Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C853 She Can Only Negotiate with Gong Ling at Night

C853 She Can Only Negotiate with Gong Ling at Night

Chiang Xiaoxi brought the children to play in the village until Sunday afternoon before returning to the city.    


Before she left, she stuffed a lot of money into Zhang Qin's pocket.    


That money, she originally planned to give it to her biological parents, but it seemed like it was not needed.    


Zhang Qin refused to accept it no matter what. In the end, it was Chiang Xiaoxi who said she would not accept it and cried for her to see. Only then did Zhang Qin accept it.    


As she kept it, she also said, "It is shameful to say these words in front of the child."    


Chiang Xiaoxi got into the car and turned her head. She saw Zhang Qin's shadow getting smaller and smaller before finally disappearing.    


She thought that this world might be fair. If it took away some of your things, it would always make up for some things.    


Pei Shangyu and Chiang Xiaoxi went back to school every week. Now, one was already in primary school, while the other was in the kindergarten class. They could go to the preschool next year.    


The children grew up day by day. After Chiang Xiaoxi sent the two to school, she turned on the computer and started her own work.    


Although she did not have a diploma, she had taken on many odd jobs in the past two years and entered the corresponding circle. Hence, it was not that difficult to work in terms of work resources.    


Now, she was involved in a project of a large company. The project related to software design had been outsourced, and she was one of the software designers.    


After logging in, her partner greeted her on the chatting device: "Little Shui, you weren't even here on the weekend?"    


"Yeah, I'm going somewhere else." Chiang Xiaoxi said, "But don't worry, I will catch up with the progress today."    


"I am not worried about you." His partner, Old Tie, said. "You went on a weekend date?"    


"He went back to his hometown." Chiang Xiaoxi did not like to talk too much with people on the Internet, even though she had known this partner for two years.    


"Okay, okay. I'm still thinking about eating dried fish from your hometown. When are you free to send it to me?" Old Tie Junxi said. "I'll buy it at market price."    


When he first introduced Chiang Xiaoxi to work, Chiang Xiaoxi did not accept the money transfer and sent him the dried fish that Zhang Qin made.    


"No need to buy it. I just brought a lot this time and will send it to you in a while." Chiang Xiaoxi said.    


"Your mother is so good at making delicious food. According to the rules of genetics, you must be a virtuous beauty," Chiang Xiaoxi said. Old Tie Junxi said.    


Chiang Xiaoxi replied with an emoticon, "Sorry to disappoint you. I'm just an aunty. "    


After saying that, she continued, "I am working now."    


After that, the two of them didn't continue chatting.    


And this project was being carried out methodically.    


This was the work of Beiming Family Corporation, and Secretary Gao was in charge of it. After he had a simple understanding of the situation, he went to Beiming Shen's office and signed the document for Beiming Shen.    


Beiming Shen was used to the darkness. In the past two years, he had also mastered blind writing.    


After quickly signing his name, Beiming Shen took another call. He put down his phone and rubbed his sunken temples.    


Secretary Gao said, "President, I have arranged for a comprehensive examination for you tomorrow."    


Beiming Shen nodded, indicating that he knew.    


Secretary Gao did not say anything else and turned around to leave the office.    


In the office, Beiming Shen suddenly felt nauseous. He quickly went to the connected bathroom.    


His head was spinning. The nauseous feeling only passed after a long time. He leaned against the wall tiredly and rested for a while before returning to his seat to work.    


At that moment, his phone rang. He picked it up and answered.    


After they finished talking, he called Secretary Gao on the inside. "Secretary Gao, arrange to fly to Imperial City tomorrow afternoon."    


Secretary Gao was a little surprised and asked, "President, You are going to Imperial City because you want to..."    


"I am going to see Gong Lingye." Beiming Shen said, "Bring the information about the HQ project that we have recently developed."    


Secretary Gao instantly understood. "Okay."    


The next day, Beiming Shen went to the hospital. When the doctor saw the report, he sighed. "Master," he said. Radiation treatment was slow, and there were no better methods in the medical world. However, we heard that a team in D Country is currently researching related topics... But they haven't entered the clinical stage yet. I don't know how long it will take, but every time I ask, "It's said that it's a trade secret, and I think it'll take another three to five years!"    


Beiming Shen asked directly, "With my condition, how much time will it take for me to get worse?"    


"I estimate that within a year, there might be memory loss or memory loss, but it is already relatively mild. But according to this development, within five years, there might be a pathological phenomenon similar to Alzheimer's. " At that time, not only will there be memory, but there will also be hearing, balance, language, and so on. If it's serious, it might even change your personality "    


Beiming Shen listened silently. Finally, he turned around and said to Secretary Gao," Let's eat and then go to Imperial City. "    


That afternoon, Gong Lingye and Gong Mochen were having a meeting in the company. Just as they finished their meeting, the secretary came over and said, "Director Gong, there is a gentleman downstairs looking for you. He said he is the president of the Northern Ocean Group."    


After saying that, the secretary handed over a business card. "He said that you will definitely see him when you see him."    


Gong Lingye nodded. "Invite him to the reception room. I will go there later."    


The secretary nodded and left.    


Gong Mochen said, "uncle, what is Beiming Shen doing here?"    


"I think he is going to die soon." Gong Lingye curled his lips. "Are you interested in going with us later?"    


Gong Mochen nodded and went to Gong Lingye's office first. After he finished talking about the situation in Country F, he went to the reception room with Gong Lingye.    


Beiming Shen only brought Secretary Gao with him. When he heard the movement, Secretary Gao stood up and politely said, "Greetings, Director Gong!"    


Beiming Shen also stood up. He knew that Gong Lingye must have known about what he couldn't see, so he didn't pretend to be anything. Instead, he stretched out his hand towards the void.    


Gong Lingye stretched out his hand and shook it politely. Gong Mochen didn't move, but pulled out a chair and sat down.    


Beiming Shen withdrew his hand and also sat down. He said, "Mr. Gong, our company's HQ research and development project has made a breakthrough. Here is the technical information."    


Gong Lingye took it and gave it a simple glance.    


Just as he had expected, he also knew that Beiming Family had been researching the corresponding chip. This was their strong point.    


Every company had their own specialization. There was nothing strange about the fact that the other party's technology was stronger.    


"I see, it's indeed not bad, congratulations" Gong Lingye said.    


Beiming Shen's fingers tightened slightly, and he explained the reason for his visit. "I hope to cooperate with Heavenly Palace Group..."    


In fact, he had never come to Gong Lingye before because he couldn't bring himself to lose face. Furthermore, he knew that Gong Lingye would give him the prescription to treat his disfigured face. However, it was only because of his face that it didn't matter to a man.    


However, it was different now.    


Just like what Soong Ziheng said, if he died, it would be even more beneficial to Shangguan Family and Xuanyuan Family.    


Gong Lingye was a businessman. Without sufficient benefits, how could he be tempted?    


"Then, Mister Darknorth, tell me the conditions of the negotiation." Gong Lingye said calmly.    


Beiming Shen said, "The economic benefits brought by this research result can be divided into 28 points. The Beiming Family has 20 points while the Heavenly Palace Group has 80 points. "When I sign the contract, I want a prescription from the Rong Family."    


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