Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C863 His Legs Were Caught

C863 His Legs Were Caught

Soong Ziheng motioned for his bodyguards to take them away to the police station. Then, he walked in front of Huyan Dieh.    


She seemed to have realized her valiant performance just now and suddenly felt somewhat helpless. She stood there obediently, like a young girl who was caught after drinking and fighting.    


"Just now..." Huyan Dieh was a little hesitant and smiled sheepishly. She was just about to explain.    


Soong Ziheng interrupted her and squatted down to look at her ankle. "Did you sprain?"    


She was wearing a pair of high heels today. He had clearly seen her standing still after a series of kicks and shaking her ankle.    


Huyan Dieh blinked and could not believe Soong Ziheng's actions.    


However, he had already lifted up her pant leg and his fingers lightly covered her ankle that was still in pain.    


The underground parking lot was very quiet. The light was not that strong either, and then there was some dim light. Soong Ziheng saw that the girl's ankle was only slightly swollen. She probably only sprained it a little, and was not injured.    


Huyan Dieh stood where she was and felt the man's slightly cold fingertips landing on her ankle. However, there seemed to be a numb and sour feeling slowly spreading from the spot where the skin touched. It carried an indescribable electric feeling that made her unable to move.    


Her throat seemed to have been pinched and the hand that was hanging by her side was helpless to the point that she did not know how to place it. Even her heartbeat became irregular.    


Very quickly, Soong Ziheng let go of Huyan Dieh's ankle and helped her tidy up her trousers. He stood up, "Xiao Die, can you go?"    


Huyan Dieh felt that her blood was slowly flowing back to her heart. She moved a little and nodded, "Yes."    


Soong Ziheng saw that she was indeed fine and heaved a sigh of relief. He said, "You stand here and wait for me. I will drive the car over."    


After saying that, he walked towards the car that was more than ten meters away from him.    


She looked at his back and suddenly smiled.    


When his car drove over, she opened the car door and sat on it. She tried to explain, "Actually, I learned it since I was young."    


Soong Ziheng nodded. "Yes."    


Huyan Dieh could not control her mouth and continued to explain, "My mother... Yes, she is... "It is that, killer, do you know? It was not too early to quit. She had washed her hands... Oh, I can't say that. It's a secret. "Help me keep it a secret!"    


He thought Soong Ziheng would be shocked when he heard such words, but Soong Ziheng just nodded. "Yes, I understand."    


Huyan Dieh looked at him for a few seconds. She was sure that he was not joking and that he really understood. She then felt relieved and continued. "My mother taught me since I was a child. She said that girls are better at these things. Although she did not take the initiative to go, she can protect herself."    


After saying that, Huyan Dieh saw that Soong Ziheng was seriously driving and was a little uncertain. She pulled Soong Ziheng's sleeve. "Are you not afraid of me?"    


"Little Die, thank you for just now." Soong Ziheng opened his mouth and said with a smile on his face. "Why would I be afraid of you? I just suddenly felt that I should ask Auntie to train me as well."    


Huyan Dieh heard this and lowered her long eyelashes. She restrained the crafty expression in her eyes.    


Why did she feel that he said that he was looking for his own mother to train him? Did he have the feeling of meeting his parents?    


It's over, it's over. What was she thinking? Stop, stop! Didn't they always have the relationship of senior, junior, and working partner? Why did she suddenly have indecent thoughts about him?    


Shouldn't it be that she, the beauty, should save the hero, and he took the initiative to offer his body to her?    


Just as Huyan Dieh was imagining all sorts of things, Soong Ziheng sent her to school.    


Soong Ziheng had already graduated from his undergraduate course. Although he was studying a postgraduate course, he did not have a dormitory in school, so after putting Huyan Dieh down, he wanted to go home.    


Before he left, he said to Huyan Dieh, "Xiao Die, I just brought something for Moyan. You can help her when you go back to the dormitory. Also, she caught a cold in the morning. Take a look and see if she has recovered. "    


Huyan Dieh nodded, took the things, and waved to Soong Ziheng to leave.    


She went straight back to the dormitory building and went to Gong Moyan's dormitory door.    


Gong Moyan heard the knocking on the door and went to open the door. When she saw Huyan Dieh, she called her in, "My roommates went out to sing today and did not come back."    


Huyan Dieh gave the things that Soong Ziheng brought to Gong Moyan. She looked at the cartoon pajamas on Gong Moyan's body and hesitated for only two seconds before asking, "Moyan, I have something to ask you. Do you like Ziheng?"    


Gong Moyan was puzzled, "En? What kind of like do you mean?"    


"What other type?" Huyan Dieh blinked her eyes.    


Gong Moyan smiled. "What do I have to say to Mr Ziheng? He and I are like family! He called me aunt and sister. They are as close as real sisters. We have known each other for many years. Although the seniority is a bit messy, it is really the same as family. "I'll just treat him as my brother. He should also treat me as his little sister."    


"So, you don't like each other that much!" Huyan Dieh heard this and her eyes lit up. "Then I can chase after him!"    


Gong Moyan was stunned for two seconds. "You like him?"    


"Yes.." Huyan Dieh nodded and her expression was very excited. "I like him today! I suddenly felt like I was hit by an arrow of love!"    


Gong Moyan had always known that this elder sister who was two years older than her had a cheerful and lively personality. If she had anything to say, she would say it. At this moment, she was also happy for her. "Then you can do it! If you need my help, just say it!"    


"Mmm!" Huyan Dieh rubbed her fists. "I will take him down!"    


The two of them chatted for a while and Huyan Dieh saw that Gong Moyan had recovered from the cold. She was relieved and sent a message back to Soong Ziheng.    


She now had a goal. She felt that life was full of hope and fighting spirit.    




Xiao Pei came to Ning Country in mid-December for a business trip. On this day, just as he got off the plane, he saw a familiar figure in the airport lobby.    


The distance between domestic and international travel was not far. Xiao Pei could clearly see that it was Soong Ziheng from dozens of meters away.    


Soong Ziheng was probably going on a business trip. He was holding a suitcase in his hand, and beside him was a male secretary and two bodyguards.    


However, behind him, there was a girl wearing a pink down jacket. The two walked side by side, talking and laughing.    


Soong Ziheng's expression was normal, but the girl looked at Soong Ziheng as she walked. Even though Xiao Pei was a man, he could tell that this girl obviously liked Soong Ziheng.    


Xiao Pei frowned slightly and looked around, but he didn't see Gong Moyan.    


So, Soong Ziheng was going on a business trip with another girl?    


However, it was obvious that the girl did not have a suitcase with her. She should have just come to send Soong Ziheng away.    


Suppressing the irritation in his heart, Xiao Pei said a few words to his assistant and walked towards the international destination.    


Obviously, Soong Ziheng's time was almost up, so he said something to the girl and turned around to leave.    


But at this moment, the girl who had been well-behaved a moment ago suddenly took a step forward. With a swift jump, she hooked Soong Ziheng's neck and pulled him down. A kiss was planted on the corner of Soong Ziheng's lips.    


Xiao Pei's pupils constricted. At this moment, he no longer had any intention of avoiding her. He strode over.    


Oh, Xiao Pei immediately knew that Moyan did not have a boyfriend!    


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