Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C871 I Want to See Where You Are?

C871 I Want to See Where You Are?

Gong Moyan looked at Xiao Pei's blushing face. She could not bear it, so she stood up and walked to his side. She followed the music to dance with him.    


Gong Moyan grew up in the Gong Family, so many things were basically daily. Although dancing and playing music were not very professional, it was still a compulsory course.    


At this moment, although she was wearing a thick down jacket and a scarf hat, her movements were still nimble.    


Her waist moved along with the drum beats. Her eyes were bright and clear, and at this moment, her eyes were filled with joy.    


She jumped beside Xiao Pei, and occasionally circled around him. The scarf swept over his arm, bringing a slight itch.    


Everyone cheered and started to circle around them. Later, everyone jumped together.    


Among them, there was someone who jumped well. There were also some who were as shoddy as Xiao Pei.    


However, everyone had smiles on their faces, and they didn't feel awkward or uncomfortable at all.    


Xiao Pei had been attracted by Gong Moyan's dance just now, and he was moved by it.    


He knew that she was trying to cater to him.    


He gradually forgot how uncoordinated his movements were and his eyes followed her. Later, when everyone joined him, he actually felt that he was dancing very naturally.    


Gong Moyan jumped hot. Her cheeks were flushed red, but her eyes were even more moist. She said to him, "Mr Xiao Pei, happy Christmas Eve!"    


This was the first time she had called him that since they had reunited.    


Xiao Pei's breathing suddenly became rough. He looked at the girl in front of him and suddenly reached out to hug her. "Moyan, happy Christmas Eve!"    


My Miss Nameless. Fortunately, you are still here. You are still so good and did not give up on me.    


The song ended, and everyone enjoyed it to their heart's content.    


Coincidentally, the huge colorful socks were almost filled with gifts. The boss gave an elk head ornament to one of the people who participated in the event and smiled as he said Merry Christmas to everyone.    


Gong Moyan held the head ornament and her gaze drifted towards Xiao Pei.    


He was somewhat frightened by her gaze and looked at the head ornament in her hand. He asked tentatively, "Moyan, what do you want to do?"    


"Didn't you already guess?" Gong Moyan blinked and saw the flower bed, so she directly climbed up.    


In this way, she instantly became taller than Xiao Pei.    


"Mr Xiao Pei, put it on!" Gong Moyan's voice was soft. "You saw me wearing the hat you gave me, so you didn't wear it anywhere else."    


Xiao Pei did not expect her to use such a tone to speak to him. Her soft voice seemed to pull out his strength all of a sudden, freezing him on the spot. He could not even say anything to refuse.    


Thus, he watched helplessly as the girl approached and put the elk hair band on his head.    


And as she got closer, he smelled a light fragrance, as if Jasmine and the sweet orange blended together, it was clear and sweet.    


He felt as if he had fallen into another world. His senses were clearly clear, but he was unable to control his body.    


And in this world, there was only him and him.    


He was wearing a headband. She sized him up and immediately smiled until her eyebrows curved up: "So cute!"    


She even picked up the camera after saying that.    


Xiao Pei could not stop her. He could only let Gong Moyan mess around.    


She held the camera and took a few photos of him. From different angles, they were all close-up photos.    


In the camera, his expression was slightly stiff, but there was helplessness and indulgence in his eyes. A pair of red deer horns appeared on his head. The horns were shining and looked quite cute.    


However, it would be great if his face did not turn purple from the fall.    


Gong Moyan was satisfied with what she saw. She jumped down from the flower bed and stood beside Xiao Pei, starting to take selfies.    


Instantly, they were in the same frame. Her smile was like a flower. He looked at himself in the camera and could not help but laugh as well.    


Gradually, her smile widened, but she accidentally hurt herself. She gasped.    


Gong Moyan put away her phone and looked at Xiao Pei's injury. "Mr Xiao Pei, do you want to go to the hospital to treat it?"    


Xiao Pei shook his head. "It's fine. It will be fine after a few days to remove the stasis."    


After saying that, he lowered his head to look at her head. His palm landed on her head.    


Gong Moyan raised her eyes.    


Xiao Pei said, "Let's see where you are now."    


Her heart softened because of these words. She obediently stood up straight and waited for him to compare.    


His palm stopped at his upper lip. He lowered his head and said to her, "Moyan, the last time you came to my place, you grew two centimeters over the past two years."    


Because they had to compare bodies, Gong Moyan's body was still close to Xiao Pei's. When she raised her head, her head cut across his lower lip.    


She said, "How did you know last time?"    


She was clearly wearing high heels.    


"I felt it." After Xiao Pei finished speaking, the atmosphere between the two of them became somewhat subtle.    


There was a moment of silence. Gong Moyan took half a step back and said without batting an eyelid, "I will send the photo to you later."    


Xiao Pei nodded and thought of the strange thoughts of the girls, so he asked, "Do you need me to use it as a screensaver?"    


Gong Moyan did not expect Xiao Pei to be so understanding and immediately nodded. "Okay! I will help you choose one!"    


Therefore, Xiao Pei held his phone directly to the one he wore the elk head ornament and looked like he had nothing to live for when he was patted. On the table, there was a photo of him and Gong Moyan. Both of them laughed very happily.    


After Gong Moyan set it up, she waved her phone at Xiao Pei. Gong Moyan said angrily. "Men and women are not fair. So don't even think about setting me up"    


Xiao Pei saw her sly look and his heart softened. He nodded. "Alright."    


In any case, let her do whatever she wanted!    


The two of them walked forward again. In front of a milk tea shop, Xiao Pei walked over. "Moyan, do you want to drink?"    


Gong Moyan nodded and chose a taste before turning to look at him. "How about you?"    


Finally, they each paid.    


After that, Gong Moyan handed the one she bought to Xiao Pei and her tone suddenly became serious. "Did you drink the milk tea I bought you last time?"    


Xiao Pei took the milk tea and his fingers were quickly surrounded by the warmth of the milk tea.    


He slightly tightened his fingers and said to Gong Moyan, "Sorry."    


Gong Moyan knew the answer and waved the milk tea in his hand at him. "It's okay. Now this cup, you just drink it."    


Xiao Pei stared at her and could not help but pull her into his arms.    


The girl was in his arms, soft and cute.    


He tightened his arms and buried his head in her ear to deeply smell. His voice was somewhat hoarse. "Yes, whatever you buy in the future, I'll drink it."    


At this moment, the little bit of tangled thoughts that Gong Moyan previously had seemed to have dissipated with Xiao Pei's words.    


She nodded. "Okay, I remember what you said."    


Xiao Pei let go of Gong Moyan and the two of them each held a cup of milk tea and drank. Walking past a shop, he lowered his head and looked at her hand beside him. He looked at it for two seconds and reached over.    


Gong Moyan felt that her hand was suddenly grabbed by a warm big hand. After a few seconds, she turned around and looked at the man beside her.    


Xiao Pei was a little nervous. There was a thin layer of sweat on his palm, but he still held it tightly.    


He felt her soft little hand on his palm that was warm and quiet. He felt that somewhere in his heart that had been empty for a long time had finally been filled with happiness.    


Nine years of wandering around for nine years. He couldn't lose his little girl anymore.    


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