Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C867 Not Only Physically but also Mentally

C867 Not Only Physically but also Mentally

Xiao Pei ran. He ran very fast, but there were some distance between them. He could see that they were very close, but because he had to take a few turns, it became very long.    


His heart was burning with anxiety. In his mind, the image of Gong Moyan accepting that man's kiss and hugging him surfaced.    


However, he did not think that sometimes, the more anxious one was, the easier it was to make mistakes.    


A dead end suddenly appeared in front of him. When he came out again, Someone told him that the shortcut had been blocked, so he couldn't take the shortcut. He could only take the other end.    


Xiao Pei felt that he was on fire, but he could only rush over from the other side.    


The wooden house he saw just now was getting closer and closer. When Xiao Pei finally arrived nearby, he found that Gong Moyan was not there at all.    


He stood where he was and felt his heart sinking.    


He turned his gaze and saw that the man just now was hugging a girl wearing a bunny ear hat and taking pictures.    


Xiao Pei went over. "Excuse me, do you know where Gong Moyan is?"    


Mo Xingcheng was puzzled. "Sir, who is this?"    


"I am Moyan's friend." Xiao Pei turned his gaze and saw the rings on Mo Xingcheng's and Xia Lanyue's fingers. Only then did he understand that he must have made a mistake again.    


"Moyan and my friend went skiing." Xia Lianye sized up Xiao Pei. "Handsome, I think you look a little familiar."    


Just as she said that, she felt her body tighten. She turned her eyes and met her fiance's warning gaze.    


Hehe, this man is jealous again...    


She pulled Mo Xingcheng away and took two steps forward. She secretly helped Xiao Pei guide the way and gestured with her mouth. "Over there."    


Xiao Pei understood and walked towards the intermediate level.    


Only at this moment did he understand that Soong Ziheng had tricked him.    


Because he had just rolled down the advanced level road, he still had a shadow in his heart. Furthermore, Xiao Pei clearly realized that it was not feasible for him to go up and find someone, so he directly waited for people below the intermediate level.    


Time had become torturous and long. Then, he saw the figure he had been waiting for a long time and had been searching for a long time.    


Xiao Pei's body trembled, and he stood up straight.    


On the other side, Gong Moyan's center of gravity leaned forward slightly. She held the ski wand with both hands and slid down the mountain in a beautiful arc.    


When Xiao Pei walked over, he lowered his head and looked at his own body. Then, he picked up his phone and took a photo of his face.    


The redness on his face had already faded by half, but the purple color on his brow and the corner of his mouth was still very obvious.    


He was a little annoyed and started to organize his thoughts.    


And just at this moment, another Cheng Bijin suddenly appeared out of nowhere.    


A young man with blond hair and blue eyes suddenly appeared in front of Gong Moyan and smiled at her. His appearance was obviously to hit on Gong Moyan.    


Xiao Pei felt his temples throbbing. He simply did not know how to describe his feelings from all the twists and turns today.    


He couldn't care less about his wounded face and his bad image. He quickly ran over there.    


Gong Moyan did not notice Xiao Pei. She was just a little surprised. She actually met this foreigner no less than five times.    


The foreigner smiled at her. He took out his phone and opened his contact details. "Beauty, I really like you. Can we add each other as friends?"    


He smiled warmly. Gong Moyan also felt that adding him as a friend was not a big deal, so she took out her phone.    


Only then did she realize that her phone had suddenly become silent. There were still many missed calls on it, all from an unknown number.    


Just as she felt that the unknown number looked familiar, a figure suddenly appeared diagonally.    


That person snatched the phone from her hand and said to the foreigner, "It's not convenient for her!"    


Xiao Pei almost roared out. His eyes were filled with anger and killing intent.    


The foreigner was shocked and looked at the man from the east in confusion.    


Gong Moyan's breathing froze for a second when she heard the voice. She slowly turned her head and looked at the man beside her.    


Because Xiao Pei ran over, running in the snow was difficult. So he still had a slight breath.    


He held Gong Moyan's phone in his hand. His eyes were filled with impatience. "She has a boyfriend. It's not convenient!"    


The foreigner was a little puzzled. He could not even make friends?    


However, seeing Xiao Pei's unfriendly expression, he could only give up and leave.    


After Xiao Pei shouted at them, he realized something. He slowly turned his gaze and quietly looked at Gong Moyan.    


She was still on the skis. She was taller than usual. She was wrapped in a thick skating suit and looked more slender. Her face was bigger than a palm, but her eyes were especially bright.    


Xiao Pei suddenly felt nervous. Lips. The petal moved. "Moyan."    


Gong Moyan was really shocked. She never expected to see Xiao Pei here.    


He did not seem to be skiing at all. He did not have a ski jacket or skateboard. Even his down jacket was not waterproof.    


Her heart was filled with doubt as she carefully sized up the man.    


After not seeing him for more than two years, he was the same as the him in the video, but also somewhat different.    


In the video, he was calm and composed, as if he had accumulated a profound sense of time.    


At this moment, he looked at her like this, and his clear eyes carried a sense of helplessness. No one would have thought that he was actually the major shareholder of the game company that had just been listed recently.    


Even the scar on his face, which seemed to have been caused by skiing, made his young face look a little more youthful.    


His sealed memories recovered, as if the osmanthus wine that was buried deep under a tree had been dug out. It broke off the mud seal and released a long fragrance.    


Gong Moyan suddenly thought of many scenes in the past. She was happy, sad, expectant, and disappointed.    


Her youth, from the age of eleven to the age of twenty, had lasted for nine years. He was the incense of time.    


However, she only smiled faintly at him. "Mr. Xiao, long time no see!"    


Her way of addressing him was even more distant than the previous' Senior Xiao '. Xiao Pei's fingers tightened slightly, and likewise tightened. There was also a heart that he did not know how to express.    


He took a deep breath and said, "Moyan, I came to find you."    


Gong Moyan smiled. "Why are you looking for me?"    


"I have something to say to you." Just as Xiao Pei was about to continue, Mu Ziji had already slid over. Seeing Gong Moyan with a stranger, he said, "Moyan, this is?"    


"This is a fellow villager of mine." Gong Moyan smiled as she explained and then said to Xiao Pei, "My friend is here. I am going to ski."    


However, just as she was about to leave, Xiao Pei grabbed her arm.    


His eyes were filled with anxiety. "Moyan, can you give me some time? I have something to say to you alone?"    


Gong Moyan's hand did not twitch.    


On the side, Mu Ziji was displeased. "Sir, don't force me."    


Xiao Pei opened his mouth. "Moyan, I like you."    


Gong Moyan's expression slightly stiffened and she immediately said, "Can you let go?"    


Xiao Pei did not let go and only stared into her eyes. "The day before you left Imperial City, I lied. My feelings towards you are not only physiological, but also psychological."    


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