Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C790 Two Good News

C790 Two Good News

He didn't know if it was Luo Tianqi's misperception, but he felt as if the pain in his ankle had been alleviated after just one acupuncture session.    


He still needed to rest for half an hour before he could leave after he finished acupuncture. Because he had nothing else to do, Lieh Xiaoruan was chatting with Helian Qing at the side.    


When she heard that Luo Tianqi's follow-up medicine also needed to be kneaded into powder, Lieh Xiaoruan took the medicine pot and wanted to learn from Helian Qing.    


It was just that after she fiddled with it a few times, she felt that the medicine was especially unpleasant and made her stomach churn.    


On the side, Helian Qing saw that her expression was not very good so she stretched out her hand, "Xiaoruan, do you want me to help you check your pulse?"    


Lieh Xiaoruan smiled, "Sure."    


She simply and crisply stretched out her wrist and placed it in front of Helian Qing.    


Helian Qing's fingertips touched her pulse and a moment later, there was a slight expression on her face.    


Lieh Xiaoruan caught it and was about to ask when Helian Qing had already let go of her.    


There was a warm smile in her eyes as she said, "Xiaoruan, your pulse indicates that you are one month pregnant."    


Lieh Xiaoruan was stunned and Luo Tianqi, who was beside her, was even more shocked.    


Actually, most of the time, he and Lieh Xiaoruan had taken measures.    


The few times they did not take measures were all when Lieh Xiaoruan was safe.    


It was not that he did not intend to have a baby. It was just that he felt that the two of them had just gotten married and Lieh Xiaoruan was not very old. She did not need to have a baby too early and could still enjoy two years of their world.    


However, when he heard Helian Qing say that Lieh Xiaoruan was pregnant, Luo Tianqi was surprised and also worried. "Qingqing, are you sure? That baby should be fine, right? Is the pregnancy stable?"    


After all, he didn't know that she was pregnant. Even last night, they came twice...    


How could Helian Qing know Luo Tianqi's concerns? She just said with a natural expression. "From the pulse, Xiaoruan's baby is very good. But I suggest that you all go to the hospital to have a check-up. This way, you can be more at ease."    


Luo Tianqi was a little anxious now. He did not want to wait for half an hour and wanted to leave.    


Lieh Xiaoruan stopped him at the side. "Mr Tianqi, not half an hour!"    


"Softy, but baby..." Luo Tianqi's face was full of anxiety.    


Lieh Xiaoruan blinked. "What are you thinking? Why are you in such a hurry? Do you want the baby?"    


Luo Tianqi frowned. "Of course I do!"    


After saying that, he seemed to feel that his expression just now was too serious. He hurriedly reached out and grabbed Lieh Xiaoruan's hand. "Softy, I'm just worried that the baby will not be healthy. After all, recently we..."    


When Lieh Xiaoruan heard this, she bumped into Luo Tianqi.    


Luo Tianqi understood and smiled again. His smile became bigger and bigger. In an instant, his eyes were filled with soft happiness. "Wife, so I am going to be a father. You are going to be a mother."    


Lieh Xiaoruan was a little happy and a little nervous. "Actually, I am quite nervous. I don't know if I can be a good mother."    


Actually, she was not prepared to give birth at all. Now that the child had come so suddenly, her heart was excited, but also worried about personal gains and losses.    


"This is our first time being parents. We still have a lot to learn." Luo Tianqi thought for a while. "I will buy some books later and we will read them together."    


"Yes, yes." Lieh Xiaoruan nodded and replied, "Or I can order a few books online right now."    


Luo Tianqi thought of something and quickly asked Helian Qing, "Qingqing, what do you need to pay attention to in the early stages of pregnancy?"    


Speaking of professionalism, Helian Qing immediately gave the most professional suggestions. Other than nutritional and periodic patterns, she also said: "During the first three months of pregnancy, you are not allowed to exercise intensely. You can walk around after dinner, but you must control the quantity."    


