He hugged her from behind, lips. The petal landed on the tip of her ear.    


She couldn't help but shrink back, her face a little red.    


At this moment, she seemed to have forgotten that she was already his wife, and it was as if she was the same person who was addicted to the research and development of unmanned cars.    


However, he whispered into her ear: "Yiren, we are in your room. Let's do it once!"    




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