When she heard "exercise, Lieh Xiaoruan's face turned red when she heard the word "exercise." She could not help but reach out and pinch Luo Tianqi.    


Luo Tianqi did not get angry when he was pinched. He only turned his head and smiled at Lieh Xiaoruan. He stretched out his arms to hug her and lowered his head to kiss her hair.    


Helian Qing looked at the two of them at this moment. Then she thought of the time when Soong Yiren knew that she was pregnant and looked for her to look at the baby's gender. A thought once again emerged in her mind.    


Actually, she really wanted to give birth to the inheritor.    


Then, after going to see her master on the first of next month, she should not care about the concerns of other girls and talk about this matter with Gong Mochen.    


Luo Tianqi and Lieh Xiaoruan were lovey-dovey. Helian Qing was immersed in her own thoughts. For a moment, the ears and cheeks of the three people in the room became somewhat red.    


Gong Lingye knew that his sister was pregnant, and it was after a meeting.    


During the meeting, he noticed that there were always messages popping up in the group chat that Soong Yiren had pulled earlier. He did not pay attention to them, and only when he walked out of the meeting room did he realize that in just half an hour, the chat messages had already reached 99 +.    


He clicked and started reading from the beginning. Following the sliding of the screen, he saw a report from Lieh Xiaoruan in the group chat.    


It showed -    


Lieh Xiaoruan, 26 years old. Female, four weeks of pregnancy...    


Below was the 'congratulations' that filled the sky and covered the earth. There were also words like Beiming Mo saying that if it was a girl, she must leave it for her family.    


In short, the few big screens that were full were still refreshing.    


Wei Qianran who was inside was also shocked. She asked when she would participate in that important competition and when she would want the baby.    


Gong Lingye rubbed the space between his eyebrows and felt that he should ask Soong Yiren to change the name of the group from "The Chaotic Dance Group" to "The Parents and Parents Matching Group.    


Just as he was about to slide down, a message entered his line of sight.    


It was a group photo. He knew the two main characters in the photo. He had seen one of them five minutes ago. It was Pei Jun.    


Next to Pei Jun was a sweet and cute girl. She was leaning on his shoulder, smiling brightly.    


Gong Lingye also had an impression of that girl. Wasn't she Luo Tianqi's cousin, Wen Qiaoqiao?    


He had seen Wen Qiaoqiao many years ago. In his impression, she was still a child. The last time he saw her was at Luo Tianqi's wedding. She was Lieh Xiaoruan's bridesmaid.    


He heard from Lieh Xiaoruan that she had previously misunderstood Wen Qiaoqiao as Luo Tianqi's girlfriend. Both of them were jealous of each other.    


So, this situation was that Pei Jun and Wen Qiaoqiao were together?    


There was no need for Gong Lingye to ask anything as the comments flooded the screen again.    


"What the heck, our country's son-in-law has a girlfriend?" The message was sent by Luo Tianqi. "And why is she still my sister?"    


Beiming Mo asked, "Haha, Tianqi, are you the last one to know?"    


"I accompanied Softy for the delivery today and did not return to the company. I have to catch this girl and ask her tomorrow!" Luo Tianqi said.    


"Special assistant Pei, impressive! Why don't you post the photo on Weibo and see if all the mother-in-law in the world will be heartbroken? " Soong Yiren said.    


Below, Lieh Xiaoruan asked, "When will Brother Jun get married? Now that we are all married, it is getting harder and harder to find a best man and bridesmaid."    


"There is also Mochen and Qingqing!" Soong Yiren said, "Why don't we bet in the group and see who gets married first between Mochen, Qingqing, and Pei Jun and Qiaoqiao?"    


"Okay, I want to participate!" Beiming Mo quickly typed: "I bet on the handsome team!"    


"I bet on Qing Mo!"    




Gong Lingye looked at the bets on the screen and helplessly smiled. The bets were placed in the group. Is it really alright for you guys to be so brazen?    


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